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Everything posted by Xafsa

  1. ^^^ well happe 21 B-day to you hon!! wlc to our world now you can move on to bigger and better game!!! kidding.....1luv
  2. Happy B-day runaway virgin!!! your B-day is sep 4th?!!! Then happy birthday to you and me!!!!! 1luv
  3. Underdog- I don't really understand love myself...So when I figure it out I'll let you know. Ameenah_ I agree...if we just go back to the qur'an and the sunnah we will find all the answers to all our problems. And it is a known fact that men and women were created for each other. So you can't have one with out the other. 1luv
  4. Saying that you should get your belly pierced only if your gonna show it off is like telling a hijabed sister that she shouldn't bother doing her hair 'cause she's covering it anyway!! Zakariye--walaal when I say daliil I mean Solid aaya's from the qur'an or hadith's. That shiekh is only giving his thoughts on the subject. 1luv
  5. wlc to SOL sis. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Like my fellow nomads said before me...you can find all different types of things and people in SOL...we are as diverse as the real world( not the t;v show). Peace and luv
  6. I scored 10/11....I would think I would get a perfect 11 since I did devote 4 years of my life to biology :rolleyes: oh well!!
  7. juxa...me feminine?...oh stop it!!! lol. I think whats his face ( underdog ) will disagree with you
  8. ^^ you do reply to topics alot put you don't start many topics....I should've cleared that up.
  9. Diam princess-- nice girl, but seems like she got a bit of a wild side...which is good! The girl can write poems...makes you wann fall in love , funny and sweet as hell.
  10. Zakariye--- I never said that you were wear cillaan...I asked you to tell me what the benefits of wearing cillaan were. You still haven't answered my questions..... where does it say that I can't pierce my own body? What other somali people do and what is common practice does not determine what kind of decisions I make for myself....so it doesn't really matter whether I grew up in somalia or china or the US. so my brotha do you have any proof other than " its just not done"?
  11. og-girl---pretty, easy to get along with reminds me of mizz unique( maybe thats why y'all like each other) Ilhaam--cute avatar....that's it? khasaaro!! Tacabkii aan barashadaada galiyay aaway?
  12. First of all Zakariye my brotha.....I didn't start this topic. Secondly where in the books of "culture" or diin does it say that you can't pierce your body parts? Any good outcome?....what is the good outcome of wearing cillaan?...I see none but I'm sure you do and you will be kind enough to share that with us. My intention in replying to this topic was not to get the permission of people such as yourself....i'm sorry if thats the message you got from the 4 lines I typed...hope I made that clear enough for you. Markuu illaahay ilmo ku siiyo then then ka mamnuuc....but don't come up here and tell me that I'v lost my culture and way. That's not a call you sould be making for me. So walaal....kindly keep your negative comments to yourself....unless you have some daliil( such as aaya's and hadiiths) for your claim. Peace and luv
  13. ^^^so your saying getting your navel pierced is not sexy?
  14. Naagtaas walaahi lug iyo gacan baan u taagay. PAtience is a virtue that we should all practice....but chewing qaad and coming home at 5am?!! Its true that yelling and throwing things is not the solution but must I wait up for him? and with food? If I have to wait up 'till 5am with a plate of food you better believe that b!tch is gonna get his dinner served on his face!! I for one would just go to sleep Alone and see how he likes coming home to a cold empty bed and a cold silent wife!! If that doesn't work...I would start coming home at 6am everytime he comes in at 5am.....give him a taste of his own medicine!!
  15. ^^ you gotta tell me how that felt...getting your belly pierced. Thats my next project...I don't have the guts to pierce places my mom can see 'cause she can pretty worked up over things! I got a 2nd piercing in my ear when I started college and I still hear about .
  16. For me when I start to feel like life is hopeless and jahannama seems nearer to me than jannah. I pray two rakacas and read the first few aayas of surah al-mu'minuun. It seems to help me. Its also very important to read the qur'an everyday...and do it right after fajr prayers if you can. When some tragedy befalls me or my family this Hadith usually helps: On the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, who said : One day I was behind the prophet and he said to me: "Young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice] : Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything, they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried." Narrated by Termithi, who said it is true and fine hadith In a version other than that of Tirmithi it reads: "..Be mindful of Allah, you will find Him before you. Get to know Allah in prosperity and He will know you in adversity. Know that what has passed you by was not going to befall you; and that what has befallen you was not going to pass you by. And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and ease with hardship." peace and luv
  17. nice pic....I was expecting some gaabow geed ma kori kartaa looking guy(jk)...but I an surprised!
  18. Originally posted by Twisted-AYeeYo: flying still wut do u thing? What do I think about what? The pic?
  19. ^^^ darn it me and my big mouth...bal ma iska aamusiyoo!! SO thats mindstates pic huh?
  20. I ran into this quiz and thougth it would be intresting to see how much we know about our bodies.Take the quiz Let us know what your score was. 1luv
  21. Originally posted by Mindstate: [QB2-My Right Hand being my second considering all the Joys that it brings into my life(if you know what i mean) . [/QB] I see your pleasure seeking activities are a one man show!
  22. What are the things that my fellow nomads do when they feel like their Imaan is dhaciif, or when you go thru some hardships? Just so that we can exchange ideas and learn from one another. peace and luv
  23. ^^^ Might be true that they did not come from the jews. But the truth is that the majority of somali people Discriminate against the yibro because of that disputated claim. There is no proof....and even if there was proof why does it matter? They are muslims and somali just like us.
  24. Jamaal and Juxa....is there an alliance between the london nomads...is that why your voting for each other? hmmmmmm....I think i'm onto something here
  25. Xafsa

    Busy, Busy?

    Wlc back sue....sorry it took me so long to reply to this!! We missed your crazy ways!!