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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Ambassador in the World of Islam, by Ahmed Ali Haile, as told to David W. Shenk. Harrisonburg, Virginia: Herald Press, 2011. *** When Ahmed Ali Haile, an avowed Somali Christian and the author of Teatime in Mogadishu, died of cancer in April 26, 2011, Somali commentators from all walks of life eviscerated him as an apostate who had been a disappointment to his community. The Somali Christians, some missionaries, and a small number of Somali intellectuals described his death as a loss of a brother, a mentor, and a peacemaker. As a member of ‘Somali Intellectual Forum’, I was amazed by how some Somali educated elite reacted. Some were genuinely saddened by Haile’s passing and, in fact, prayed for him by using the phrase Muslims say when someone dies; “May Allah have mercy on his soul [so and so].” One imam, who is also a U.S-trained attorney in Minneapolis, told the group that they could not pray for Haile because he was not Muslim. The reaction from some of the members of the forum was swift, and the imam was accused of nearsightedness, fanaticism, and haughtiness. Perhaps two or three individuals came to the imam’s defense, who was merely trying to clarify the Islamic position on praying for a non-Muslim. It was normal for Haile to provoke such a visceral reaction, even after his death. http://wardheernews.com/Articles_11/August/Abukar/18_Teatime_in_Mogadishu.html
  2. Anaa iska waalay mare -- iska xeraysiga ha lagu dadaalo.
  3. Sadaqada oo la muujiyaa waa macaan iyo khadhaadh meel ku wada yaal. Eedaday baanba sawirka ku dhex arkay. Waaba xildhibaanad inay hawlgabtay baanba moodayey
  4. Garnaqsi: I assume/think you understand how it is almost impossible to quantify, compare and contrast the gain and loss of converters among faiths because it is very costly and time consuming in order to circumvent on this dilemma we've to do some statistics - Some sort of sampling comes to mind - A representative one. Once I say a representative sample - it depends on its context and scope …. my earlier null hypothesis was Islam being the fastest growing religion, of course implying subtly, in the world. I still stand by that this can be refuted and without presenting, on my part, something that is statistically significant after the confidence constraints of our model are mutually agreed - my position will not hold water so, does your counter argument which is exactly as guilt of as mine. With that said: I will narrow the scope of my previous claim in terms of the geographical area considered - let us consider in the US, there are number of surveys done for the last ten years and those studies show that the number of non-Muslim converterions increasing exponentially in relation to the demographic shifts in other faiths. This may not still validate my stand but shed some light on it for further discussion.
  5. Taleexi

    Hair tips..

    Belo ma jidho haday jidhoba ma buurna.
  6. Taleexi

    Hair tips..

    Val: Waad na kashiftay.
  7. Garnaqsi: My claim is open to any credible rebuttle - Nothing is written in stone. Many religious pundits penned down many researchs regarding this......... In my view nothing is 100% in life but the below link may further our discussion. http://www.stanford.edu/~jamila/islam-misunderstood.html
  8. Naturally, people will criss cross among different faiths for whatever reason but Islamic faith remains to be the largest recipient of the converters thus far therefore nothing to be alarmend. Innaka la tahdii man ahbabta walakina Llaaha yahdii man ya'ashaa.
  9. Indeed we are not in a position to halt the awareness and fund raising but we've to be selective in the avenues for funneling.
  10. War isu kay sheeg magacaa jirye ... Sawiro caruurnimadii ah baan hayaa'e.
  11. Taleexi

    Hair tips..

    Aaliyah waxay u ololayso timaha xanaanayntooda ma iyadii baaba xiiratay. Practice what you preach comes to mind!
  12. Any 1-da Maajo, Shiikh Madar, iyo Casa Popalare students here?
  13. Aaliya sawirkaan ka haysto ma kashifayo maxaa yeelay hadday fadqalalo abuuraysaa. Somalina malaa waa quruxley qaylo badan Ngonge: Ma aha shuluq balse caatanimona ka dheer. Waa nin wareersan oo is leh tolow ma Siilaanyo baad taageertaa mise Soomaaliya JB: Xayraan labo marduuf ah kaga saara maalintii, oo tall, skinny ah baan u sawirtay. Bidaarina ku bilowday. XX: Waa oday yar oo cayilan oonba computer-ka hor kicin se sida xagjirnimada ah ee uu wax u qoro uma foga. Blessed: Maanta waxba kama sheegayo. KK: Waa rabshoolay shido badan, alla maxay dad madaxa isu gelisay balse karti leh. Somali: Hadal tiro ma yaqaan, marmarse waa xayraan fudayd talada seejinayo Che: Wuu wareeray sidii shabaab u carareenba - waa beesaani, being politically correct ay meel ka tuurtay. Juxa: Waa shactirooley, tolow ma sidayday gaaban tahay. Val: Does her avatar says all? A_Khadar: Wuxuu SOLers in his town uga cararayo baan la amankaagay. Alla wuxuu qarinayaa weynaa! Duke: Waxaan u mala awaalay inuu ilaaladii madaxweyne Yusuf ahaa, oo uu si u guban yahay. Ibti: Ramadanka ka dib baan wax ka sheegayaa.. Showqi: Malaa caaqilka SOL buu ku wacnaan lahaa, wax garadkiisa ka sokow heavy weight baan u fahmay. Zack: Waa funny marka uu agada ku badiyo falcelisyadiisa .. tolow sidii u egyahay amankaag. More to come...
  14. AFRICAN Game Changer: The Consequences of Somaliland’s International (Non) Recognition By Brenthurst Foundation Discussion Paper 2011/05 Excecutive Summery ____________________ This Discussion Paper considers the case for Somaliland’s formal recognition following the recent 20th anniversary of its declaration of independence (18 may 1991) and in light of the secession of Southern Sudan. Based on a series of field studies in the region over several years, most recently in Somaliland in June 2011, this Paper focuses not only on the options for Somalia and others in this regard, but considers the vital question: how will recognition – or continued non-recognition – affect Somaliland’s prospects for peace and stability as well as the interests of the international community? It also asks whether there is an alternative to full recognition, and what a strategy to achieve recognition might look like. http://wardheernews.com/Articles_2011/August/15_african_game_changes_brenthurst.html
  15. Horta aniga waad ila heshay mid yar oo gaaban oo madow waan ahay!
  16. Mashruucii derisyadu inuu soo af jarmayo bay u muuqataa.
  17. ahhaha, Alla maxaan dad anna picture khiyaali ah ka haystaa.