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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Saasay weliba ku leeyihiin shareecada baan ku dhaqanaa. Shareecoy xaal qaado.
  2. Blessed: Abtirso haddaad muraad leedahay haddii kale wallee amar baa ku haystaa.
  3. Hashu maankay gaday ee ma masaar bay laqday? Ma'anaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa.
  4. Oo waa ayo PM-ku? Caku Xaaji marmar baa marqaanku ka tan badiyaa see trees from the forest.
  5. War maanta sheeko iyo shaahba waa isla hayaa. Allow Soomaalida tabaalaysan u gargaar.
  6. War aynu dalkeena ku wada hadalo hadayba arini marayso waa sheeko dahab ah ee abshir dhaha. Hadday ka fursan waydo Taleex baan gogol idiin dhigayaa - Hoolal waawayn ma hayo balse hilib iyo caano geel iyo fardo fuul baan idinku soo dhowaynaynaa.
  7. I know none of them with the exception of Avv Hosh. Can anybody summarize their bio for us? regardless i'm wishing the best for the PM and the new cabinet. Dukey -- Stop being arrogant. Don't kill the spirit of the mission.
  8. War reer aakhiroodka ha loo duceeyo.
  9. Mr. Oodweyne. What about Poet Ismail Mire lines Kulligood adoomaha rabboow qaybsha kibistiiye Qof kastoo kabtiya ama kalaha ama kur dheer fuula Bad kalluun ku jirra kollay ku tahay amase koob shaah ah Ninba kadabkii loo qoray Illaah wuu la kulansiine Inaan ruuxna soo korodhsanayn kaa ha la ogaado Ragow Kibirka waa lagu kufaa kaa ha la ogaado You better find a way to coexist and live in peace with people like me otherwise Salaan Carabey's verses fit your squarely. Until then make it very good day.
  10. Oodweyne: Numerous adjectives fit you well. First of all, I didn't know one could be a member of secessionist cult , schizophrenic and arrogant at the same time. Time will tell who, you or me, is in grandiose delusional. Twenty years of experimentation with no tangible results means nothing to you so, how can one reason with you rationally?
  11. Well crafted yaa Xiin. Can XX come back from this?
  12. Garowe remains to be a possibility for the conference when considered all her merits but president Farole is an obstacle to that possibility since persuasion skills and the art of what is possible are rare commodities in his politiking. War odayga iyo codbaahiyaha ha la kala ilaaliyo.
  13. Haweenay ha timo gaabnaato sababta oo ah timaha gaabani faa'iidooyin badan bay dheeryihiin kuwa dhaadheer. Hadda waa iga talo uun.
  14. Well done Saado and her crew.
  15. Nacnac.com @ Odweyne..... For the record, LA is an occupied city by the invaders of the secessionist camp. It's neither free nor part of "Somaliland". With that said, this caravan is a positive development as others before me alluded to. The preservation of our shared heritage, customs, and literature deem our collective support. In all fairness, this endeavor is a goodwill with the exception of blurs of cantarabaqashis.
  16. JB ma calool jilicsana ee waa smart - pragmatist ah. Dadkaaaga dhinac ka raax wallee XX belaa haysata mid mid baa looga hoos baxay.
  17. Insofar the international law and the position of vast majority of Somalis are concerned - "SL" is/has always been integral part of Somalia. However, if every Somali clan can be a state remains to be seen.
  18. With all its shortcoming the short lived gov. of Farmaajo has revived a bit micnaha dawladnimo. Now he is gone the newly elected PM should learn whatever he can from the limited successes achieved under Famaajo. Hi guys when will the new cabinet be announced?
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;734686 wrote: Who cares what they are , they are pirates and are criminals and belong in mandheera and in the newly built prison opened by president Axmed Siilaanyo i don't care where they are from. Billaa caleeg "madaxweynaha" ha caayin intuu xabsiyada furayo shaqo kale ma waayey.
  20. Abokor Omar;734682 wrote: Somaliland needs to be a bit mote creative with the growing pirate prison population. We should use this huge man power as a labour force to help build our infrastructure, roads, wells, buildings, farmer labourers, rather than providing a roof over their heads and giving them three square meals. This won't discourage them but instead encourage them to escape from Bintland.. Naflacaari.com - the rebellion region is coming back to the union slowly but surely.