MeMyself amp I

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Everything posted by MeMyself amp I

  1. I found this poem on an Islamic website I just visited and thought of you guys! Have a read, I thought it was nice. Our Mothers, by Sabina Giado Her hands are hardened, there are lights in her eyes, As she toils at that unforgiving stove, 'Tis a labour of love she performs, Her brow is sweaty, the humid fumes rise above and over her head, Yet we know that fairies dance on her shoulders, For she smiles a peaceful smile, All the while. For each one of us, Allah has placed, Guardian angels on Earth, Who shelter us with their battered wings, Who point to their wounds and tell its story, Whose tears are like rain, Whose smiles are like sunshine, Whose acceptance lift our spirits like albatrosses in the wind, Surely God could not have placed, Such love in no other, Than in those oft-forgotten jewels, Our mothers.
  2. Maasha Allah, Maasha Allah, Maasha Allah. I'm so proud of how highly you guys value your mothers, lets just hope that our kids grow up to love us too! Insha Allah. Or if not i'm gonna follow in the footsteps of my mother and beat their behinds too! Mothers are sensational, their strength amazes me. Not that i'm saying fathers do nothing but without the strength of a mother a family would crumble....from what i've seen anyway. Nuff love to all our hooyo's world wide!!
  3. Wow, what a wonderful topic. What did my mother do for we have all day? We cant even begin to start listing what our mothers have done for us because the list is endless but i'll mention a few: - Taught me the importance of DEEN, DHAQAN, EDUCATION, LOVE, RESPECT and so many other things - Carried me for 9 long months and gave birth to me - Raised me for 21 years...and still ain't got rid of me - Provided me with everything a child could ever need and so much more - Keep my whole family together through everything that Allah has brought our way - Kicked my backside when I did wrong (which I appreciate now, though it did hurt back in those days!) It's too early in the day to get emotional but walaahi people we CAN NEVER repay what mothers do for us, all we can do is try to appreciate them and do all we can for them while we have each other. Shabella sista I pray so much that Insha Allah you get to go to haji with your mother, that is such a beautiful to do.