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Everything posted by Suumali

  1. salam for the somali language incapable, would anyone be kind enough to translate the professor's words for us. thanks in advance. in reference to 'federalism' - 'parliamentarism' etc, why do the somalis have to define themselves and their system of jurispudence by failed euro trash standards? warlordism, dictatorships and the lot are all foreign imports and should inshallah be looked down upon as with "federalism". on a sadder note, i just heard that the new govt has agreed to relegate the arabic language as a second tongue, to be taught much akin to enlish. considering the secularist trash we've been through the last 30 years, wouldn't it be prudent for someone to suggest we look to allah (swt), make dua and make ourselves great as we were before with islam defining us as a people?
  2. salam. zaylici, its incredible what you're doing. though i suggest you market it in english rather than somali. the somalian audience is today - subhanalah intellectually apathetic, as is exemplified by the genious who stated history is irrelevant. atleast in english your audience will be larger and perhaps non-muslim. it would be of great benefit to not only us, but to others as well to inform them of our rich history. mohammed-farrah, i'm not sure if we were part of the abbysinian population when they were one of the most powerful nations in the world, but we're the same people. cleary alike and significantly different than our african brothers to the south and west. the arab muslims who came in the 9-11 century intermarried but did little to change our overall appearence. you can find some more by just perusing over some sites at google. of if you're really frustrated, you can try the online encyclopedia.
  3. The nations of the earth will gather against the Muslims like hungry people going to sit down to a table full of food. This will occur when the Muslims are large in number, but "like the foam of the sea". subhanalah!
  4. salam it should be obvious that the letter, brutal yet concise and to the point not written by a white man, rather a fed-up african american. the main point explicated is beyond doubt. african americans (i'm being general here and should refer to all blacks, us included as whites are indiscriminate in judging colour) are as a peeople, economically powerful and do indeed influence material fashion, but that is the extent of their influence. 33 million economically powerful people, though they're politically inept, and are thus manipulated by white conglomorates to do their bidding. example nike - to anyone with even a remore semblence of intellect, the 'letter' is true. p.s whats with this "nomad" business?