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Somaliland's Buhodle Operation was an attempt to capture Ali Khalif
Qandalawi replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
LOoooooooooooooooooooool @ operation snatching Galaydh looooooooooooooooooooooooolz like Ghele said this has the sound of American seals operation in Adado, waleeeeee Faramintid Waa raggeedii Adeer, how can you nick someone from an area that you don't even control unless you operate with F16s or Black Hawks. Horta Sooljoogta inaad soo dhaaftaa kahoraysa in qof laga soo qabto Buuhoodle but nice try. -
Redsea, saaxib tan sheeko uma baahna and you know it. It dead wrong, why is Siilaanyo attacking Buuhoodle and what for? Afka muu kahadlo hadii Siyaasad la isku hayo, maxaa xabadda iyo dadka lalaynaayo meesha keenay. If you are not biased, this is no different than a Somali so called army storming Burco or Hargeisa in the name restoring Somalia's territorial integrity. This TFG and any Somali government has had members of your clan in the cabinet, I think the TFG defense minister or may be was it the information minister thats from your triangle, should he be used to justify an attack against Hargeisa and kill people in there? Saaxib Somali way isla joogaan meel kasta dad meel kala jira ma ahan Maamuladana ninkii doonaa gala for their self political opportunity or personal gain. My point is very simple, if this is about politics, then Siilaanyo waxaa kufilan inuu isagoo meesha fadhiya afka kahadlo oo dhaho anagaa goboladaa katalina ama waa SL but for Siilaanyo to send troops and kill people in Buuhoodle, Widhwidh or L.A is totally a different thing - In fact I will go as far as to say a ticking bomb.
Shawqi, waxaad moodaa Siilaanyo iyo guruubkiisa caqli celiyaa majiro dagaalka ay kudag-dagayaanna inay tahay experience la'aan. 20 sanno kahor ayay markii koonfurta Somalia ay isku hardiyeen beelo Soomaliyeed halka ay waqooyigu nabad ahaayeen sida guud oo dhibaatooyinki beelaha koonfurta isku laayay iyo kala gaaray iyo xasuuqyadii dhacay ay ilaa xad kanabad galeen waliba khaasatan Siilaanyo groupka uu hada horkacayo oo leh Xuduud ayaan soo xiraynaa. Iyadoo dhamaan Odayashi iyo Aqoonyahanki SSC ay isugu tageen Taleex iyagoo hadana ciidan, hub iyo cudud aruursi aad uweyn ugu jiraan to face the thread from 'SL army'. Waa sheeko xun iyo naxdin horleh oo kasocota waqooyiga Somalia.
This looks more like an ongoing civil war in the north.
^Its no surprise that Odwayne will not miss the opportunity to comment on such thread as this :D Carafaat This thread aint about Siad Barre(AUN). This is about a systematic political ideology based on bullying certain clans, marginalizing others, cornering other clans, so another can become dominant clan in Somalia. while non of these clans(the bullied and the bullying) live in Somalia, they either live in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. If this was about Siyadism/Sayidism? These men have long passed away and their regimes expired but if its about their clan as the thread seems to be then better luck mate, you have got to learn how to live with them as they have always been and will remain to have a dominant influence on Somali politics, business and economy, literature, military and what have you mate... so stop throwing this clan out of the window, they are not Kenyan or Ethiopians but Somalis like you.
^Lool, so true. Malaha 18 regions ayaa wax lagu qaybsanayaa ayuu maqlay in the UK Somali conference waxbuu iska samaystay
United Nations Political Office for Somalia in Xamar
Qandalawi replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
Abwaan;779078 wrote: lol....And I guess some people will quit their jobs because they will not want to work inside Somalia and there is an opportunity for others who want to take that risk! There is no risk, Muqdisho is peaceful and the UN office moving to the capital is significant turn around of events. Alshabaab weakened, peace in Mogadishu and petrol in Puntland, a great year for Somalia, viva the republic -
Carafaat reer xamar baan moodayay qowdhan buu nagu noqday, malaha waa qawdhan Banaadir waynaan lagu geeyay On a serious note Carafaat is a cool guy. Gabadhu haday diiday malaha dhalinyarada marabtee waa in lagu dayaa oday sidayda oo kale ah , inta danbaase iga kaftan ah inkastoo reer magalku wixiisa kaftan kudhamaysto.lolz
This is the most fair and balanced government for decades. Haa waa Dowlad cadaalad kudhisan wax badanna way qabanaysaa, hadana wayba qabatayba. Mucaaradka kuwa ah waa kuwa meesha iska waayay axdi qarameedkana mawaafaqsana waxay dalbanayaan laakiin dowladaan waan dificaynaa. Haaheey aawe ministerada nimankasta waa inuu reerkiisa kakeenaa ciidanki lagu qoray, anigu kolay wasiirnimadayda mawayna wayna liiqanaysaa in latuuraa suurtagal ah lakin 4 askari waa iga diyaar balse waa iskala noqon markan wayo booskana kolay waa iska 4 hub la'aan ah oo aan ugu tala galay hadhow hubka lasiiyo markay lagoostaan inaan qaybtayda lacagta qaato... Lool Aside the joke, Carafaat Awowe how you accurately matched certain individuals real profile here on SOL is amazing.
Nothing is new here. Understandably and naturally this guy is against everything and not specific to Khaatumo.
Professor cali khalif galaydh we are willing to talk with Somaliland
Qandalawi replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
This soft talk of Galaydh is not helping specially after the indiscriminate attacks of L.A and Buuhoodle, the secessionist need someone, a strong man to tell them to bugger off. Enough with these elites of diaspora and Professors, I think the SSC community need a crazy warlord to stop warlord Siilaanyo's aggression. Nothing short of a violent back off talk and action will get warlord Siilaanyo to smell the coffee. Adeer qaniinyaa qaniinyo kaa fujisa and the educated lot from the west, men like Galaydh, Xaglatoosiye or Abdikarim are not up to the job. -
If this detailed document is really from the UK government then it looks the Brits are in hallucination. This sounds astonishingly humorous, its one thing to write a long list of bullock instructions for a complicated independent sovereign country like Somalia and another to enforce it. It would have been more interesting and helpful should they have first shared what they are willing to commit to the cause in terms of finances, politics and militarily before the release of this through plan.
Lool @ at the list of most prominent Somalis. What is more funny is the connection, very incompatible list of indivuals: Adan Ayrow vs Magool = Alshabaab vs Queen of the Somali Pop music Boqolsoon vs H. A. Samatar = Arguably one of the best Somali religious sermon delivers vs A great entertainer , just imagine how a powerful religious sermon by Boqolsoon fares against Samatar's Baladweyn or Isha Baydhabo. And the last is the stalinnist opportunist of A. Qasim. Incredible list, aside the clanish charge but Maddeey's list are unique in their own way - he saw that rarity , Indeed!
^Loooooooooooool, waa kabaxsatay marki hore laakiin marki danbaa gashay, kuwaas iskuma dhacaan, M. Saleebaankaa isku dhaca iyagaanu kala haynaa :D
^Lol, it makes me even laugh more because that's all you lot can see, in fact not only me but all Somalis hate you in yorpsyche. But did you ever ask yourself why would I or any Somali would need to hate you. And the more astounding question is, why do you keep repeat telling this that to the British? No yariiso, I don't hate you and no Somali person hates you. Keep that in your small skull and do not mix that with the unfortunate Somali clan civil strife.
Waryaa ninyahow adigu qatar baa tahay horta, so far in your stay of SOL you have improved the imaged of the secessionist enclave of SL, at least here in this part of SOL. Maxuma howshaadi marka Muqdishawi iyo nationalist iska dhig marna calanka lander-ka lali, however small it seems to be taking effect. Xageebaad Siyaasada kusoo baratay waryaa kolay Hargeisa ma ahee, malahaa maalmaad Galkacyo wax kasoo bowsatay mase waa Bosaso
It could be as you say but will your kinsmen take the offer, I doubt. Ninbaa wuxuu yiri, I never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
^Stop being mad at me for the embarrassment your secessionist are causing to you. I'm not to blame for writing such filth on a non-Somali website, its other Somalis that did it, the secessionists. Usheeg waxaa jira Somalida dhexdeeda wax ay isdhahdo oo meelahaa kale lagala xishooda markaa ragaa anshaxa bar. Anagu dhexdaana waxaan doono aan isdhahno laakiin waxaas lagu qoraayo websityada aan Somalida ahayn waa ceebay tacaal iyo daciifnimo naf lacaari ah iyo waliba in la iska dhigo wali inay Britishku kuleeyihiin. Ceebta Uf iska dhaha.
Buubaa ayaa sheegay, tanu ma go'inee way go'odoonsantahay, self isolation, keep it up. And now the Brits are giving you the ultimatum to get on board or stay out in the cold with further isolation.
This is beyond shocking indeed! Read it for yourselves but beware its just too much and to all of it is cantrabaqash One of them by the name Abdi writes: A Abdi says: January 20, 2012 at 2:44 am 50,000 Somalilanders will killed practically over night. Whilst 300,000 left to flee the bombarment. Prior to this they were subjected to rape and incarceration by the ******/fashists whilst their main source of income the port was blocked for trading before they had the civil war against this oppression. Your crocodile tears for the Baidoba people and the litte people doesn’t ring true when you so casually dismiss others who suffered for near enough 30yrs now. From demining of their country to rebuilding slowly and burying the dead. You only see the refugees that left but not the many that were left behind to pick up the pieces. Racial Empathy is what this is called? Somalilanders have been offering their support to other Somalis since 1995 but of course that isn’t mentioned. Their charity is expected and taken for granted but their wishes dismissed and ignored all in the name of Brotherhood Somalianism. Looool :D What sort of war machine can kill fifty thousand people in one night? Looooooolz perhaps a magic sort of war machine Loool, and that, that what happened is Baidoa is but a crocodile tear, and to top it their long standing charity for south Somalia is taken for granted - Looolz.
This is beyond belief hopping all the hope that the Brit masters to listen and sympathize with their secession ideals. It's unimaginable what some of them a writing on this non Somali website - talk of extreme rape, exaggerated number of deaths, words like fa.qash .and.mention.of.clan.names and even shamefully some claim to be proudly colonized by Britain as opposed to Italian. Its funny Lolz The link: http://blogs.fco.gov.uk/mattbaugh/2012/01/17/london-conference-on-somalia-building-momentum/#comment-108
^Lol, Ok jidka kuu furan. Laakiin ina adeerkaa Oodwen ka gar heli maysidee maad iska daysid? Horaa looga quustay! Waano abuuris aa kahoreesay ma maqashay?
Huh? Hard hit, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! this really hurts. Of all countries and governments this to have come from the Brit masters and her majesty, Queen Elizabeth of SL's government in London. Indeed, it hurts bad.
Oil or not, all resources in the land of Somalia will be shared and according to the Somali constitution. Marka ha is wareerina!