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Everything posted by Xafsa
Originally posted by Raxmah: Asalamu alaikum Salatul fajr is by far the hardest because shaytann will keep you in bed. It used be very hard for me to get up in the morning, but now I have three alarm clocks set one is next to mu bed, I have one in the hallway and I have one in the bathroom. I have to get up to turn it off, and when I get to the one in the bathroom is pointless to go back to bed. Alhamdulilah it works for, and I hardly miss salatul fajr now. I was reading a book about a white professor in california that converted to islam...and thats the same tactic he used to get up for fajr prayer.
There is this misunderstanding.....we are not saying that the brothas are the only ones that need to get tested......BOTH parties need to just to be on the safe side. If people really understand all the ways that STD's are transmitted then they wouldn;t feel offended when their partner asks them to get tested. Its just the smartest thing to do....what do you have to loose? It aint about trust?....or whether or not your religious ( instinct poet.
^^^ I understand that a cousin is not what most people would choose...but then Fatima bint rasulilaah married Ali who was her uncle. But allah knows whats best...And I hope and pray that he guides my cousin to the right decision. 1luv
You know what...this is exactly whats wrong with somali people!! You just sit back and expect one man to fix everything?.....
I don't understand what being sensitive has to do with protecting a family? If a guy is sensitive to his wife's feelings then he is automatically a wimp?!!
flying-still= Xafsa....But i'm sure people know that already!!
Ameenah said all that I wanted to say...thats very sound advice. Let us know what you decide hon....and wlc to SOL!
^^^Nafisa is suposed to be here....but I aint heard from her...but I guess reer minnesota waa laga cabsadaa MMA y'all got a Xamdi makhaayad too huh?!!
Congrats lovely me!!!! I wish you and your new hubby a bright future filled with love and lots and lots and lots and lots...of children!!! Bachelor----you will find yours soon....don't worry
Originally posted by Nefertiti: Lol @ all the reactions.. Ladies I can see the absolute disgust in your faces...looool. I apologise, didn’t mean to give you nightmares....NOW, lets look at the matter from another dimension. Four foolproof ways to guarantee that a brother WILL look SEXY in a Macawees: 1) Get a brother who is MEATY. None of that skinny “findiciil” resembling Faraxs. He has to have a nice well toned-trained-developed-body. The full works: EIGHT-pack, nice skin tone, lovely jubbly smile, straight teeth (etc, etc, etc.) 2) Then, make sure his Macawees is SILK, again none of that cheap market material that scrapes your skin off every time it comes in contact with you. Preferable colours have to be red, OR black OR sky blue. This will then compliment with his smooth-caramel-BABY LOTION rubbed skin. 3) Depending on the ladies style, the Macawees can be just below his knees to all the way down. I particularly prefer the knee length style as this gives me the chance to stare at his hunky Calf’s. "Mmmhh, all I can say at this moment is YUMMY!!!!" 4) Lastly, make him yours and yours alone. Ameenah, had the right idea, NO OTHER XALIIMO gets her hands on your new macaawesed-sexy style man! Good luck folks, and if this works remember who to thank Gediid, do you fit these requirements? Then get in touch for an interview!! *walks of the room pleased and intent on finding this special macaweesed brother* loooool...thats what i'm talking about....there is nothing sexier than a freshly showered brotha with a clean shirt and a nice macawis....damn!!!gives me goosebumps thinking about it!!!
Nafisa--macaanto its a given that i would show you around my town!!! Ilhaam--No I won't be hosting people...I'll be wroking the whole day and by the time i'm out the conference would be over.....but let me know when you get here both you and nafisa I would love to meet y'all.... Conference for Somali Students in North America On August 16th and 17th, 2003, MSSU plans to welcome to Minnesota all Somali students from all states of the US and Canada. MSSU will make every effort to help all incoming students enjoy their trip to Minnesota and leave Minnesota with a positive outcome. We will provide housing to those who are incapable to find a place to stay during the conference or don’t have any friends or relatives in Minnesota to stay with. We will also make sure that students feel safe and secure in their new environment. MSSU will be playing as a host and facilitator of the conference and it is expecting from all Somali students of North America to contribute their ideas in order for us to have a splendid conference. On the first day of the conference (Saturday), students will have the opportunity to get to know one another and give information about their colleges/universities and about the Somali community in their states. There will be guest speakers whose names and credentials will be released soon insha’allah and posted to the student website (www.mssu.net). On this day, MSSU will provide breakfast and lunch to all of the participants of the conference, but there will be a special dinner exclusively for the student guests who are coming from the other states and Canada. Discussion among students, comments, questions, and answers session will follow the Saturday’s lunch. At the dinner, Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed (a Somali physician), will give a special lecture, and also students will be given different proposed rough drafts of constitutions, which will be likely presented by the Somali students of different states of the US and Canada (some states are working on their proposals now). These proposals are for the prospective Somali Students of North America’s charter. On Sunday, there will be a breakfast and lunch also exclusive for the student guests. On this day, the program will mainly be a continuation, ratification and finalization of the proposed charters. In this session, students will discuss the charters and give their opinions and feedbacks as to edit and improve to make one charter for Somali Students of North America. Since this is the first meeting of the students in North America, NO elections or nominations will be held. However, a committee will be set up to work towards another conference for elected representatives of states and provinces in which elections will take place. The second conference can be held anywhere in the US or Canada if the committee sees it is a fitting place for the conference. Additionally, elections and nominations will be organized by the committee. There should be a representative from each attending state of the US and Canada in this committee. The committee will be given an opportunity to discuss and exchange contact information in the last hour of the conference on Sunday, August 17th 2003. If you have any more questions about the conference, please contact us. Contact information: Abdirizak Abdi, President of MSSU. E-mail address: Abdi0011@umn.edu or phone number: (612) 327-8746. MSSU Secretary, Safia Yasin at (651) 491-1002. You can also contact some of the board members. Abdi Ahmed at metkhadar@yahoo.com or (612) 721-6897 or Ali Bulhan at Alibulhan@yahoo.com, or (651) 335-2594. With regards, MSSU Board.
[ Posted by Diamond princess: Most Friendly - Flying_Still...she's really nice to talk to...plus she gets alot of attention from guys... girl give me some tips.] Attention from the guys?....don't make me blush!!!! About the tips...holla at me..i'll teach you what I know [Posted by Mizz unique: SOL fav goes to : MY GIRL flying still(lovya sis )] Ooohhh...I love you too hon.....you so damn sweet
Originally posted by Ilhaam: [/qb] Remember that!!hadaa saas u fiirisid xataa kabteeydaa ku taqaan..... [/qb] ^ Now who'd be watching you? Or you haven't agreed to participate in this experiment because you know you can't stay away? Anyways, let me know if you girls need help! [/QB] I don't need watching......remember I'm already taken...can't change my mind now....or can I?
^^^ here in mnpls?...hope you enjoy our city sis!! Asraa i'll hook you up with the info after I make a few calls. 1luv
^^^^ I love clown...this cajuus is just tryin his game on me thats all ....aint no replacing clown!
Originally posted by MIZZ-UNIQUE: flying still u watching me ...acuudi billahi naa qofkale hala ii so diro......i saw cute freshmen during orientation..shoo....with ur watch it means no smiling no hi's and hello's.. Remember that!!hadaa saas u fiirisid xataa kabteeydaa ku taqaan.....
lol @ scorpian sis---you got guts hon...!! Geedid ---where to shake kulahaa---ciyaala suuq waaxid!!1
YOU decided to walk away?!!! looooool...you got jokes!!
^^^ Nobody is talking about over 20 yr old kids...if they are then yeah it would be their turn to support their parents. Most of these abandoned kids are a result of divorce.
^^^ I feel you...I could never just start beating on anyone...I'm too nice!!
I've seen children who make up stories about their parents abusing them just so that they can get away...and i've seen parents actually abuse their kids. So its hard to know who is telling the truth. We all know that somali parents over react when they see their daughter standing with a man...I've been called many ugly names and chased with dangerous object...but that is not considered abuse in the somali culture...I guess somali parents need to loosen up a bit.
I would love to know myself....I know countless me , including my own father, who left their kids to be raised by one parent. So why?
THat was the most profound article I have read thus far!!! That brotha has a way with words..it takes a truly strong person to change the course of his life. Masha alaah...I am truly happy for him!!!