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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Abwaan sawirada "mujaahidiinta" ha u fiirsan Photoshop-na does wonders sometimes indeed.
  2. Not quite that cantarabaqash of yours Since you've been imbued this clannish dogma for number of years - it is very hard for you to see other possibilities rather than chasing this never materializing dream of yours in perpetuity. Brotherly advice seek assistance of some sort ASAP.
  3. Alla maxaa dad waashay.
  4. Madaxweynaha iyo bahdiisu way fashilmeen balse waa inaynu meelaha ay ku fiican yihiin ku taageerno oo isbedel lagu baadi goobaa sida ugu dhibta yar.
  5. NASSIR;733219 wrote: ^Real Africans, the darker the skin the stronger the roots. Somalina, Thanks for the pics. Keep it up.. Rag baad u dan leedahay.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;733111 wrote: waligay Amxaaro kuma arkin Hargeysa oromo gaajoonaysa oo tuugsata baan ku arkay awoow kuwas na wa qaxooti , berbera na Wa dekkad calaami ah oo ay dawlada Melez zanawi ay isticmaasho lacag na ka bixiso,, maalintad aragtiid tangii amxaar oo dhex tagaan magalooyinka Somaliland oo qixinaya shacabka iyo matada Somaliland maalintas igu so noqo Allow run u hiili.
  7. 20 plus years on and still counting since one of the major clans in the north proclaimed secession and independence from the union. Their reasoning being that the north was once British Protectorate, and last military government oppressed them out of proportion. The latter I agree to some extent but there were others in Somalia who had gone through similar measures however, Somali Republic remains to be a single entity in the eyes of the international community as well as in the conventional and covenants of the UN in regards to states. One can not based the right to self-determination on mere emotions. If even some would like to entertain the idea of secession. Two essential ingredients must be satisfied; a viable Somali government in Mogadishu and the consent of all clans in the north - neither of these has this craziness of self-search netted after twenty years of trying by both cohesion and manipulation techniques. In the case of North being British Protectorate at some point history has no problem with that but it fails miserably to justify the legitimacy of secession. Have your say where will this idea of secession be in 20 years from today? in my view, the idea is in its declining mode and its tank is running out of gas fast because the minds produced by this futile, elusive exercise for the last twenty years are not only threat to the coexistence and cohabitant of all northern communities but rather to themselves.
  8. Written by ECOP-marine Monday, 11 July 2011 10:42 AFRICA 11 July 2011. British Royal Navy warship entangled in domestic affairs skirmish. A British warship allegedly having the commander of the Somaliland navy and some of his soldiers on board attracted on Saturday serious military fire when it came close to the shore off Laasqoray, the coastal town of Warsa-ngeliland at the Somali shores of the Gulf of Aden. From the foreign warship reportedly one amphibious vessel and two commando boats were launched with the intent to land on the beach. Local officials, observers and media reported the incident as an unprecedented provocation and attack on the sovereignty of Somalia and specifically of the W territory. Read in complete
  9. British government should know better and respect the international norms and the local administration in Sanaag region.
  10. bilan;732845 wrote: Masuul soo dhowayntiisu ma xuma, but is it worth 20k USD, that will be spent on that day. That is how much convention center cost. When considered our unique circumstances in this defining moment of our collective history; the said amount coupled with its associated overhead costs are indeed misallocated resources. With that said, let us wait and see what kind of message this newly elected PM delivers. In the case of those extravaganza, trivial festivities that have become common in the diaspora community should be reexamined for their usefulness.
  11. Xiinow nin dana gaara leh oo deleb ciyaaraaya Oo dalkii uu lahaa dabin la doonayaa Maxay dulucda sheekadu u tari waa damiir maqane? Siilaanyo waa kaa durkoo Kiir dul joogsadaye Damashlaha Jubba-da lagu aadayee dunida loo sheegay Dabaylaha ka soo baxa bal suga dayrtan dabadeede War nimanyahow gabayada naga daaya .... ha na kashifina'e maxaa yeelay foqor baanu ka nahay afka hooyo'e.
  12. Ha'yado wadani ah baa jira ee ha lagu hagaajiyo amaba u d-i-r si toos ah cidaad taqaano oo dhiban.
  13. Dadkeenii waa in loo gurmadaa, waa dhab. Masuul Soomaaliyeedna soo dhowayntiisu ma xuma.
  14. Showqi... Labadaa waxba lagama qoro af lagaado s/d Aliyah xaal ha bixiso.
  15. Great horumar ... hambalyo --- Suuraha Aliyah ha layska daayo ... Ragga waaweyn bay ka heshaa taas waxaa ka marag ah aflagaadada ay u geysanayso.
  16. Faroole doesn't need any more enemies because isagaa isugu filan.
  17. Man is capable of doing anything. Why can such beautiful people all get along?
  18. Naxar Nugaaleed;731638 wrote: One of my fav Saado Songs Naxar: She was hot then, wasn't she? MM: Haddaad fanaanada la qoob ciyaartay waa sheeko qurux badan.
  19. Oodweyne: What you resist really persists! - Once SSC community sorts out their differences we shall see you singing in different frequency.
  20. NASSIR: Is this struggle of liberation winnable? hence given Ethiopia's almost double digits growth, the packing of the regime by the world powers coupled with the population density of 80 million.