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Posts posted by Cabdow

  1. Ladies, throw away the useless exercise videos you might own! I have a good feeling this

    might have the answers you've been looking for :D


    I like how she says Cake'gan ina ka takhaluso waaye and she keeps munching it, typical xalimo icon_razz.gif

  2. If you notice a woman acting modestly,

    being not too obvious through her actions (by lowering her voice when around men), one who attempts to hide her attractions (which includes her external beauty as well as her internal charms), then you know she has some of those precious qualities.

    Precious qualities indeed! however hard that's to see in reality, but gotta keep hope alive i guess smile.gif


    When you see a woman unashamedly flirting, unconcerned about her revealing clothes, and freely converses with males- keep far, far away. I'm sure when you get married you want your wife to devote her love to you, not to twenty other "just good friends".

    hmmmmm, noted!


    Great article, thanks for sharing brother!!

  3. 6) Must never wear Macawis, unless he is at his mammas house.

    Say what, what is wrong with macawis? That thing is great gabar!


    Engineere, keep ya dreams alive till the right bajaq comes along sxb! smile.gif

  4. To see sister Haneefa won in the first round, while also leading the second, shows; that there is still some hope in SOL!


    On the male side, i can't believe neither Xiin nor Pragon made the cut. Also, some heavyweight champs were not included in that list i.e, Br Bob, Rudy, MMA...Something don't look right in the male catagory, comes to mind!! smile.gif

  5. ^ Since when did this become a hindi site kaalay icon_razz.gif I'm sure you meant to post this

    instead soomaaha smile.gif


    Back home, i somewhat remember used to hearing that song played on the Radio over and over and over and over again on Ciid days, cabaad kaga keeni jireen :D Still one of the best though!

  6. ^ hilibkiisa ma cuntid laakiin dufankiisaa cabtaa miya awoowe :D


    I hate that thing with passion, my mom cooks it sometimes and when she does I like to stay the hell away from the house!


    And I still haven't bought my Macawiis n Cumaamad for Eid, I is behind wallee smile.gif

  7. ^ :D Xaaji...Waa fiicanyihiin hadeyna naanees kale u bixin!


    Waraa Shabeel, for a long time i thought you were Somali wallahi, i must admit though you seem to know more about our country (specially the Somali politics) then say most Somalis here! What gives the interest if i may ask sxb?


    Dating/married to one of our girls miya? smile.gif


    Nice Jersy by the way!

  8. Been waa shey xaaraanee, raggan 'wajiga data' oo wax kheyra laga sheegi wali maan arag. Wa marey dad dilaan, maray dad barakiciyaan iyo marey dad naafo ka dhigaan. Mar marka qaarkood waxaabad is oran war diinta ey sheegan ma diin cusub oo iyaga u gaaraa, Laa xawla wala quwata ila billaah! Alla maxay aakhiro dad badani xisaab sugi, Allow shacabka masaakiinta ee la dulminayo har iyo habeen u gargaar ada weyno waaxidee....!