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Everything posted by Xafsa
lol...you think I would help you run away from your man?lol... walaahi waaba kugu sii diri lahaa. you know I can't stay away from our town...i'm planning on coming back next semester insha alaah. You saw a bunch of cuties? dang it...what were they freshman?..ani freshman maxeey ii taraayaan? I need a full grown man The girls were mean haye....its ok..we'll break them in
Bisinka!! Everyone has their own preferenes on what the want to do with their lives. We are all grown people here...we know right from wrong so I don't see why proud sistah and simple women have to defend themselves to anybody on this forum. IF you do something Haram its between you and Allah and they same goes for your good deeds. All we need to do is express our opionions with out getting hostile...so people relax. The thing is you need to understand that everyone has their own reality adn understanding of things in this life. Peace and luv
^^^kiddo? naa inaa ku dhali karo waa ugtahay meel fariiso maandheey waayeel kiddo laguma dhaho..see alla ku yiri
Originally posted by Baashi: Taladaan la ruugin waa lagu rafaadaa Rati diraac qooqey weyd ma aha Note: weyd = caato; diraac = abaar/jiilaal. 'Laba qaawan isma qaadaan' or as MMA would put it 'labo qaawan waa u toostey' loooool waraa MMA you just gotta twist things miyaa? The only one that I know that hasn't been mentioned is GOd sireed Ha qodin haddaa qodina ha dheereyn, ku dhici doontaa ma'ogide. It took me years to understand this....dang I was slow back then!
Mos Def is muslim huh? The brotha got mad talent i'll give him that much. How come I aint never head of freeway?...I need to get with the times!
Originally posted by MIZZ-UNIQUE: ^^ walaahi u cracked me up this time sxb.....wiilo waaye nayaa .....u know what ama do ama nock him by doing a strip tease did u watch the hindi movie koyla ......the old guy would snore after i take my baagi shirt off ......u know i got 20 shirts underneath that baagi shirt..........BUT i will make u the malxiisad for my aroos ........lol lol 20 shirts? Some how I don't think he cares what you wear on top I used to hear in somalia about girls that used lock themselves in the bathroom or the closet on their wedding night...I think mizz unique your gonna top the charts peace and luv
captivating soul---go do your thang girl...its all good with me Its business not personal...as long as you keep the luv going. Darman...that picture...dang...its just amazing.. its like you've seen me before peace and luv
I will be more than great ful for that $50. Adiga laakiin I will feel sorry for you on your wedding night with a big fat old bold dude in his tight boxer briefs
Thank you all...i'm glad you liked it. peace and luv
I'm glad school is going good for you...how is our little town treating you? Say hi to your family for me and all my people in our town...ok. bye sweety. peace and luv
^^^ i'm not so sure your joking!! walaahi waxaa wiilo luguu dhahay aa qabtaa...ileen maskaxdaa kaa maareeysatay..bisinka girl alaha kuu sahlo a 40 yr old bold rich guy ok... anna nimanka qurxoon oo broke ass-ka ah baan soo xareeynaa deal? Lulla girl where have you been?
lol.....opininated....ishaa ka tuurtay walaahi Og- girl...abaayo a husband is not meant to control you...hes your partner not your master. Your husband is nothing like your father....how could you even compare them? :eek: peace and luv
MaLikah girl...thats one of my favorite poems by maya angelou....including "still I rise". That women has awya with words. salaam
lol...wiilo right? lol if not then i've given up. Nayaa whats going on? How is school going? Its not the MCAT it was the GRE...my sisters taking the MCAT..get your facts str8
og moti My real name aa? Waraa been maa leysku sheegaa? at least we just kept it to ourselves adi waaba kasii dartay.
A very shy guy goes into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting at the bar. After an hour of gathering up his courage, he finally goes over to her and asks, tentatively, "Um, would you mind if I chatted with you for a while?" She responds by yelling, at the top of her lungs, "NO! I won't sleep with you tonight!" Everyone in the bar is now staring at them. Naturally, the guy is hopelessly and completely embarrassed and he slinks back to his table. After a few minutes, the woman walks over to him and apologizes. She smiles at him and says, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I'm a graduate student in psychology, and I'm studying how people respond to embarrassing situations." To which he responds, at the top of his lungs, "What do you mean $200?!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A policeman is on scene at a terrible accident - body parts everywhere. He is making his notes of where the pieces are and comes across a head. He writes in his notebook: "Head on bullevard" and scratchs out his spelling error. "Head on bouelevard" Nope, doesn't look right - scratch scratch. "Head on boolevard..." dang it! Scratch scratch. He looks around and sees that no one is looking at him as he kicks the head. "Head on curb." Why did this one crack me up so much...its seems so simple but it made my day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A mom and dad were worried about their son not wanting to learn math at the school he was in, so they decided to send him to a Catholic school. After the first day of school, their son comes racing into the house, goes straight into his room and slams the door shut. Mom and dad are a little worried about this and go to his room to see if he is okay. They find him sitting at his desk doing his homework. The boy keeps doing that for the rest of the year. At the end of the year the son brings home his report card and gives it to his mom and dad. Looking at it they see under math an A+. Mom and dad are very happy and ask the son, "What changed your mind about learning math?" The son looked at mom and dad and said, "Well, on the first day when I walked into the classroom, I saw a guy nailed to the plus sign at the back of the room behind the teacher's desk and I knew they meant business."
thanks for that lambda. Its just makes me realize why Ilove science so much.
thanks for that lambda. Its just makes me realize why Ilove science so much.
scream who? i'm done with my therapy..i've been done. SO thanks for the service... my stress has moved on and so must I.
nice job everybody Instinct poet my fellow mnpls nomad that was well put together. BAtuulo--beautiful!! Mizz alpha--you got mad talent deadly vision-what can I say except keep 'em coming salaam
Originally posted by underdog: oh...now isn't it very naive of you to think I should explain anything ... it kinda sweet. :eek: Oh my god !!! you were picking a fight? really? WOW explain? did I say I needed you to explain anything? :rolleyes: maybe you miss read .
advocate for both answers? because I only care about the answer to only one of those questions...mine. Oh what the hell who am I kidding...I just wanted to pick a fight with someone and you seemed to be the perfect target. sorry about that... peace and luv
you can answer a question with a question huh? that must be new unwritten rule. I ask a question..there are only a handful of correct answers that i'm looking for , turning around and asking me a question...well that does not qualify as an answer..ya feel me?
you tell me...you can't answer a question with a question.