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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Oodweyne qar buu jafayaa. Nevertheless, SSC community has awakened and is destined to have a self-rule admin until the union is resurrected.
  2. k @ Somalina. Maadeey taasi waa sheeko dheer balse waa su'aal meesha ku jirta. Oba, hambalyo saaxiib mar kale ... laakiin muddo naga maqnow saaxiib.
  3. Taleexi


    lol @MMA. You are my crew bro. Those are long gone ....upgrade yourself.
  4. The visit of the so called delegation is both misleading and questionable but the nature has indeed exhibited its beauty.
  5. Jumca wanaagsan... zipping coffee in a serene place and waiting for the Sala' is a beautiful thing.
  6. Oo miyaanu mubaadin nafta wadankiisa & dadkiisa u huri kara ahayn?
  7. Abwaan: Ma soo jeedaa? shaxdaan joogaa'e bal igu soo qururuf sii hadaad awoodo.
  8. The new PM has enough credentials and experience to make some drastic changes in the TFG and revive the spirit of Somalinimo. However, it is premature to make a verdict. We shouldn't put the cart before the horse and shall wait and see his performance.
  9. He has the option to opt out now, doesn't he?
  10. Any system would've been better substitute for Somalia if implemented- Now, we've NONE. As far as the Nordic countries' way of governance is concerned, their hybrid of Socialism and capitalism works well in their societies - industrialized, less densely populated, and higher literacy rate therefore it would be a toll order on us for transitioning.
  11. Abwaan;730157 wrote: My only HOPE is that he has a power to name his cabinet! Abwaan, that is a distant hope given the current political dynamism of Somalia.
  12. Cawaale;730108 wrote: Awguuriyo Oba iyo Somalina. Wiil iyo Caano Gabar iyo Caano. :cool: I've to work on my analytical thinking further. Hambalyo to both.
  13. Good selection methinks and best to him, the people and the country. His merits will be the judge.
  14. Hambalyo Oba. Bal shiribka cawadaa la ciyaaray halkan wax kaga soo dheji.
  15. A_Khadarow: It is not that easy. Their ideas and political association can be disowned but not their lineage.
  16. I think midna denbi ma laha balse dhibaatada odayga ku dhacday waa in la baxnaaniyo maadaama uu daaqada ka booday.
  17. .... Taasaa kuugu daran.
  18. I guess Farmaajo must've done something that triggered the galvanization of the populace irrespective of their clan/political association. As mentioned above, his cabinet are said to be able men/women. But Mr. Farmaajo belongs to the same group that is the TFG.
  19. The fruition of your feeling is not only a function of time rather among many other factors. Many Somalis are hopeful as you are but their resilience has to yet pay them handsomely.
  20. By Ismail Ali Ismail June 20, 2011 We learned yesterday that PM Farmajo resigned all of a sudden despite wide popular support, and the evidence of growing parliamentary support as well. His resignation was entirely unexpected and must come as a shock to all those who displayed their support in public demonstrations inside the country and outside it, the latest of which was the public demonstration that was held in London yesterday. The news leaking from Villa Somalia states that he was given in the presence of Sheikh Sharief, the President, a one-hour ultimatum by the general commanding AMISOM troops to which the PM had no option but to comply. Deputy Prime Minister Abdulweli, a friend, was appointed as PM ad interim. With an impeccable background Abdulweli will, I am sure, equate himself of the tasks entrusted to him. But this should be a dark day for Somalia, for what happened represents the triumph of power over principle, of treachery over nationalism, and of personal rule of constitutional rule. Read more