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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Xaaji waa isku dhex yaacay. An urgent care must be in order.
  2. I'm rejoiced that the evil doer wasn't a muslim in the same token I'm shocked by the deaths of so many innocent people.
  3. Som@li;735645 wrote: Where do they stand , compare to Somalis? Inagu we are outliers!
  4. Marxuumka ha habaarin oo mujaahid ha ugu yeedhin.
  5. Let us not make the peace an orphan. PL admin can not freely enter agreements with Africa Oil and the likes without the consent of the local people.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;735763 wrote: If Somaliland was part of the failed somalia as you say than what are your rebels fighting against isn't what they want a United Somaliland and Somalia. Rebels and their way of thinking SMH Ahaha -- SSC is fighting for justice and doesn't want to be ruled from Hargeisa. Is that a problem? which part of my language you don't understand?
  7. ahahaa, classic. This is the other thing. Wallaahi waxaan isku haysano ma jirto dad walaalo ah baan nahay from Bladland (Credit goes to Polanyi)
  8. It is a regrettable incident.
  9. Is it not "Somaliland" a part of Somalia? Dadkani waa waasheen maxaad ka doodaysaan.
  10. Classical identical crisis at its finest in regards to the corrupted D and I blocks' mythical believe systems. Well done to the Samaale folks.
  11. Bidaartu doesn't discriminate.
  12. The Zack;735408 wrote: Taleexi, well said. Sometimes people need to look at the bigger picture. War walaahi I don't give a BIG F even if all ministers are from one sub sub clan in Xiiman. Qualifications, clan lineage excluded, should be the focus. I find it very disgusting and disturbing that anyone would be against anything today (remember this is aint 1991, this is 2011 - after 20 years of suffering) that would help this failed nation get f out the mess it is in just because one of their boys is not part of it. Did that Abdikarim dude of your clan did anything for the people of SSC? I doubt it. Neither Xalane, Xidig gaandhi for my sub clan when they were ministers. Why would it bother me or bother you if these men are excluded from the new ministers? Yaab yaabkiis... Duke, I just can't imagine Sharif Sakin and Sharif Weak letting Abdiwali do his things. We shall see. War Sharif iyo Abdikariimba waa ka soo horjeeday hadana waa ka soo horjeedaa. Duke-na dheg la qabto malaha ee waxba ha ka qorin.
  13. The Zack;735396 wrote: Nassir, not to put you on the stop or anything but Are Maakhirs really made because they didn't get a ministerial post? The country is in a disaster for god's sake! I don't think having one clan member as a minister would help any community. Zack: This ad hoc process of selection of ministerial posts is based on or conceived to be based on the 4.5 formula ee xaaraanta ah. And apparently every sub clan can not be represented no matter how hard anyone tries. In the case of Maakhir community not getting their representation I truly wanted another sub clan of D - Clan misses their post this time around and I wouldn't mind that being mine. In the grand scheme of things the output of this TFG will be limited anyway. By all accounts finding a lasting peace to the Somali predicament is indeed a way off. Too many external players and participants of the game who have opposing interests and as we know it; Somali populace are not there yet where they could run their own country with stronger institutions and selection of posts be based on by merits and contents of the characters rather not from where they hail from.
  14. We are doing what we can in our area. My simple formula is anything helps even sharing the word or just increasing the money you send back home since it will circulate in one way or another.
  15. Caku Blessed oo odayga maba dhaafin kartid miyaa? Waar Xaaji inanta ilaa Reer Bini'haashim u gaadhsii. Allah helps to those who help themselves.