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Salaamu clykum Sister as Classiqu mentioned entering jannah is the ultimate price for every muslim. One day i had the opportunity to stay a whole day with this great knowledgeable man who maansha allah had countless knowledge may allah be pleased with him. this question was one of the questions we asked and believe me when he gave us the explanation we were all speechless and emotional. he said" a women would walk to great him but he would ask, who are you? she would replay your wife( she would mentiond her name in dunya), than to his suprise and amazement when he sess the beauty of this women he would remain looking at her face over forty years and he did not move from his position jus to appreciate the beauty of this women. so how would a cawran cayn would look like . alllahu akbar. Also sister if you saw the way the sheikh answer this question you would have appreciated more. I am not suppose to answer this question because there is so many knowledable brothers and sisters here like Nur and i believe its better to leave such a question for those who now better, so forgive me brothers and sisters. Please anyone correct me if i said something wrong or if i had misinterpreted the sheikhs answer.
Salaamu clykum everyone I would have most certainly picked up my bags and leave the west for good for my much-beloved country and also to leave these filthy countries we live in but and it is really a big but because so many things needs to be addressed. I have seen people leaving and said they would not never come back but after a while did come back and the reasons vary. also one has to know that if the youth of our country as am one of them ignore whats happening back home and expect the warlords to form a government than really we have to ask ourselves, are we dreaming of thinking going back?.
Salaamu clykum my brothers and sisters of islam Akhi Nur that was inspiring piece of advice to yourself and to all of us. may allah reward you this phenomenal piece of work you constant remain doing it. may allah bless you and your family in this dunya and akhira and may allah build a house in paradise for you . I try my best to read your post most of the time and alxamdulilah i have benefited from it. I attend islamic talks, pray most of my prayers in a masjid and alxamdulilah i am slowly changing my life for better insha allah.
Salaamu claykum brothers and sisters of Islam. ICSA wrote: The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait, titled "The True Furqan." It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American printing companies;'Omega 2001' and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of 'The True Furqan', a book which has also been titled 'The 21st Century Quran'! It is over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English languages...it is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools! SELLING POINT BEING USED Product Description: Arabic and English side-by-side on every page. Prose and poetry of the highest caliber in classical Arabic with English interpretation. It contains 77 surahs (chapters) dealing with as many subjects which are beautifully written and easily understood. Love, Light, Peace, Truth, Repentance, Women, Marriage, Fasting, Prayer, Abrogation, The Sacrifice, Inspiration, Paradise, The Scale and The Excellent Names are some of the chapters written in the unique style of the Quran. The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer version of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits. And this so called Quran opposes many Islamic beliefs. In one of its ayats it describes having more than one wife as fornication, divorce being non-permissible and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It states that Jihad is HARAAM. This book even goes as far as attacking Allah, Subhanahu wa Tahala! All this is poisoning our children at approx $3. Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this to as many people as possible so that we can stop this dangerous trick. Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward you. PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS MESSAGE TO ALL CONTACTS ESPECIALLY ANYONE WHO MAY BE ABLE TO TAKE THE PUBLISHERS AND AMAZON.COM ON AND TRY TO HAVE THE BOOK BANNED AND DESTROYED.
Salaamu clykum Nomads Nur i just came online and read this beatiful topic and undoubtably this topic is the best. Quran is beatiful and you can only feel and know how beatiful quran is when you know you understand it fully and learn its meanings. Nur may allah reward you and i please continue the good work and remember you are not doing for others but for the sake of God.
Salaamu claykum. Alxamdulialh "allah guides whoever he wishes to guide and only allah can guide". A brother who is a normal customer of my uncle's shop came to the shop today but today his mission was different for what he used to come and today he came to me to change his life for the better and to join those allah guided them. i took him to the local Mosque and he made shahadah 'alahu akbar, alahu akbar. as i am a member of this website and read most of the aritcles, i thought its about time i should share some wonderful news with you, and also for each one of us to make du'aa for our brother. Also subhanalalh i asked him one particular question after a while and i asked,what made you change your direction since he told me that he was a christian?...and his answer really touched me so deeply and made me think alot and his answer was " i wanted to know the purpose of this life and i couldnt find the answer in the bible...so i turned to islam for an answer and found it". so wallahi we have to wake up and realize the life we live in will not remian forever.
Salaamu Clykum Maansha allah, what a wonderful article you have written nur.The reality is known to us but we try to ignore it as much as we can. Once i was with some brothers one day and as we were raising issues to discuss, one of the brothers raised " death", but what was to follow was scary as most of the brothers impatiently complained about the subject and asked to end it. i really sometimes feel for akhi Nur because i dont think the effort he puts into this rewarding and amazing work is appreciated ENOUGH. i hope that you will continue to remind you and us about where we belong, and may allah help us understand his best speech Holy Quraan. "O you who believe: persevere in patience and constancy…"
Salaamu clykum Nur brother that was a beatiful story, indeed we have to realize the world around us and those whom are less fortunate than us in terms of healthy, wealth and also the older ones. may allah reward you for what u did and sharing this beatiful reminder with us. Jizaakalah khayr
Salaamu claykum Akhii nur i have visited this website few times and everytime i see one of ur topic i found them beneficial to everyone of us and may allah give u the reward for that, but as for this topic i really would like to read all of them but as u have limited to 3 choices ....i would chooose 1,2 and 8. jizaakalla khayr
Salaamu calaykum waraxmatulahi wabarakatuh Maansha allah this is one of best topics created in this site and SADE may allah give u maqfirah and insha allah i will try to continue coming to this site in order to participate and hopefully start reading the quran more often than i do. salamu claykum jamiican...