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Everything posted by Xafsa

  1. Why not? Why can't you be an educated young ambitious sister with a family and a great career? Isn't life about balance? There is this myth going around that a family and a career can't go hand in hand. Its all about how strong and determined you are about going after both. I want a great career and I'm working towards that goal at this time...but I also want a family adn I realize that there comes a point in time when both my goals have to over lap. I also realize that planing for something never works...wixii kuu qornaa baad heleeysaa...so no stress.
  2. Latefah....I'm sorry to hear that you will be leaving us...If I am one of the people who's posts have offended you then I pray that you will forgive me. 1luv
  3. looooool ar MMA iyo Nafisa xaasidsanaa oo jac kululaa..xaarka idinku dheg...aaamiiin!! MMa--adaaba axsaan kuu sameeynaayay....Xafsa jaamac suul dheer in aad xamar la martid....war anaa iska dhintay...maanaa maanta koo maskiin la yiraah iga faanay? :eek: tol beelayeey....balo...balo..balo!!!
  4. ^^^ war ani i wado.....pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!
  5. If i'm gonna leave the land of hamburgers and fast food then I would go str8 home....
  6. Maasha alaah. Walaahi he was a great man and an example for all of us.
  7. I forgot to ask you about that...pm me and let me know...I heard there was some A$$ shaking involved!! Ma salguuro caashaqee (Maryan Mursal) Ma salguuro caashaqee ani sibiq ma igu galay Intuu samada ila tageey saxar-qaadka fooraha dul sabee ma igu yidhi dhalanteed ma igu sabay soojeede maqanoon seexaneeyn ma iga dhigay Ma salguuro caashaqee ani sahal ma igu helay sambabadiyo feedhaha intuu surima kala baxay maku soofay xididada seediyo lafahiyo wadnihii ma sarayoo halistii ma sudhan yahay Ma salguuro caashaquye ani sidiq ma ii dhigay Intuu soortii iga jaray suun adag ma igu xidhay ma isaaray heegada wax sanceeya mawloo saakay maygu wayn yahay suxuladaa ma ii dhigay
  8. Al mu'minuun...I love this suurah! But I have favorite Aaya's from different suurah's.
  9. Athena my girl....I love that last bedroom set!!! Very nice. I will choose to ignore your other comment :cool: Conspiracy---lool
  10. Originally posted by miz-unique: NAA I WISH I COULD, GET OF MY HEAD AM ADDICTED TO SONG .... HORTA U DISAPPEARED LATELY EH, HAVENT SEEN YA EXCEPT FOR LAST NIGHT , AND MY GUES IS ::: SOMEONE WAS CRAPPY, GAFUURKABA LATAGA KA WARAMA I've been around walaahi...school work and life are kicking my a$$. Walaahi I wasn't trying in aan kafuur taago...I was tired and I had no idea who was in the car when whats her name stopped to talk to E. did we have a SSA meeting this thursday? Geediid ...Thanks hon...I'm new to this whole somali music thing.
  11. underdog---thanks hon...but me a rebel? :eek: Nooo.
  12. Originally posted by Qac Qaac: flying still, adi yaakaa dhigay kaaba ladaarka meesha, girl who gives phuck, what the hell is that, u know u guys do give a ..... so atariishinimada iska daa macalimadda. Adi I don't give a phuck aa ka xanaaqday haye? miskiin...attention raadis aa tahay ee maa ii sheegtid saaxiib. Haddaan runta kuu sheego if it don't involve me then I really don't give a phuck. mizz unique---loool. balls iyo dick aa?...hmmmm....thats a hard question...there are alot of guys with dicks but not many with balls.
  13. Xafsa


    looooooooooooool. Good little kid.
  14. Wiilo....lol...you can't get that song out of your head huh?
  15. African----you trying to remove me from all this fun?.....I can't just stop at just one man!! SO i'm gonna need you to help me fill the other 2 positions that are open.
  16. African----you trying to remove me from all this fun?.....I can't just stop at just one man!! SO i'm gonna need you to help me fill the other 2 positions that are open.
  17. I'm very happy for you hon....someday soon I would like to go back home insha alaah.
  18. ^^^loooool. I'm trying to stay away from dark colors in the furniture....the decor would add a little color....but a dark living room set?...naaaah too somali. DP- click here Lakkad- you think its too crowded?....what would you take away?
  19. Originally posted by OG_Girl: I am bored , i was just reading old posters i admire: Moti (my brother) flying still jamaal-11 (he was my enemy once )..lol joking i will think about others salam Thanks hon...I didn't know you thought so much of me....how did I miss that? Thanks again sweety.
  20. loool. Now that was funny and some of those animals do make sense. Humans do not satisfy their queen. You must satisfy your Queen. You must service your Queen. The men need to follow that....take notes...you can learn from the bee.
  21. Originally posted by Lakkad: Rv lol Unfortunatly no matter how many great tips and wat not yall bring..its still indeed hard to please women!..its a fact! thnx for ur effort tho Among all the men in this world...there isn't one who can claim to have pleased a woman? :eek: And they say we're the weaker sex.....
  22. Originally posted by Zakariye: s/alaykum Oh Dreams , well it is always nice to have good dream(not day dreams) but i haven't seen any one of you ended "inshallah" if god willingly,so what did that tell you ,your dreams will never become true. now go back and re-edit your dreams and end "inshallah" for sure. a/salaam Walaahi waa runtaa....thanks for reminding us walaalkiis.
  23. That ruling was not based on islam or the shariah but rather the love of power by some of those people. Either that or they're ignorant about the religion.
  24. She has another book coming out?....Maasha-alaah. The first book was a great read and I'm looking forward to the 2nd. Thank you safi for posting.