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Everything posted by Qandalawi

  1. I though this was real clip of young boy's car chase in 70s doing some drifting in Mogadishu. Lugooyo iyo nus.
  2. This is Xaraan and Shirk, stay away from Sufism it is not allowed in orthodox Islam. 'Chanting and singing spiritual songs' kulaa loolz war waxaas cibaado ma ahan but if you want to feel possessed and get high by all means.
  3. This is a non starter, not a noteworthy news. It is a silly joke and shows that the whole TFG and its parliament is a joke.
  4. Liibaanyare, I'm not pro-Faroole but how can you compare the lunatic Xaglatoosiye's divisive politics to a man he himself and his supporters helped to be elected as the President of Puntland. We know the contest between Ilkajiir and Faroole, Xaglatoosiye's votes went to Faroole. He got out smarted and outmaneuvered as he expected to get the VP but instead Faroole brought in Ina Ali Shire. Xaglatosiye is mad man and was expected to be mad given the situation but developing such serious lunatic syndrome was unexpected.
  5. Alshabaab are no stronger but cowards who run for dear life when they see the Ethiopians. It shows the weakness of AMISOM and TFG forces that cannot drive these lunatic fools out of Mogadishu and surroundings and all of south Somalia for good.
  6. ^Oo naag exile kujirta soo kama sii darna? Lool... yaaba tabar uhaya kuwaas oo kale
  7. Gabadhu inaba caadi ma ahan! SOL girls sidaa uma raganimo badna, qoftaas meesha kahadlaysaa waa naag nin ah.
  8. Wacanoo wanaagsan Ayeeyo, sorry walaal miyaad iga carootay? Lol sorry!
  9. Liibaanyare Faroole is your president and the president of the state of Puntland while Xaglatoosiye was an individual, a headless one at that, who not only denied the ministerial post he was offered and opposed Faroole but attacked and insulted Puntland at every opportunity. He should have been imprisoned, tried and executed as a traitor. Loolz Yaryarkaan madaxa xanuujine suga wax yar.
  10. Somalina. Ayeeyo miyaan ku iraahdaa marka, although I know Eedo is used for relations alternatively it is used for older people in Somali culture, for that reason I respect you. Your second point, I did not get it, honestly it did not make sense to me. A&T, remember the era and time of that clip was in early nineties, General Aided's USC and SPM era was a totally different ball game, situations were profoundly beyond imagination.
  11. ^What is there to rescue Eedo? Morgan needs no introduction as he is one of the most controversial Somali man alive. There were many Somali men that were at the forefront of the Somali clannish civil war, some of them have departed this world others are still alive like him. However, the agenda of this clip is not about Morgan but other things such as to remind people of the past forgotten wars in order to oppose and label Azania as clanish much like the D-block of the 91 that's on a march to hunt and massacre the USC clans. Yeah I know you don't like Azania as your Shariif Hotel does, but you don't have to use this to justify your case and go so low, ooh else go ahead use it and whatever rocks your boat. Lol, it failed before it even began.
  12. Loool @ Al Mutazairi, isagaa magac terrorist wata. ONLF struggle is illegal kulahaa, Zenawi ayaa taas more than two decades meel walba lataagna waxna utari wayday. Bal maxaa galiyay badaas but what do you expect from a secessionist, anything to please Papa Zenawi.
  13. Stop playing with fire waryaada dhalinyarada SSC, Puntland is not to SSC as Ethiopia is to ONLF or Palestine is to Israel. These young boys are making crazy parrallel without much of a thought. There is nothing wrong for the Isim or for that matter the whole of the Garaads and cuqaal being pro-Puntland, you may attack someone for being pro-Faroole ( although it is good to respect his views as elder) but Puntland is different. The vast majority of reer Puntland are pro-SSC and have always been supportive although some may have had reservations and have been anti-Xaglatoosiye for his lunatic and divisive politics.
  14. This release is nothing but a stunt against Azania's move in the Jubba. As for the clip, there is nothing top secret about it. It is obvious and that no one is disputing that General Morgan was one of the most famous Somali warlords that took part in the Somali civil war in the nineties. Post 91 Somali clan wars, General Morgan was one of the forefront war leaders of the D-block against USC's advances while Aideed was the leader of the other side courting and hosting similar meetings with USC clans to mobilize forces to crash the D-block. It was a sad era of a Somali civil war - USC block vs D-blocks. Keyd Media knows this clip is nothing new and brings no new revelations but are only using it to criticize and condemn Azania. Things have changed now, Somalia of 91 is not the same as Somalia of 2012, terms such D-block or USC block have long ceazed from the Somali psyche. These very same blocks have brocken down into dozens of pieces and many of them don't see things eye to eye. For almost a decade now Somalia's civil war changed color and face from clan to different agenda's, NGO missions, religious ideologies, different political alliances and on top of that Alshabaab. Alshabaab is not a clanish movement nor are they even a Somali movement but global terrorists and want to turn Somalia into a training ground for global jihadists. Hence Azania or for that matter any Somali clan or movement has every right to remove and eliminate Alshabaab from the region and deserve support. Keyd Media stop the crocodile tears, Alshabaab's days are numbered. This is not about clans for every Somali clan has the right to live in, be part of the political process or even fight over the regions as rightful owners but AS have no room. A&T adigu meelkasta iska dhaxbood, you behave as thick as 'long footed' man to get the agenda behind the release of the clip of Gabyaw's coronation as SPM leader in 92.
  15. ^This is the number ready for combat but also don't forget to include the reserve.
  16. Puntland has been doing well under the leadership of military men. Faroole has ruined every thing. General Ilkajir or General Ina Ali Shire for President. No democracy, no political partied and no more civilian President but Military rule. Yep, Military rule!
  17. Faroole has not only alienated SSC regions such SOOL and SANAAG but all the regions of Puntland including Bari and Mudug except Garowe. Most the residing communities of Mudug and Bari including their Odayaal and isimo are angry and tired of his rule and lack of respect for these regions. So the anger that's felt by the SSC folks against Faroole and his admin is mutual and shared by all folks. However, Faroole is the President of the state, as such, and until his time expires, must be respected. Patience, patience & patience. The man will leave very soon. Revolting against him and forming rebel movements, seceding regions and creating mini-state admins such as 'Raas Casayr' within what was Puntland is not a good idea. And for what? For a man or an admin that's has a life expectancy of less than a year or so. I welcome this meeting and wish all the best for reer SSC, their isimo and intellectuals. I hope the end result will be a well thought off, wise, workable and sensible outcome.
  18. Gosh! Money made out of the A-4 printing paper - Subhannalah. Excellent job by the authorities involved. This would have crippled the economy, caused inflation and commodity price hikes.
  19. I thought Gabal was against the involvement of the Kenyan forces in this battle against Alshabaab or has it become fine when eradicating them from Gedo but traitorous when the Kenyan forces do the same in Dhobley, Afmadow and Jubada Dhexe.
  20. Golaha Wasiirada oo ku shiray Muqdisho Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network)- Shir aan caadi aheyn oo ay maanta yeesheen Golaha Wasiirada oo uu shir-guddoominayey Ku-Simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Ahna Ra’iisul Wasaare Ku-Xigeen iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Mohamed Mohamud Haji Ibrahim ayaa looga hadlay Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobay ay bixiso oo loo yaqaan United Nations Population Award. Ku-Simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa golaha Wasiirada u sharaxay Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobay iyo in Dowladda Soomaaliya looga baahanyahay inay si deg-deg ah u gudbiyaan shaqsiga ay u arkaan inuu muteystay Bilad Sharafta. Sanad walba guddiga Qaramada Midoobey ee u qaabilsan Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobey ee loo yaqaan United Nations Population Award ayaa waxey guddoonsiiyaan bilad sharaftan shaqsigii ama hay’adii loo garto inay kaalin mug leh ka qaateen dhiiri gelinta ama wecyigelinta bulshada caalamka ama xalintooda. Bilad Sharaftan ayaa waxaa lagu aasaasay qaraarkii Golaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobey 36/201, ee bishii November 1981, oo markii ugu horreysay la bixiyey 1983dii. Bilad Sharaftan ayaa isagu jirta bixinta Bilad Dahab ah, Shahaado iyo Lacag. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa laga sugayaa ka hor 31ka December 2011 inay gudbiyaan shaqsiga ay u garteen inuu mudan yahay Bilad Sharaftan. Ka dib markii ay Golaha Wasiirada ka doodeen ayaa ugu danbeyntii waxaa si aqlabiyad ah la isagu raacay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Dowladda Turkiga Recep Tayyip Erdoğan loo aqoonsado shaqsiga ugu mudan caalamka in la guddoonsiiyo Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobey (the United Nations Population Award), isla markaana ay Dowladda Soomaaliya u gudbiso Qaramada Midoobey musharaxnimadiisa. Qaramada Midoobey ayaa ku dhawaaqi doonto shaqsiyaadka mudteystay Bilad Sharafta bisha Maarso ee 2012 ka isla markaana Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobay uu guddoonsiin doono Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobey inta ka horeysa bisha Juun 2012ka. Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya. NALA SOO XARIIR
  21. Muqdisho:-Golaha Wasiirada oo maanta isu raacay in bilad sharafta Sanadlaha ee Qaramada Midoobay la siiyo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Turkiga. Warsaxaafadeed:-Shir aan caadi aheyn oo ay maanta yeesheen Golaha Wasiirada oo uu shir-guddoominayey Ku-Simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Ahna Ra’iisul Wasaare Ku-Xigeen iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Mohamed Mohamud Haji Ibrahim ayaa looga hadlay Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobay ay bixiso oo loo yaqaan United Nations Population Award. Ku-Simaha Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa golaha Wasiirada u sharaxay Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobay iyo in Dowladda Soomaaliya looga baahanyahay inay si deg-deg ah u gudbiyaan shaqsiga ay u arkaan inuu muteystay Bilad Sharafta. Sanad walba guddiga Qaramada Midoobey ee u qaabilsan Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobey ee loo yaqaan United Nations Population Award ayaa waxey guddoonsiiyaan bilad sharaftan shaqsigii ama hay’adii loo garto inay kaalin mug leh ka qaateen dhiiri gelinta ama wecyigelinta bulshada caalamka ama xalintooda. Bilad Sharaftan ayaa waxaa lagu aasaasay qaraarkii Golaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobey 36/201, ee bishii November 1981, oo markii ugu horreysay la bixiyey 1983dii. Bilad Sharaftan ayaa isagu jirta bixinta Bilad Dahab ah, Shahaado iyo Lacag. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa laga sugayaa ka hor 31ka December 2011 inay gudbiyaan shaqsiga ay u garteen inuu mudan yahay Bilad Sharaftan. Ka dib markii ay Golaha Wasiirada ka doodeen ayaa ugu danbeyntii waxaa si aqlabiyad ah la isagu raacay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Dowladda Turkiga Recep Tayyip Erdoğan loo aqoonsado shaqsiga ugu mudan caalamka in la guddoonsiiyo Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobey (the United Nations Population Award), isla markaana ay Dowladda Soomaaliya u gudbiso Qaramada Midoobey musharaxnimadiisa. Qaramada Midoobey ayaa ku dhawaaqi doonto shaqsiyaadka mudteystay Bilad Sharafta bisha Maarso ee 2012 ka isla markaana Bilad Sharafta Qaramada Midoobay uu guddoonsiin doono Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobey inta ka horeysa bisha Juun 2012ka. Dhamaad Xafiiska warfaafinta Xukuumada Soomaaliya.
  22. Abtigiis gabayada iyo buraanbur raadinta intaad iska dayso waa inaad uqaadaa hees jacayl ah waliba tii reer xamar 'Makaa maarmi karaayee' miyey aheed horta, maadaama aad Konfuria represent garaynayso si ay u arkaan xanuunka iyo 'pain' kuhayaa inuu yahay kalgacaylka aad uqabtaa SL.
  23. Also you may not forget hundreds and hundreds of Somali student that have been awarded scholarships and gained the opportunity to study higher education.