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Everything posted by Xafsa

  1. Xafsa

    Before You Sleep

    I do the same thing that YAcquub and Tamina do...but theres this book called " xusnul muslim" and it has all the du'as you will need for any sort of situation...it has more du'as you should read before you go to bed. I also read the last two ayas of surah al-baqarah....I heard that if you read those it would be as though you parayed salatul leyl...but I'll get back to you on that.
  2. Naayaa wiilo....whats wrong with a cab driver? walaahi hadaadab qosolka deeynin afkaan kaa jabinaa..naa joog I'm just messing with you I aint getting married...yet
  3. I;m gonna have to figure out how tell my mom i'm marrying a cab driver....
  4. I just did walaal...that was really informative. thank you
  5. Xafsa


    Nir..thaak you so much walaah for answering. I would love to take that refresher course...I do need to re-examine my own aqeeda before I can examine anothers. What is a Zindiiq?..never heard of it.
  6. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: How about your husband? Is he allowed to call you that? My husband? Anyman tries to call me naayaa...I'll make sure he never ever dares to even think it!!!
  7. Nin yaaban walaahi naag kaa waasha allaha kuu sahlo oo fartaa taagtid ba jabisa...aamiin dheh. As for your friend I would love to get the chance to give him a taste of his own medicine...culture keena kulahaa. Any women who excepts that sort of behavior deserves to get her ass kicked...what the hell is she thinking. :mad: AAbahaa cun dheh ...
  8. ^^^^ hang in there....you should come to my wedding in mid august...you will be one of my brides maids...ok?
  9. Whats with all the hate??? Suban girl that was funny...thank you for sharing that.
  10. Originally posted by Ilhaam: Malikah: Someday your prince will come. Mine got lost took a wrong turn and is too stubborn to ask for directions. . lol...now thats funny...
  11. ^^^Thats what i'm talking about....nobody seems to be respecting my wishes here I can call myself inta lasiiyo cuto..y'all would still be calling me Xafs. :mad: I;m kidding...I answer to both xafsa and flying still..so what ever works for you
  12. Xafsa


    I have been thinking about this for the past couple of weeks...so maybe the brothers and sisters in the islamic forum could help me out here. If for instance you met someone who was decent in everyway...prays daily, doesn't smoke, drink or chew qaad, educated, doesn't go clubbing...just a well rounded person. I know the most important thing is making sure their Caqiidah is correct...so what I want to know is how would you find out what their Caqiidah is? what kind of questions would you ask. And is it enough the he prays...is there more you should be looking for? I feel like theres has to be more than just praying...I just can't figure out what? This may seem like a relationship question but it isn't....
  13. ^^^^^^ You know I got your back Let that little man come down here..waaba intaan rabay! How is scholl going anyways?
  14. Oh heeeell Noooo!!! I don't understand whay qoslaaye wants from the somali sistahs....you want us to tell you which type of girl we prefer? :rolleyes:
  15. There you go again!!! EVen your attempt at making peace has to be followed by some snide remark.
  16. My niiko ability is...0.... I can't seem to figure out how to just move my rear end with out moving my hips. If I dance my hips have to move....I tried taking some lessons from a friend of mine...but I still get a big fat zero!!
  17. I don't think it made a big differance when i changed my name....'till this day people be still calling me Xafsa. The hardest person to figure out was Kaafi.....If barwaaqo hadn't figured it out then I would never have known Mizz unique---someone started a topic about you saying what?...naa ii geey najaasta :mad: Nobody messes with my small town ppl.
  18. If you want it to be over then it is...but I just hope I;ve made my point. peace and luv
  19. My posts have no angry tone to them..if anything they are more of a playful nature...so your gonna have to point out to me where and what posts you saw this soo called angry tone. Again ...I have nothing against men...to say that all men are corrupt I would have to include my father, my brothers, my uncles and all the men that are near and dear to me. may be qof kale ayaa igu khaldeeysaaa....I in no way believe that men are the sole cause of the pain indured by women in this world. I believe that both men and women suffer because of the actions of the opposite sex. So walaal stop this one man witch hunt and gather some evidence before you accuse me of male bashing. I am not looking for conflict where none exist because in this case there is one...you are handing out accusations that are unfounded...all i'm doing is defending myself. peace and luv
  20. I'm glad y'all liked it... my favorite one is the one about the 3 fishermen....its a classic
  21. Natural or not....call me naayaa...kabteyda lee ku taqaan. Nin yaaban---sexually arousing?....walaahi magacada waa u qalantaa.
  22. Another lost soul... male bashing is no were near what i;m doing. walaal you need to first define for yourself what a feminist is because after all you were the one who called me, and I quote, a "militant feminst". I never in anyway say that I was out to get men...or that they are out to get us...so I don't see where you got the idea that I was looking for attention and sympathy...nothing could be further from the truth. I don't need yours or anyone else's support let alone sympathy in what I believe. Paveing my own is something that i'm striving for, that does not mean that there aren't great muslim women whos example I can follow. So what I don't understand is why you are so upset about the fact that I want to and will pave my own way? Walaal you need to do your own research because it seems to me that you are confusing two different issues....you think that by me saying thatI am just as capable as any man that I am automatically "bashing" men. I hope that you are not so sensitive about this whole issue as you seem to be...for your own good. Lighten up..get your facts str8 and re-examine yourself. peace and luv
  23. Happy belated B-Day Og girl.... I;m so proud of y'all..so much love in this place Good job nomads. Peace and luv
  24. Imitation? Who's imitating who here? If your saying that females are trying to imitate men by caliming they can do anything men can...then my brotha you have been mislead. I'll give y'all one thing...you are physically stronger than us....thats about it....so come off your high horse and admit the truth. Me and my crew don't imitate anyone...we pave our own and have people follow us. You already have an anti--women title. peace and luv
  25. Underdog... house work?....anything you can do we can do better...anything!! Rememeber that!! ITs about time I wear my feminist title with pride