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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Illeyn af aanad lahayn ma qaban kartid. War odayga iyo cod baahiyaha ha la kala ilaaliyo.
  2. General Duke;729604 wrote: ^^^lol. The people of Minnesota The Government of Monnesota The Governor of Minnesota- they are at loggerheads as we speak.. and the passport of the USA ... Nothing difficult to comperehend Wax walba filo.
  3. Aaliyyah;729567 wrote: lool I am not surprised by this man's comments infact im humored by his caqliyarnimo lol@doqon xun kalmad kale miyuu wayey uu dhoho sounds the vocabulaory of a dhocil yar oo cadheesan! anyways, nacnacdiisi hore baa tana ugu sii biirtay wax cusub ma aha ! ..haduu dadka wax u qabaneen afkisa in uu ka adkaato u wacneed laakin nin caytamay afkisa ku yaala somali soma ku maahmaahdo ..mise waa af caytamay ninkisa ku yala..either way u got the jist of it salaam Dhoocilaha ha caayin. Dhoocilow xaal qaata.
  4. Taleexi

    Hair tips..

    Bal aan edit gareeyo hadaa... thnx for it.
  5. Taleexi

    Hair tips..

    Genius: Maya, hustler baan weligay ahaa.
  6. NASSIR: Farole's inexcusable political gaffes history will be harsh on him. However, I second that Suldaanka's remark not only lacks substance but out of touch in the realm.
  7. Gradually but surely the country is slipping into full trusteeship.
  8. Taleexi

    Hair tips..

    Genius: Saaxiib waa aqaan gabartaa buuga deynsatay. Aliyah: Genius baa ila talisay!
  9. I believe people's message is beyond the two Sharifs and Farmaajo. They are proclaiming that they've had enough.
  10. lol.. Waad haleeshay bilcan Qardhaawiyad ah baa igula faqday " Boowe ama aniga ama wejibook-ga iyo asxaabtaada". My choices were limited as you can imagine and sidaas darteed baan uga huleelay goobtaa what is in your mind-ka nafta lagaaga qaadayo!. And in order our relationship to be healthy and self-contained; I've been prescribed by her, like a drug, an intensive course of SUURO 101 Oh, boy I'm in midst of it and I question every time its ROI.
  11. @ Sayid: The proximity of Qardho should be blamed.
  12. I feel your sentiments - Even more, the patient has not been aware of the deterioration of his/her ailment but finally saxansaxo coupled with hope of redemption is surfacing from every corner of the patients' habitat. And this is the reason, I suggested to MMA to dream and keep the hope alive. It must be a toll order to see Somalia and her people standing their feet again but our choices are nothing but that.
  13. Malika: That was partial Suuro ... At least xagga weji buuga.
  14. MMA: Saas Sayid-ku bidhaamiyey baan ula jeeday. Arrinta Soomaalida ee murugsan Shariifyada ka weyn. Horaa loo yiri nin buka boqoli u talisay saas darteed markay ugu liidato shacabweynihii Soomaaliya wax baa u yare baxay. Dhibaato kastana wax baa laga bartaa. Si daacadnimo ah markaan u eego marxalada adag ee aynu ku jirno waxay u egtahay inaynaan weligeen ku jirayn. Oo Soomaalidu ay maturity level ku sii siqayso.
  15. Something good might come out of this.
  16. The link is working for me fine. Xaaji, check any settings missing in your end.