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Posts posted by Cabdow

  1. Who cares whether he shook her hand or not! More importantly is what did she bring to the table, isn't that what we should be more concerned about...Caku iyo Somalis with their short sighted thinking!!


    Su'aal uu weeydiiyey wariye ajnabi ah ayaa ahayd
    "maxaad u salaantey haweeney kiristaan ah"
    , wuxuuna ku jawaabay
    "waa su'aal raqiis ah"

    loooool...Rageedii, good answer!

  2. ^ Waa iska caadi sxb, we already know its the other way round, but ajanabiga meeshan soo gala bey ka tiirin hablaha... *ilma adeer waa intii istaqaan ba horey loo yiri* :D


    more and more guys are mixing with other races in the clubs and other Godforsaken places but they're marrying Somali girls in the end.

    Oh! No you didn't :mad:


    Ps. Awareness in this field is very much always needed, Good luck spreading the message yaa Seeker!

  3. This and Bashir Makhtal's case (and many more) is a living proof why the Canadian Government don't give a f*ck about their minority citizens.... Sheeeeeeemo!


    The so called Canadian officials in Kenya are bunch of losers all they could have done was to ask her which street was Xamdi located and voila :D


    She could be sent back to jail or even deported to
    her lawless native land

    Doesn't it make you feel worthless, when you hear something like that :( Alla dhulka idinlagoo kuwa sidan noogalayow!


    Waa jacayl aboodiya

    midka ila arooree

    la itaal dareeyee

    asaagay iga reebee

    waa adi daraadaa

    waxa lay abinayaa

    aan aduunka joogee

    ha igaynin aakhiro

    hay ahaanin nacabee

    adoon iga adkaysan

    ayaan la i afduubin


    Ogsigii aan kuu qoday

    hay i ooba taynine

    hays i odhanine inankii

    wuu kuu ilduufee

    af libaax inaan galay

    adba waad ogsoontee

    abris aan wax dayniyo

    ha isiinin abeesee

    aan aduunka joogee

    ha igaynin aakhiro

    hay ahaanin nacabee

    adoon iga adkaysan

    ayaan la i afduubin!!


    Classic stuff smile.gif

  5. I think a lil baruur here and there is fine, but for her to gain considerable amount of weight while married is a no no! As a husband, i don't think damiirka xita inu kusiin lahaa inaad saa ku daawato xaaskaaga while ey isku dhex yaaceeso from left to Even caafimaad wise is not good for her lets be real. Besides, i don't think any women wants to have a conversation with her kasband saying; Ma Numcaan baan guursaday mise Qalanjo :D

  6. I don't mind having three sets of quadruplets oo wiilal ah iyo hal gabara so the mother doesn't get lonely :D Aaway awliyadii SOL when you need them, Faatixada iyo Qaafleyda yaan la iskala bakhiilin hade, sadax sadax usoo tuura idinkoo maraqsan smile.gif


    P.s. I have seen twin girls in the past, but i'm yet to see twin boys, not many of them i guess!!

  7. Originally posted by QUANTUM LEAP:

    Now thats what one calls Suxuul Baruur:)

    loool..Indeed that's what one calls suxul baruur combined with nimcatul fashuq, mashallah!


    To all them haters, if you have not been blessed like her ask Allah for forgiveness icon_razz.gif

  8. This woman was clearly accused wrongfully and she should take legal action against both governments. One is known for bribery and the other for not caring their citizen's unless they were white...This is uncceptable!


    Just because she is wearing hijab on some of the documents don't mean it's not her.


    It looks like her, it must be her!

  9. Yeah that's another classic one!




    soomar soomar

    saafi iyo luuley soomar

    sidrigaad ku taale soomar

    kaalay saar gacmahoo seydhiyo

    hadba sin u dhaqaaqo siniqso


    Fadumo Ahmed


    soomar soomar

    sanadaan ku waayee soomar

    kuu soo manaayee soomar

    kaalay saar gacmahoo seydhiyo

    hadba sin u dhaqaaqo siniqso


    PS. You right the first one is called WACAD!