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Everything posted by Xafsa

  1. looooooooooooooooool!!! HAbartaa buufkeed dheh to that fictional white man!!1 We have a rich culture walaahi...but we are not that loud. And who in their right mind would complain about somali food?!!! :eek: Our bariis, shaah, and salad is why I survive....its why aan la feero weeynahay!!!
  2. Xafsa


    Originally posted by OG_Girl: flying-still and STHLM_Lady u most welcome sisters fliying still , sister i couldn't understand ur second question can u say it in English sis? thanx My 2nd question was about making a promise to some one such as a promise to marry that person...but at the end you decide that marriage isn't what you want so you back out of it thus breaking your promise....should you stay with the person 'cause your afraid of nabsi. ( this is assuming you have no valid reason not to be with this person..just that your niyah is not stable.) The last 2 lines were words from a somali song... 1luv
  3. 2pac doesn't represent anyone but himself....that goes for everyone.
  4. Xafsa


    What about axdi intaad qof la gashid aad hadana ka baxdid? they say: Axdi been ah lama galee wacad lama ilaawo ruuxii ku aamina lagama indha saabto. So should you be with someone just because your afraid of Nabsi?
  5. Xafsa


    Og girl hon that was very touching...thanks for sharing!
  6. Xafsa


    I just wanted to know If you guys believe in nabsi or karma. I know that what goes around comes around...but to what degree?
  7. Tamina hon I feel for you!!! Where exactly are you gonna find a cadaver to observe? I know in A few yeas back in human anatomy I had to disect a cat....and that was nasty enough for me. If I had to even look at a cadaver I would start crying for sure....reminds me of my own death!!!!
  8. Tamina hon I feel for you!!! Where exactly are you gonna find a cadaver to observe? I know in A few yeas back in human anatomy I had to disect a cat....and that was nasty enough for me. If I had to even look at a cadaver I would start crying for sure....reminds me of my own death!!!!
  9. Did I do something wrong? I didn't see any pic? :confused:
  10. ManofWisdom....again your going against your name!!! That line you posted doesn't even begin to resemble a well thought out argument. Don't you think we as somali's have alot more to worry about than how much we hate the arabs?
  11. I was just messing with y'all lucky!! I myself was amazed at how I didn;t even notice that he rearranged the letters!!
  12. Can't we all just get along?!!!!
  13. oh hell noo!!! Y'all better start using spell check...I don't wanna get cross eyed trying to read that mombo jombo!!!
  14. DP hon those were amazing!! I can relate to poem number one...being a somali female its a given to feel trapped even past your 20's. But # 2?....thats soem painful emotions...I know what your saying!! keep 'em coming!!
  15. ^^ alot of people don't know what they're getting into when choosing a partner! I should knpw i'm one of them!!
  16. Xafsa


    Salaam Everyone!!! I missed this place walaahi....but I must say my productivity at work has gone up....that is something to be greatful for! But I am glad that everything is back up again. 1luv
  17. Lucky thanks hon for the info...I needed those tips for sure. where exactly can I get a glycolic acid product? 1luv
  18. Lucky thanks hon for the info...I needed those tips for sure. where exactly can I get a glycolic acid product? 1luv
  19. jamaal this is the one I'm talking about...damn its heartbreaking!!! Bisinka! Ok one more song I don't know who sings it but it starts off with " barbaarta kaan ka doortay.." or something like that. Its in that new Album called "2004". Let me know if you find it. thanks
  20. Jamaal thank you...there is no reason to carry on. meesha bukta iyo fartaa is ug darman. So my bad I back out....you know more somali than me!! I am nothing more than a sujuu!!
  21. Lucky!! My girl....mature for her age. down to earth. this girl Really has it together. Darman--Afkaaga hooyo orod soo baro yaah carbkaatahay maxaan ka sheegaa!!!
  22. Medesty what types of music did you find are not haraam?
  23. Nur thank you for that article. I wonder though...if I have come off to you as someone that doesn't read or understand somali? :confused: Khayr(maybe not) Walaal xanaaqa ku haayo culeeys badanaa. Sheydaanka iska naar!!