Muse Bari

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Posts posted by Muse Bari

  1. Asalama alaykum


    Somaliyey dhamaan waa salaamantihiin anywayz somalidu waxay tiraahdaa (somaliyi been waa sheegtaa lakin been ma maahmaahdo) markaa somalidu waxa kale oo ay tiraahdaa (sagaaro laba tun oo la kala qalo ma leh) waxa kale oo ay tiraahdaa (maqaar(harag) sagaaro iiga kac moyee iiga durug ma leh) somalidu laba uma kala qaybsanto hadii la yiraahdo somaliland ama puntland ama jubaland waamoland waxwalbaland hadii boqol land la boxo somalidu waa hal mid markaa waxan anigu oran lahaa dadka qaarkii waa fican yihiin waxan ula jeedaa qaybka mid ah kuwa dowladaha isku sheega dalkooda waa hagaajiyeen waxan ula jeedaa dhulka ay degenyihiin



    markaa somaliyey meel isugu yimaada oo wax is weydiiya maxaa isku haysaan.

  2. Asalam alaykum every body

    waxan oran laha somalina waxba qabsanwedey e MD Dahir riyale ilamaha inuu wax qabanayo somaliland dahir rayaale waa u dhameeyey ninkii hore Ala yarxamu marxuumkii maxamed ibrahin cigal baa laba xiniyood ahaa anywayz dahir riyale iyo somali kaleba wax qabsan maayaan ilaa dalka laga soo saaro inta joogta oo inta debeda joogta lagu celiyo dalka markaasaa waxa hagaagayaan



    Aslama Alaykum every body


    I get geographic quiz i made it i write the answers down anywayz if u can think u can do it just do it otherwise wait fot hte result.



    Th Amazon River Basin makes up the world's largest tropical rainforest. Even thought it covers only 4% of the world's total area, it accounts for 1___________% of the world's tropical rainforest. the amazon river flows across the rainforest from the 2__________ mountain range in the west to the 3___________ longest river (after the nile) it carries more than any other river. In fact, at any one moment the amazon river holds 4________% of the world's fresh water.the system includes around 5___________ tributaries. Seventeen of these are over 1600km long! It is difficult for us to comprehend the size of the amazon river. New Zealand longest river river, the 6___________ is tiny when compared to the amazon. the waikato is 425km long, whereas the amazon travel 7________km from its source to its mouth. this distance is roughly equivalent to travelling from Mogdisho to Cerigabo 8 _______times. Ocean going ships are able to travel over 9_________kms upstream to iquitos in peru. AT it's mouth the waikato river is 700m wide. The amazon river mouth however is around 10_________km wide. this is approximately the distance between MOgdisho and 11__________. Every day the waikato river carries 12__________ tonnes os suspended load. Compare this to amazon river, which carries 1.3 million tonnes of suspended load daily! 360 cubic metres of water are discharged into the 13_________ tasman sea by the waikato river every second.The amount of water is so great that fresh water is pushed out into the atlantic ocean for over 14_______ kilometres.



    33, atlantic, 4.5, 160,000, andes, 25, second, 3500, 1100, waikato, 7200, Baydhabo, 70, Tasman, 500, 250,



    Aslama Alaykum every body


    I get geographic quiz i made it i write the answers down anywayz if u can think u can do it just do it otherwise wait fot hte result.



    Th Amazon River Basin makes up the world's largest tropical rainforest. Even thought it covers only 4% of the world's total area, it accounts for 1___________% of the world's tropical rainforest. the amazon river flows across the rainforest from the 2__________ mountain range in the west to the 3___________ longest river (after the nile) it carries more than any other river. In fact, at any one moment the amazon river holds 4________% of the world's fresh water.the system includes around 5___________ tributaries. Seventeen of these are over 1600km long! It is difficult for us to comprehend the size of the amazon river. New Zealand longest river river, the 6___________ is tiny when compared to the amazon. the waikato is 425km long, whereas the amazon travel 7________km from its source to its mouth. this distance is roughly equivalent to travelling from Mogdisho to Cerigabo 8 _______times. Ocean going ships are able to travel over 9_________kms upstream to iquitos in peru. AT it's mouth the waikato river is 700m wide. The amazon river mouth however is around 10_________km wide. this is approximately the distance between MOgdisho and 11__________. Every day the waikato river carries 12__________ tonnes os suspended load. Compare this to amazon river, which carries 1.3 million tonnes of suspended load daily! 360 cubic metres of water are discharged into the 13_________ tasman sea by the waikato river every second.The amount of water is so great that fresh water is pushed out into the atlantic ocean for over 14_______ kilometres.



    33, atlantic, 4.5, 160,000, andes, 25, second, 3500, 1100, waikato, 7200, Baydhabo, 70, Tasman, 500, 250,

  5. Assalama alaykum



    alla ha u naxariisto sheikh Ahmed yasin

    insha allah, allah will reward him in janah

    and the person who wrote the history of shiekh ahmed yasin i would like to say jasakalah is useful and more people who dont know him will learn more about him anywayz thanks who wrote this information and jasakalah

  6. hahahahahahaha riyaale acting like cigaal but he is not like cigaal the funy story is th king get busted they put him in a jell cigaal never did that shit






  7. 1. What course are you doing and why?


    am doig chemical engineering, coz my favourite subject is chemical and also my favourite subject in the school was chemistry and and i still like doing chemistry thats why am doing this


    2. How are you funding it?


    actually am finding easy my first year was little bit had but as my second year it was good and i find easer than my first year my first year i paas all my exams i get achieve but second year i get excellence and merit its good subject.


    3. What are the general academic entry requirements?


    its five subjects bursary if you did five subject your last year in the school and also university entries you have to have A bursary or B bursary or at least C bursary and university entries

  8. 1. What course are you doing and why?


    am doig chemical engineering, coz my favourite subject is chemical and also my favourite subject in the school was chemistry and and i still like doing chemistry thats why am doing this


    2. How are you funding it?


    actually am finding easy my first year was little bit had but as my second year it was good and i find easer than my first year my first year i paas all my exams i get achieve but second year i get excellence and merit its good subject.


    3. What are the general academic entry requirements?


    its five subjects bursary if you did five subject your last year in the school and also university entries you have to have A bursary or B bursary or at least C bursary and university entries

  9. Hey yow i think u never kiss or she never loved


    i dont think so gentelman can answer this shit


    negga i cant answer this coz in my idea is privetly loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

  10. Hey yow i think u never kiss or she never loved


    i dont think so gentelman can answer this shit


    negga i cant answer this coz in my idea is privetly loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool