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Posts posted by Cabdow

  1. And guys think I'm plain mean and scary. I guess thats a good thing

    Yeah for a bit, but after awhile it gets boring nooh! Warka keen yarta smile.gif


    As for the topic! I never been a big fan of laba-wajiilayaasha. Like, one min they are nice and the next Waji-macbuus (WTF) Just be yourself whether it be your first impression or your last. As for me, Just like pac said, Only God Can Judge Me icon_razz.gif !

  2. Originally posted by Dabshid:

    is the best.


    I mastered younger than 10

    The Jaandheer is my favourite too, mar dhaweeto intaan is iri practice-garee baan maacuuntii fadhiga taalay ja jabin gaaray, Allow ceeb astur. Also, while doing the dance you gonna feel like qoomamkii Nuune iyo Muriidi inay kugu soo dageen :D


    Horta, can this also be considered a Somali Cultural Dance? Just wondering smile.gif

  3. To be governed under the Islamic Sharia Law is a beautiful thing and every Muslim should support that, but i honestly don't think Somalia is ready to be governed under the Sharia Law at this particullar moment, as there are too many corruptions going on inside the country and what not. Wallahu Aclam!

  4. I was insulted yesterday by an Old Somali Woman who thought
    I was Black
    . I clearly heard her say... 'these (jareer) slaves are bad people' in a xamari accent

    If your not black then what are you, dhagacas? Also, i bet if the lady was reer-waqooyi it would not have bothered you that much, right!


    Cara, pornstar iyo magacyadey labaxaan maxaa ku baray adu icon_razz.gif

  5. Wacan oo wanaagsan GJ!


    lol@Tangiii yuu tangii yuu dowla mareeykan tangii yuu!...Now that is how you thank dowlada mareekanka ama waala iska dhaafaa :D Zakinah, adu ma maqashay sheekadii

    iyo sanqool dhexmartay smile.gif

  6. onlf.png


    Now that ^ is beyond shame and un-Somalinimo!


    The old man has already shown his true colours (qabiilist to the core he is) Threfore,i don't understand how or why people waste their time arguing with a hot baloon air! Get a Tusbax and head to the Masjid is what people 'in these boards' should advise him to do more smile.gif

  7. Man, you got me reminscing....when your young, healthy and good looking, it is something to take pleasure in- MashaAllah fa'al.

    Don't despair sxb, if 114 yr old man can do it, so can you ee keep hope alive untill a 17 yr old girl falls on your lap :D