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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Dee waa la yaab iyo amankaag sidee masuuliyiinta cusubi u tixraacayaan wixii masuuliyiintii hore kula sheekaysatay dadyowga dunida. Sheekadu miyaanay u ekaanayn nin indha la' oo oo qol mugdi ah ku jira. Halkaa shaqo baa ka banaan tolow dhowr server ma la tagaa? Allow sahal umuuraha.
  2. Aaliyah: ahha horta qaadka yaan waxba laga sheegin waa quud awliyaade. Midda kale walaashay iyo taan dhaloba way ku khasban yihiin in si uun lagu arko. Balse haddaad taladayda diiday dhib ma jidho baayo ee hooyo iskala joog.
  3. Abwaan: Indhahaagu way shaqaynayaan. engabdirahman@gmail.com - Waxaan kaloo idin waydiiyey DNS-kii Soomaaliya xagguu ku danbeeyey? - Ma Gmail iyo Yahoo bay sheekadu isugu soo ururtay Allow Alle.
  4. Waa iga talo adeer, ka guur reerka oo keligaa meel ku noolow ha lagu soo booqdee.
  5. Personally, I'm hopeful that PM Abdiweli will make progress in the spheres of bridging the gap of mistrust among communities, the reduction of this so called parliament - It is an irony that our parliament mirrors with the Peoples Republic of China's and that of India's in terms of size, and he should initiate how to abandon the 4.5 formula to more representative and just system. All in all, one year is not a long time but a difference can both be made by the government and felt by the populace.
  6. Deriskaa dagaalkaaga rabaa dooradaada iga cesho buu ku dhahaa. Bal ma dooraa la celin karaa Illaahay amarkiis.
  7. Suldaanka;730902 wrote: ^Saado Cali maha qabiileste. is that the joke of the year? I agree with the Duke, Saado Cali is about the only success that SSC can claim. She is the Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones 70 year old front man) of the Somali music. At 50, she is doing a remarkable job. Alla micno yaridaa.
  8. lol @ Jacpher. No comment.
  9. General Duke;730885 wrote: ^^^Thats not even a Saado Ali song. Waad isku dhex yaacday saaxiib. Where have I associated the said lyrics with Saado? Show meel bay kaaga dhegan tahay. Caafimaadka u fiican in qofku meelo badan wax ka eego intaanu go'aan qaadan.
  10. Taleexi

    Fatuma Nur

    Ha biqin saaxiib su'aashaa anba jawaabteeda waa sugaye. Hadal heli ogidaa, afkaaga caano lagu qabay.
  11. Haddaad saa qof fikirkii uga xajiimoonaysaan wallee idinkaa cirka roob ku og.
  12. Somaliland.org weli warka ma soo tebinaysaa. Let us hope in uu fashilmo.
  13. Waad iga raysay haddaadba saaxiibkay Shirwac soo dhejisay.
  14. Abwaan: Ma booskii buu kaa qaaday?
  15. I've been one of the coordinators of a research regarding how the diaspora community could make a difference back home. Surprisingly, one of the findings showed a strong correlation between those in the diaspora that are hopeful to return and their contributions - In another words, those who were hopeless their minimal contributions were brought to the surface.
  16. Sayid: Dee naga daa ninyahow oo ha xanaaqin. Talada marba nin baa haye ha la aamusin.
  17. Sheekooyinka qaar in tamar badan lagu lumiyo ma aha.
  18. Iga raali ahaada sheekooyinka qaar baa inaad qososho marmar kugu khasbaya kkkkkkk
  19. As far as I'm concern - Sakiin doesn't need translations/interpreters - He has proved to us time and again to be a survivor. Nevertheless, The newly elected PM should be given his chance and let his accomplishment be the legacy/judgement of the man.