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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Amazing game that was last night.
  2. Taleex.net is a tabloid and I don't take it serious.
  3. Bal i yare sug aan koobka coffee-ga ah ee i horyaal kabadee si aan falcelis waafi ah oo weliba turxaan lahayn kuugu jawaabee. Horta Bilaneey, su'aal gar ah oo haddana legal ah baad i waydiisay - Malaa haddaad rafcaan maxkamadeed qaadato waad guulaysan lahayd Kow: Horta anigu weligayba falaagaan ahaayoo Garaadada nin aad u aaminsan ma ihi, oo waxaan u arkaa inay guuxoodii ka dheereeyeen, dadka u ololeeya baan ahay inay ceremonial events-ka ka duceeyaan sida meelaha lagu heshiiyo, wadooyinka iyo iskuulada la furayona xadhiga ka jaraan balse muxuu Timacade yidhi Anuun bayska daalaye dheguhu uma duleelaane si kastaba ha ahaatee hal cod baan PL ku lahaa, SSC-na ku leeyahay, waanna hadli anigu intaan aamusi lahaa. Labo: Yaa xaq u leh miyaad tidhi ood aamustay. So far two Garaad's publicy denounced the union of PL and the rest need to make up their minds as of yet. The vast majority of SSC community is shifting towards having their mini clan state with the thinking of that this approach will give them the best representation possible and also they can deal with the secessionists' ambitions. Saddex: Waa runtaa PL qofaf ka weyn oo anba sidaa waa ila ahayd balse if I don't smell the coffee in a timely fashion and don't realize when to quit waxaan noqonayaa caal waa amaba laga quusay hence when you are a member of a club there are rights and responsibilities and it is up to the individual to watch his rights. SSC community problems are not all PL manufactured. We've got real issues to deal with. I will contribute in my small way for the betterment of this community and beyond even though I've even my own differences with the leadership of my community regarding how can SSC be led in this difficult times. Ugu danbayn, haddaad adigu exception to this rule tahay waad iga caqli badan tahay ku dayashona waad mudan tahay balse anna waa ogahay, adna waad ogtahay dadka sidaa u fekeraa waa ku gabaabsi cariga Soomaaliya.
  4. Haddii barwaaqo iyo bashbash caruurta Hargeisa ku jiraan which of course I know many sleep at night hungry but kuwa dhibaatada saa'idka haysato in loo duceeyo baa fiican haddaadan waxba u tuuri karayn. Showqi maxaad tidhi Ma ogtahay curyaankaba Cago looma waayine Caynkaa wax loo yidhi Kuwa cararyee ladan in ay ku cibro qataan.
  5. Khadar: If you ask no questions I will tell no lies.... juqajuqaynta ha la joojiyo and all I can be to a person is nothing but nice. Nin nabada jecel baan ahay oo waad ogtahay ninyahow.
  6. The Zack;725845 wrote: ^Adigu inta ilaahay ka yaabto XX gabadh ma ku aamini laheyd :D Down Siyad family inta dhaho buuba diili lol War XX hadduu qaadka iska yareeyo nin shaqsiyad xun ma aha ee bal arrintaa ha laga fiirsado.
  7. Abwaan;725790 wrote: Soomaalida oo sida aan is leeyahay ayaantaan uu ku batay ilmo-adeer guursigu wuxuu sii kala durjiyey dadkii kala guursan jirey, wuxuu kaluu abuuray qalalaase dad awal walaalo ahaa inay is nacaan oo ay wiilka iyo gabadha la kala saftaan. Guur marka hore waa calaf. Balse anigu guurka dadka isku dhow amaba cidda ah kuma taliyeen! Saaxiib ha naga waalin inaad inaadeertaa qaawiso wax ka wac ma jiraane ... waa iga kaftan.
  8. Taleexi

    Ssc vs snm

    I think zero tolerance policy should be apply the termination of this individual. Even responding to him is giving an attention.
  9. NGONGE;725616 wrote: NSUM are making the usual hopeless noises but Liban Ahmad is talking some sense. The predicamant carries on.. Muruqa labo suule ninba si ku ah.
  10. *Ibtisam;725575 wrote: I guess Puntiland got tired of SSC aimless backwards and forward transition which extends to years. I say aimless because in 20years they have switched sides many times and their long term plan today makes senses to no one but them. You cannot say you are pro-Somalia yet unable to work with the two peaceful [compared to the rest] entities surrounding you. You cannot do anything for unity if your have conflict within your own ranks and you can’t get on with those surrounding you, then Xamar caano uu liis misid. As I always said, the leaders/elders are divided and dhinc loo raco la waya, all these years, they have achieved nothing, well aside from isolating their people, even from Puntiland. Getting labeled as terrorist just undermines what ever legitimate cause they had and without PL or SL fighting over them, the process the leaders have been milking for years becomes a dead end and they become irrelevant. Of course Somali politics moves fast and PL or SL could change their attitude and turn towards the old policy making these leaders and by extension SSC relevant. Marba ma sheeko hor leh baan sheegayaa... balse do you know what they say: What you resist really persist. Can we just let SSC to go its way and shape her destiny, oh I forgot this is too much to ask and I remember now in one of your other posts where you stated about one of your field trips in the heart of your kin folk and then came back to the fora with the conclusion that the SSC and Maakhir communities are insignificant. And yet you can NOT just let them be. War ma'anaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa?, cadan u badi in laga heesayo.
  11. bilan;725798 wrote: Let me get this straight you supported Gen Abdisamad, even though he was the commnader of PL army in 2007 when SL invaded LA and what did he do, laamiga uun buu isku soo shubay all the way to Garoowe, yet a man with that track record you campaigned for him to be elected, why???? and when you realized hmmm maybe he is not the right person for the job, you jumped from the ship, instead of fixing what you believe is broken. but I agree with khadar PL adm. Shouldn’t be saying anything about SSC khayr iyo shar. Inaadeer Bilaneey maa juqajuqaynta iga deysid. Given that politiking by nature is a dirty business ta Soomaaliduna wayba ka sii xag jirtaa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee bal aan goor sheegtada dib u yare waabiyo oo geeyo mudadaa uu A/Samad cagta wadada saaray .... wixii sababay KUFSIGII Laas Caanod qaybna eed buu ku lahaa, midna shacabkii meesha degenaa baa ku khaldanaa, midna mar la waraystay wuxuu sheegay inaan faro madhnaan lagu dagaalamin inkasta oo aanan ka akhrisanayn. Intaas ka rog oo labo saar. Waxaad i waydiisay maxaad ugu campaign garaysay? Horta as a president I was for Ilka Jiir - my campaign for A/Samad came as of late in particular in the waning days of the election. Sheeko yar inaan kuu sheego ka fursan mayso .... Islaan baa waa jiri jirtey, mar kasta oo nolosheeda wax ka kharibmaan, haddii shaaha cusbadu kaga baato, raashinka sokortu kaga badato, waxay odhan jirtey barkadow ba' markaa halkudhegeedu wuxuu ahaa barkadow ba'. Waa la waydiiyey oo waxaa la yidhi ee muxuu Barkad ku yeelay, waxay tidhi maba aqaani. Cajaa'ib oo maxaad haddaa intaa u habaaraysaa? markaas bay ku jawaabtay dee Dadkuba waa lahaa.... Hadda iyo dan haddaad leedahay muxuu Taleexi u taageeray A/Samad, maxaa aniga tukaha cambaarta leh iga dhigay, markay reer Galkaio u codeeyeen, A/llahi Yusuf, reer Garowe Farole, reer Qardho Cadde, reer Badhan Ilka Jiir, reer Buuhoodle Xaglatoosiye mise sheekadaadu waxay la mid dadkuba waa lahaa! Did you ask me to fix the system? waxaa la fix garayn karaa system bed qaba, oo mubaadinka fursad uu isbedel ku keeni karo u ogol. Farole, A/Samad and Co anigu doontooda waa ka degay. PL shouldn't be worrying about SSC any longer. She has plenty of other urging things that need her attention. Be it security front, Mr. Attam, Raas Casayr state and so on and so for.
  12. Horta nabadi ma jidhaa? ... I may be naive and one of the few SSC SOLers, if that is even a valid term is matter of another day, who believes and said many times in secret and in public the bitter bill that my community have defied swallowing over the years is accepting their own failures - Historically, blaming others for the sake of it has never solved someone's miseries in life as such my beloved community's predicament solutions are not to be found blaming the admins in the peripheries alone. Ground work is needed. For better or worse I supported the creation of PL and even campaigned the election of the current VP, my uncle that is, but because of his government's poor performance such as her indifference to the areas lost to the secessionists in the west and the plight of IDPs, the ripe of insecurity in the former PL state, like fighting unnecessary wars in the Golis mountains and labeling my lot SSC community as terrorists. I had felt to separate from PL and withdraw my support until our paths cross again - hence my ROI was indeed a disaster. Best wishes to PL and her endeavors. With that said, I expect from PL nothing less mutual respect, brotherly neighborhood and cooperation. Not fadqalalo iyo fawdayn for our cause because by pursuing such policy will only lead us a lose-lose scenario - conflict will spillover if you know what I mean. For the SSC community, if someone still supports like Xaabsade who has caused so much death and distraction; my community may be ways off realizing their dreams. Xaabsade and co are the likes of Al-Qaida leaders - some obscure and peculiar reasons many still support while 95% of their victims are muslims. I must agree with my opponents that my community needs UNITY and accountability more than anything else - Anything less will we surely sing in a vacuum for sometime to come. For the case of SL is different, many may not buy it but Somaliland's intentions are clear; her expansionism policies, revision of history, liquidation and oppressing to those who are resisting the clannish dogma of Hargeisa admin and dismembering the motherland are out there in the open all to see. The only place one clan controls another clan's territory is SSC. Why? because our mukhaalafo xumo and that needs to be changed I can NOT pronounce or stress it more than that. Yes, if there is a strong cohesion within SSC - for sure SL militia would not have been in LA for that long. For PL; PL has no expansion policies in mind but it wants to capitalize SSC community and manipulate their political destiny - the aflagaado of their leaders are misplaced and I protest them the strongest objection possible. Finally, all the signs show that SSC community is approaching in the point of no return and will convene an all-inclusive meeting inside the country; the place and time of the conference is TBD but it is expected that another clan admin to be given a birth. In all fairness, I see the better days of Somalia is yet to come and for SSC, they sure will have the best outcome once they run their own affairs - and that is where they are destined for now haddaanan anna qarwayn.
  13. Puntland has Violated Customary Laws By Liban Ahmad June 01, 2011 Puntland government has issued a press release (condemning what president Abdirahman Farole sees as “the anti-establishment, militia elements led by Col. Ali Sabarey and supported by the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Colonel Ali Sabrey is deputy leader of Sool, Sanaag an Cayn Leadership Council, one of the groups claiming to represent the people in Las Anod, Taleex, Yagoori, Buuhoodle, Widhwidh, Xuddun, Boocame and several other towns and hamlets. SSC Leadership Council’s main rivals are pro-Puntland and pro-Somaliland people from those districts and hamlets. SSC Leadership Council was formed in a Nairobi conference in 2009. SSC constituents once supported Puntland but now back Saleban Essa (aka Xaglatoosiye) who lost Puntland presidential elections to president Farole in January 2009. The SSC Leadership Council’s main mandate was to try to recapture territories Somaliland forces had took over from Puntland. However, Its policies have brought Somaliland and Puntland closer to each other politically. Before and shortly after Kalshaale clashes last year Somaliland was keen on talks with SSC Leadership Council but Xaglatoosiye has missed the opportunity to support talks unconditionally. Constituencies that once supported Puntland had pounced at that opportunity for talks with Somaliland (Daawo Shir qaar ka mid ah Cuqaasha iyo Odayaasha Beesha Maxamuud Bari ku taageereen Baaqii Gogosha nabadeed Ee Somaliland) Another setback for the SSC Leadership Council was triggered by the decision of former SSC Commander, Keyse Cabdi Yusuf, to negotiate with Somaliland after he criticised the SCC Leadership Council for being an organisation led by two men from the Diaspora (Sabarey and Xaglatoosiye). Colonel Ali Sabarey, a Somali-Canadian, was in Buhoodle before visiting Tukaraq where pro-Puntland militias are based. He could have been taken into custody had Puntland viewed his presence as a threat to peace. Puntland’s argument that military confrontation with Somaliland forces will “divert Puntland Defense Forces engaged in a war against Al Shabaab terrorists in the Golis Mountains, west of Bossaso” is not as plausible as the argument that “anti-establishment militia elements led by Col. Ali Sabarey… supported by the Transitional Federal Government (TFG)” have the “ intention is to support Al Shabaab terrorists by opening another front.” How can the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) fighting Al Shabab in Mogadishu support Al Shabab sympathisers? By labelling Colonel Sabarey as a terrorist sympathiser Puntland has undermined its core argument that Puntland is an administration formed by clansmen and clanswomen making use of customary laws to live peacefully with each other and with neighbouring clans. The Puntland press release was sent published at several Somali websites. There is a glaring contradiction between claiming a territory on kinship grounds and falsely linking a clansman to a black-listed group. Ahmed Ali Askar, Puntland's Minister for Information, a veteran broadcast journalist, is copiously knowledgeable about Somali customary laws. Why has he permitted the release of these press release full of half-truths? Who is the primary audience of the press release? . Anyone Puntland administration sees as a political rival is not necessarily an Al Shabab member or an Al Shabab sympathiser. Puntland ought to retract the press release written recklessly to mislead the international community Liban Ahmad is the editor of Somalia Research Report and a contributor to WardheerNews. He can be contacted at: libahm@gmail.com Source: WDN
  14. As a participant of the event I must say that it was a good and holistic gathering. However, I personally wished to see more accommodating speakers instead of unflinching ones for compromise. In a nutshell, sharing with international community and exposing the oppression in the Somali region were exceptional.
  15. Mahiga: Si xun buu inoogu dhameeyey... wuxuu hadalkiisa ku soo jaray dadkani waa mor-yan aan hadaf nolosha ka lahayn, oo aan dadkooda iyo dalkooda toona horumarkiisa vocabulary-igooda ugu jirin.
  16. Your point is well taken Mr. Clown. And Welcome to SOL just in case I forgot.
  17. NSUM PRESS RELEASE Date 1 June 2011 Puntland Press Release posted on the Somali website Wardheernews on May 30th may be diabolical and despicable but it comes as no surprise given its history of betrayal and backstabbing. It lambastes the SSC freedom fighters, whom it depicts as "anti-establishment elements", for "infiltrating" the area between "Puntland's defence line at Tukaraq and the Las Anod district" with the intention on the one hand to "stir provocation leading to open conflict between Puntland and Somaliland" and on the other hand to "divert Puntland Defence Forces engaged in a war against Al Shabaab terrorists in the Golis Mountains, west of Bossso". Read here in full
  18. Somali & Hoba : I liked both lyrics.
  19. Ok... Aynu thread-yadeena kale, ee madax xanuunka badan, isku caydhcaydhsano oo dadka u deyno kuwooda billaahi calaykum
  20. XX: Immisa topic baa isku dhex furfuraysaa... Goorma ayey SSC iyo SNM hogaamiyayaasheeda thread-kan bililiqaysteen. Let us not go the scope of the thread por favor. Haddii kale sheekadu convincing way ka tegaysaa oo waxay noqonaysaa confusing. Somalina: If we do judge the person's deeds alone not his/her remarks then I've the right to reassess my evaluation about the said leader. In the larger, abstract scheme though how someone shapes his/her views and portrays him/herself matters BIG time but if you say this is an exception and an isolated incident then reshuffle of the cards must be in order. I'm in no position to belittle Mr. Tiicey's efforts - Anybody who returns to his turf and makes any progress regardless how little it might deserves to be commended - but Mr. Tiicey has so far brought to the surface his noviceness of Somali political dynamism or lack thereof - He also left a scar on the spirit of Somalinimo if there is such mantra or bond any longer in the hearts of the kushitic people in the Somali Peninsula.
  21. XX: It is just a matter of time and inevitable I may add before these two neighborly, brotherly states plus Galgaduud State unite and form a strong, more viable regional state within the projected Federal Republic of Somalia. However, Mudane Tiicay doesnt fit to lead these trio states methinks considering his political gaffes in recent past.
  22. Neither of us will have his way. Anything is better under Siilaanyo's rule.