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Everything posted by Taleexi

  1. Carafaat - There is a way to resign from your clan but I'm afraid you aint ready for the sacrifice.
  2. Bal halkaas caawa ha inoo joogto oo bal yaan sida ayaxa laguugu degin adiga oo digniin qabin. Abti, maamul beelaadkaaga "SL" wuu gaadhay xadkiisii ee dadkaaga cuqdaaad ku abuurtay ka dawee.
  3. Oo maxaa tolow idinka hor jooga inaad xaaqdaan canaasiirtan yaryar ee idinku kacday for the last twenty years? While you've all Isak clan backing. Why can u capture Buhodle or stop or at least interrupt the Taleex Conference? .... Something must not be right Abti. Bal marqaanka ka dib war waafi ah oo dheeli tiran meesha ku soo dheji.
  4. Xiin indeed. “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” comes to mind. Oodweyne and co should be able adjusting the situation.
  5. Che: Wax fahan waa "Qaranka SL" oo la dagaalamaya qabiil. War ninyahow sidee wax u fahantaa.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;774468 wrote: ^^^That just talks you need to bring some action not just talk we have been hearing that the past 20 years You've a point there. But concede when reality kicks in. Once LA regains its dignity, how to share Erigavo will surface.
  7. Warninyahow bootada Hargeisa iyo Burco ka imanaysa maxay ka qaban kartaa shirka habsamida uga socda Taleex iyo ciidanka jiida hore kaga jira Buuhoodle. Mid gar ku lihid, Laascaanood has been an abused city for quite sometime. Its people have displaced, its properties have been plundered, its dignity has been tarnished, none else but your beloved "SL" has done. The incubation period of the oppression is over. I still want the influence of qad substance subsides in your veins and peace be given a chance. I would love to see no more further destruction and bloodshed in Somalia. Can your militia retreat to their triangle-cities for the sake of the common good? or are they ready the harassment of SSC fighters? ... It appears this time around SSC folks are ready for the sacrifice - are your leaders listening? I guess not therefore you guys continue to sing in a vacuum until the fat lady sings.
  8. Mogadishu: Whose city is it anyway? http://wardheernews.com/Articles_2010/Nov/Hassan_Abukar/Mog_whose_city_is_it_anyway.html
  9. We shall wait and see would be my two cents for the moment.
  10. War Oodweyne - Goormuu Godane reer SSC noqday?
  11. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;774589 wrote: Dad baa midnimada Soomaaliya ku qaraabto. It is sickening to see their hatred against other Soomaalis, regardless their political poistions. Their hatred against them stems from qabiil rivalry, markaas ayee midnimada Soomaaliya ku gambanayaan. Yaa ogaado these same people waxay u alalaasi lahaayeen any declaration of secession, just should their clan leader tomorrow declare an 'independent' state in some dusty village. Hardcore secessionist overnight noqon lahaayeen. Ma wax xun baa in midnimada lagu qaraabto yaa mudane MMA?
  12. NSPU is a group of concerned citizens. Their message shouldn't be taken lightly.
  13. Darwiishland is not a fitting name in my opinion. But it is somewhat "SSC's finest hour" I agree with Sir. Osman.
  14. Who dares to surrender his freedom?
  15. Siilaanyo acknowledges the chicken is coming home to roost. "SL", the admin., owes to respect others' birthright to self-determination up until Somali state is reconstituted. If not, all of us must be prepare to test a piece of hell. Hope peace prevails among Somalis ..... XX, be mind SSC and other clans in the north are ready for the sacrifice this time around.
  16. XX: Bal marka marqaanku kaa baxo wax dhufsanayare ka dhexeeyo halkan soo geli.