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Posts posted by Cabdow

  1. Just like Gheelle said, the Tusbax is and should be used for counting 'thikr' purposes only, nothing more nothing less. But if used for other reasons (ie, show off and such) then of course it becomes bid'ah and what have you! Having said that, i love mine and i wouldn't mind joining this movement 'the ahlu tusbax wal jamaaca' do i need to fill an app' or some'in smile.gif

  2. This morning I found a fresh knocked down Deer,almost stopped to pick up the meat,then remembered the stigma that will follow my children,and their children's children..I drove away..



    Wow that was a close call, looks like sadaqaa ku baxday igaarka smile.gif


    Intii Islaam ehee accident ku dhimatay Allaha u naxriisto!

  3. This documentary has been uncovered from a place deep in the heart of East Africa! It is about the trials and struggles of the Ocaden people in Northern Kenya. The group of young students who have filmed and interviewed the people of this region had gone to Kenya in search of a story, instead they left with an International campaign for the people of the Refugee camps.


    As you join us on this emotional journey we hope you are as determined and passionate as we are about making changes for those who are unable to do so themselves. It is about capturing the humanitarian within yourself and standing for justice.


    The uncovered tragedy is a tale of hope through the darkest places, about how sacred human life is and being aware of people who are SILENT and removed off the international register. This documentary is aimed at everyone to raise AWARENESS about the crimes against humanity being committed against these people. We are calling out to everyone who is able to do so to SUPPORT THE MOVE TO MAKE A CHANGE !!



    Silent Cry: Global Campaign (Video)


    Silent (Support the move to make a change)