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Posts posted by Cabdow

  1. Ismahaan, Why is the forth one, one of your fav' maah maah. Ma sibiq bey kugu gali rabta bahasha? smile.gif


    I like the xamaraawi maah maahyo, they sound so simple but yet murtified :D


    Luuq luuq marow laazim laamigaas kusoo dhacaa!


    Sheekh meeshii yimaado shariif shabakadaas ka baxaa!

  2. Canjeex, such heavyweights gathering at one place and singing a nationalist song. Waaaw. Dankis for posting that link. A stage xataa Yamyam and Awkuuku hal meel iskugu yimid ka muuqdaan.

    MMA, to see such a heavyweight fanaano gathered at one place is amazing to say the least walllahi. But unfortunately, it's sad knowing that 1/3 of them in that video are not with us today (AU)


    Btw, we hoping by next year inaan wadankii joogno oon phisical ahaan wax ugu qabano dadka dhibaateesan, adna you hoping to see another rally eh, see camal camu :D

  3. United we stand, devided we fall!



    Sayid Mohammed abdulle Hassan said it well in his famous dardaaran gabay:


    Doodan waxaan u leeyahay dumarkiyo caruurtoo

    Dadkii idinka waynaa hadday idin duleeyeen

    Dambi kama ay yaabine cuntay idinka doorteen

    Dab intay shideen bay dalaq idinku siiyeen

    Doox intay qodeen bay ciid idinku daadsheen

    Nin idiin damqanayaa idinkama dambeeyee

    Hadaydaan digtoonaan daad bay idin qaadiye

    Duleedada kufaartaa dacas idinku laynoo

    Naf dalkaaga doonaysaa firaash looma daadshee

    Dabkan aan shidaayaa daawadiina weeyee

    Dariiqii rasuulkiyo dawga ha ka baydhina!


    Therefore, the future of Somalia is in the hands of the young and free Qabiil minded generation. No more oldies for they have cut enough of our legs (weyna lugooyeen :D ) Job well done Toronto smile.gif

  4. Gar-darada soo waxa garta loogu fadhiyo maaha! Rag baa goggol u fadhiya rag kaluu sii daan daansanahaya, bal gardarada inta la'eg arag..Anu tolka horaan ugu sheegay oon iri ninkan washamsi halagu qaado intay goori goor tahay smile.gif


    From what i've read so far, it looks like odayga in laga gar leeyahay. Marka waxaan kula talin laha abtigiis inu gartan private ku xaliyo!


    His enemy(s) joke about odayga inu bila saaxiib yahay, yaa u sheega oo yiraah war bila tolnimana haku darsan :D

  5. Originally posted by Malika:

    LOL@the tittle of this thread,made it sound like a cattle market.


    ,what is the going rate for a super cow?

    lool...I'm not a cow man but wonder how much is the camel going for these days? smile.gif


    Wallee gabar ila dhalatay ama tu aan dhalay baan lacag laga bixin!

  6. Walk for Somalia is a movement designed to raise awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Somalia in an attempt to mobilize international assistance to those who are suffering there. In addition, Walk for Somalia is aimed at raising immediate funds to help deliver some life-saving services and essentials to those displaced outside Mogadishu and surrounding areas!


    - 3.2 million people in need of emergency aid


    - 1.4 million internally displaced in Somalia


    - Over 10,000 people killed in Mogadishu alone since 2007


    - Around 200,000 people have become displaced in just the last two months


    - Afgoye, 30 km from Mogadishu, is now home to over 600,000 refugees fleeing the violence –now known as the largest refugee camp in the world for internally displaced people


    - 40% of population dependent on foreign aid for essential needs


    - Over 70% of population are without access to safe drinking water


    - Most people have no access to clean water , the water’s are severely contaminated and children are dying from severe malnutrition and severe diarrhoea


    - There are fears of a massive Cholera outbreak




    Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009

    Time: 1:00pm - 6:00pm

    Location: Meeting Point: Yonge&Dundas - End Point: Queens Park

    City/Town: Toronto, ON


    Walk for

  7. Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

    Kaaga daranee its internet application 'Safari' sowtaan umaleeyay something to do with safari iyo xayawaan!

    :D:D This lil gadget caadi ma aha, i've had it for about a year and half now. The damn thing is like ado wax walbe (ie, camera, laptop, i-pod, phone, GPS, etc..) as jumla ahaan laguugu siiyey camal smile.gif


    Ps. I'm actually posting this msg from "it"

  8. Habraha cadaanka Neighbbourhood-watch 'kaan ku nacay, bal maxa ka galay wuxu cunayo. Ani hadaan ahaan lahaa laanta boqorkaan wajiga kaga dharbaaxi lahaa and told her to sharaab :D

  9. ^ Looks like igaarkaas in isaga la shukaansanooyo :D Nice pics MMA, specially the Baraawe one's. Ever since i went there once before qaxii, i devoloped a soft spot for it...Thanks for sharing bro!


    Reer Marka have a saying: Marka caddeey, minankii Awcismaan ninkii mooda munaafuq waaye.

    :D:D Marka cadeey is also another beautiful town!

  10. Kismaayo, sh. Yacquub walaa Madoobaan laheen. Kismaayo Somali baa leh, just like Hargeisa iyo Boosaaso Somali u leedahay!


    Wadaadada ma iyagii baa hada raba inay isku jihaadaan, Ina lillaah. And they claim inay Diin leeyihiin oo ragg badan gacmahooda, lugahooda iyo naftoodaba ku waayey iyaga owgood, waa arin lagga murugoodo wallee!!