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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. NASSIR;773125 wrote: Excellent opinion piece! "No amount of cosmetics can beautify a baboon" Fitting piece indeed. Retailing politiking has come to an end. Somalis are pastoral societies where one clan can not dictate others anything against their birthright, inalienable to self-determination. Isakis should respect other clans' aspirations if peace and togetherness means anything to them.
  2. JB: Acknowledging that tragedy and many others would be a good start but how would we move forward is what matters - We can ponder and reflect the past but we shouldn't be hostages to it. We all know Somalia will never be the same thus, let us find a workable strategy for the reincarnation of our sovereignty.
  3. No worries -- Shaqsi, ummadda danteedaa ka weyn - oo anigu ma aaminsani aabahayna ha ahaadee in loo joojiyo qof danta guud balse sheekada haddaan kor u yare qaadno Soomaaliyi waa is dhamaysay, oo waynu baaba'aynaa - Bal adigu Aaliya ii balan qaad caawa inaan reer SSC kala tegin, haddaad telephone-ka shirka saamayn ku leedahay bal magaca maamulka la samaynayo ha laga fiirsado oo Nugaal State ha loo bixiyo.
  4. Jacpher - "A working solution" is a good start - I am not naive but we've to start from somewhere. According to my skewed observations Qabiil Qaran noqon maayo....... because has no end. may be regionalism with different tribes or something.
  5. Maya walaal - I participated and contributed tirelessly to diffuse the tension when the loss of life(my uncle & cousin) occurred prior to the grand conference. I also fully supported that the conference goes ahead as much serene as possible. It is on the record, how much criticism that I penned publicly and privately in the past with regards to the political gaffes of clan states and their detrimental effects - be it PL or SL. I even despise and against the performance of the VP of PL. It would be useless if we make circles.
  6. Sadly, beauty depreciates and at some point it has no even residual value - BTW, beauty is a very subjective term.....Interesting nevertheless.
  7. Baahida abuurtay in beeshani maamul samaystaan waa ka dheregsanahay ee waa xal temporary ah ma aha mid waari kara. Bal dib u jeedaali taariikhda "SL" baa waqooyiga Soomaliya maamul kaga dhawaaqday dabadeed hadda waxaynu haysanaa Awdal, SL, Maakhir iyo SSC - Sidoo kale xagga PL waxaan haynaa SSC, Maakhir, Raascasayr iyo PL .... Koonfurta haddaad sii aado kaba daran - Hiiraan saddex maamul baa hal meel ka wada jira .... Isku soo xoori - clan states are neither granted nor sustainable in the long term. Dareensani dheriga karka waxaa ka keenay kulka balse Somaliya sidan way ku dad waayaysaa.
  8. Should we deal with the source or symptoms of the problem?
  9. Reer SSC inay dantooda gartaan sida aan beelaha kaleba u rabo aad iyo aad baan u taageersanahay. Waxaan ka wadaa qabiilku waa sida onion layers where should we stop yaa good Aaliyah?
  10. Ma waxaan ku mooday, mise waxaad noqotay mise waxaan loon noqon doonin. SOL nomads are still talking about tribalism while our people are dying in front of our own eyes. - How many clan based admins do we need? - Are they sustainable considering their detrimental effect and social scars on us? - Isn't it about time we should squarely decipher and crack the code that the concept of clannish dogma and building a modern state are incompatible? Please, for the love of our people and land - Let us try to revive Somalinimo.
  11. How many clan states do we need?...... Rabbow give us our sanity back.
  12. Man'ansha Allah... The mother of Somalia, Raise please Raise!
  13. Good luck. War Addis baan u jeedaa Axaddan for ten days ee waa sidee xaalkeedu? .... Didn't mean to hijack the Nina's thread.
  14. The said two clans will live in peace with two different admins. Tolow Xaaji afka Soomaaliga ma inta dhiilo sheega ah buu ka bartay.
  15. Taleexi

    Abdi Kuus

    Cayilku dhererka qofka waa u daran yahay.
  16. The caravan is the move. Wishing the best and hoping they don't disappoint their masses once more. BTW, terrific PR penned by Osman.