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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Have you guys ever thought about the detrimental effects of having higher number of similar apps on your gadget? - The redundancy and overlapping functionality of such apps will drain your precious time exponentially in the long run. I would suggest one shops around and selects what fits his/her needs best.
  2. By Ismail Ali Ismail June 11, 2011 It cannot be gainsaid that the current deadlock in Somali politics is, like all the crises before it, a manifestation of asinine behavior – a complete lack of reason and logic. The primary actors – or primary wreckers – are unwittingly destroying their own personal interests by destroying the overarching national interest. I have said before – and I think it is worth repeating – that no one can advance his or her own interest by destroying the common one. We need not go to examples illustrating this point for I have furnished them amply before. The creators of the current crisis, as well as the previous ones we have seen before, are the two 'shariefs': Sheikh Sharief Sheikh Ahmed (the President) and Sharief Hassan Sheikh Adan (the Speaker). Sheikh Adan Madoobe also created his own deplorable crises when he became Speaker of Parliament after Sharief Hassan’s escape to Asmara. Add to the list Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys and all those others of his ilk who are killing Moslems to reach worldly power in the name of Islam - a religion of peace and mercy they have turned on its head. I am beginning to lose faith in ‘sheikhs’ and ‘shariefs’ as politicians and as leaders. Goering is known to have said, ‘whenever I hear the word intellectual I reach for my gun’. Perhaps we too should reach for our guns when we hear the advent of a political ‘sharief’ or ‘sheikh’. Read more
  3. Cawaale: Fikirka guracan ee xag jirka ah si wacan sawir fiican baad ka bixisay.
  4. By Dr. Abdirahman Beileh June 10, 2011 Final instructions are out, and they are decisive and crystal clear. No questions and further clarifications will be entertained: Elections are taking place in Mogadishu in the month of August 2011. Arguments and pleas for another date will be ignored and relegated, as the organizing authorities will have no patience for such audacity! This decision is set in stone! Do you hear? So, folks, get ready to exercise your voting rights! But wait—not every Somali will vote. Some will, most will not. Who makes that decision, though? Unfortunately, it is too late for anybody to raise such a question now. You have all renounced, in unambiguous terms, your God-given right to be free and make decisions about the future of what was once our nation. You decided to seek help from others in far off lands—so far away from your mother’s country! So, these are some of the consequences of your past decisions. You cannot go back now! Rest assured though, much more serious events are yet to come! Read more
  5. Who can say a peace call to NO. However, whether we like it or not Ethiopia is the de fact ruler of Somalia thus, SSC community must convince Ethiopians that they want to rule their land and people and not want to be in the sphere of neither PL nor SL. They've to initiate a bilateral relationship with Ethiopia. In all fairness, this announced meeting will not produce any meaningful progress and resolutions since some of the players of the conflict are excluded.
  6. War gabadha anaa adeer u ah ee ha ka waalina. Raac adeer cidii ride ku siisaba.
  7. Degel: Bal cantarabaqash-kaaga sii bal balaadhi. You've no clothes. Ibti: Waxay la mid tahay hasha geela cunta ee cabaada. Reer SSC like any other community in Somalia they've their own issues. And they're just collecting their dividend. Let me say few points though. 1- I hope Ibti is not asking about SSC and reer Puntland's bond of brotherhood. Waalida reerka waa aqaanaayo waa ka suurowdaa. 2- SSC community have made up their minds and anyone who is in a grandiose delusional waagaa ku beryi. 3- No question about it - SSC community have to make some drastic decisions here onward in regards to restructuring of their way of governance and leadership hierarchy but that is none of your business or Is it? 4- You should be the last person complaining about name calling - cajaa'ib maroodigu takarta saaran ma arkee kan ta kale ku joogta buu arkaa Finally, let us chill out oo aan halkaa ku waabino bal maanta.
  8. Wixii kale oo hadal tiro ah aynu mar kale isla labo lisno.
  9. Mudane XX: Madaxweynaha aad wixii hadda ka danbeeya arrimaha reer SSC kala xidhiidhayso waa Mudane Xaglotoosiye. I've my own differences with him but he is the current leader and I've to respect that. Any more questions you might have please proceed without hesitation.
  10. We shall wait and see if Dirk can pull off again.
  11. Aaliyah: I'm with you Aaliyah with the exception of PL has no ambitions of expansionism policies and the liquidations of our community. It certainly wants to capitalize everyone in the former Puntland and I totally object that: After all, politics is a dirty business and we've got to play by all its forms in any time and place of our suiting. Waa in aan biyaha iyo gaaska kala garanaa. While SL is not only a threat to Somalia in proper but to our own existence - that is the difference I see personally. Finally, SSC will only be victorious once we know our priorities and the good news is that that is in the making.
  12. Slowly but surely the TFG is taking her responsibilities. Best to her leadership.
  13. What are your intake today? Who is gonna win?
  14. War intaan 1/2 marathon-ka soo ordayey saaka secessionists have had a free ride on this thread. To Ibti and Co, your inhuman, lopsided, unjust and detrimental of your cantarabaqash are well noted. I've been vindicated once more because I didn't expect anything better than this. Horaa loo yidhi madax muuqda iyo mindi af daran midna lagama samro koley maskaxda gudhsan ee Queen clan-ka rajo weyn ma leh balse sidii Sahra Ahmed - tolow Bal aan heesaha ku dayo Kow- Who pays SSC festive? Last time I checked there were no any contributions coming from Hargeisa. Please, by all means advice me if I'm reading between the lines. Labo- If benchmarking and comparative analysis mean anything to you. The clan enclave has by far spends much more lavishly on their elusive day compared to all other Somali regional admin celebrations of course while many children and elderly suffer and sleep hungry in Hargeisa and Buroa thus, for the sake of decency don't come here and lecture us what is the moral thing to do. Saddex: SSC has no lack of leadership and their place in Somali history attests that but their situation wuxuu la mid yahay ninkii habartu legeday ee markii la waydiiyay ee lagu yiri - War maxaa kugu dhacay waad na ceebaysay magaacaa jirye sowtan habartu ku sabaaxadaysay wuxuu ku jawaabay.... War nimanyahow caadiyan anigaa habarta uga adag balse saddex calaamo bay isku darsatay: Anigoo si xun u taagnaa Meeshoo sisib ahayd Iyo habartoo sinsaaro tiqiin Sidaas darteed waxyaabo baa ka khaldamay reer SSC haddase ilihii dhibaatooyinka oo dhan waa la qeexay saxidoodaana waxaa loogu guda jiraa si carcar leh ee isbedel degdeg ah yaan la sugi waayin. Afar: Those of you who might've missed Puntland is NOT equal to Somaliland. SL is a clannish, secessionist enclave who wants to enslave and oppress SSC, Maakhir, Adwal communities and thus their philosophy must be rejected by any means necessary. Shan: Dee walasaqada iska tunta while it lasts tani waxay u egtahay: ha is dayso diidee, ha is raamsatee daa Bilan haddaan maqanahay af hayeenkayga SSC baad tahay illeyn amba ceeb lama rabo Puntland-e oo had iyo goor markay saxan tahay waa is garab taagaaye.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;726177 wrote: I think Bilan or ibtisam made a brilliant point who decides when or if the garaad clan totally withdraws from puntland? is it the clan elders some garaads only,, all the elders the caaqils perhaps some politicians or maybe xaglatoosiye nsum kaafi or the Khusuusi no one answered that question yet. Maamulka beesha ha sugi waayin. Adiga waa iga su'aale, kee bay talada Queen Clan-ku ka go'daa; Godane, Sifir mise Siilaanyo?