Didi Kong

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Everything posted by Didi Kong

  1. Originally posted by rudy: England is gonna lose!! holla........! Amen. Add brazil to the that list. I would rather see Italy win then this two countries.
  2. The winners will be from Group G. Go Zizou! France all the way.
  3. A friend showed me a video from google which I will post here for your viewing pleasure; http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=515642196227308929 It's called Russian climbing watch and tell me what ya think? hrazy mrazy or what? this dudes have an amazing body control.
  4. Well I have seen some qalanjos who was adamnt about not cooking and after she married she cook five and six meal a day...jikada saariir dhigetey..akrah ma cindi nagahan isbedbedelo like a big chamelion...simply I hated! who notice this beside me and what is the cause and how we can over come it. About the art simply cooking is art either you have it or you don't. Aniga I don't
  5. Aniga waxaan u maleynahayaa inay arin fiican tahay wacadale. El Muhim waxaa ii sheegtaa did they talk about TGF and where it is heading in this new millenium? Did anyone mentioned the president?
  6. I was only making a general statement and it wasn't directed at anyone specifically. Maxaa ku qanqaniinaayo adi?
  7. Originally posted by Baashi: As for me I lost the little skill I had in that department ever since the day I became a workaholic trying to take care my family. Every Faarax magically forgets how to cook even the iskoris ones from what I notice, yeah right. Most Somali guys can cook better than girls unless they have mothers who spoiled them rotten and from what me and my girlfriends discuss these are the types which should be stayed awayed from.
  8. I have a to-do list for every year/month/day of my life. Long-term as well as short-term lists. In the next five years I should be in med school, the fastest approaching milestone age for me right now is in 2 years (22) I should finish my undergrad by then. The biggest milestone age of my life or any muslim's for that matter is 40 hopefully I'll look back and be content with all my achievements and thank god for all his blessings.
  9. The people who have been arrested are most likely jihadists who been flaunting their violent ideologies. Canada is not darul harb it is a peaceful nation.
  10. Here is a short video/slide about Muslims in Rwanda. Enjoy. http://www.nytimes.com/packages/khtml/2004/04/05/international/20040406_RWAN_AUDIOSS.html
  11. Castro minyar eh? I'm not surprised you are Cuban so it is to be expected. Laakiin Xiinfaniin maxaa lagu hurgufay? lol. Ok ok I'll leave her alone. There is no beef here Animal Farm and topics get butchered everyday at SOL. I'm out.
  12. WaterLily don't apologize to her, rather praise her for her consistency that is what she wants. You are looking at a woman who has mastered the art of pleasing people in her five years of membership on these forums.
  13. Listen Miss Kutub weyn, xijaab dheer I'm late for dugsi qur'aan because I have glad tidings for Jannah you are enjoying this back and forth a bit too much so I'll conclude this nac nacleyn for you we are donezo! nugu kalawat.
  14. Originally posted by besbaaso: elegant and understated is more my way... mine too.
  15. SB your constant attention seeking is annoying me. lol. Cooking eh? Lemme see *murmurs surreptitiously something about cooking being for men only and then runs away*
  16. Originally posted by Rahima: ^Don't kill the topic. Naa soco waa edab darantahay. It is an open topic we can answer however we like. You are the one who is killing the topic by being harsh and to the wrong person on top of that. Don't you know this is about dawah? Go learn the proper ettiquetes of addressing people.
  17. Namibia is a rockin place! After all it is the country where my favorite hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had their baby. I imagine she will turn out to be hot hot hot like me. Ohh Yeaaaaaaaaah! Oh And before I forget manshallah!
  18. Originally posted by Zafir: Imagine calling your daughter Dallaayo, so that some stupidh boys and girls can change her name to Ballaayo. I ain’t having it, no wayy. Screw all the oldie names. Zafir jus shuttup and call her Bosaaso. Stick to the international theme. vhy the headache? lol.
  19. Stoic you should tell her she gained weight and she should lose it and tone up. Obesity is becoming a serious problem. Your friends and those who care about you will always be the first ones to shove the dirt on you so to speak. I don't think she'll have a break down by your telling her the truth. Start by telling her you probably know this too but blah blah and then ask her how you can help her.
  20. well I hope I benefitted them, they were very bright kids masha allah but then again most Somali kids are very intelligent from what I observed.
  21. My worst job was as a tutor for these wild Somali kids,.......I almost used to lose my voice screaming after them, aamus shutup, fariiso, waryaa don't hit your sister! their mom never used to discipline them and she used to ask me weird questions with a quizzical look on her face like...Are my kids worst then other kids? :confused: I don't know habaryar (can't she not see me gulping down the extra strength tylenol?)She used to hunt me down too...Didi when can I expect you to come today?
  22. I doubt yemen is the place for a better life and employment. But it is quite sad to see that the only sense of normalcy some of our brethren have is suffering.
  23. Originally posted by Animal Farm: What about the guy who had his sons name put on a missile, and he regrets it in the end. I was glad he came to his senses towards the end. This story always made me angry and re-enforced my view of Americans as being arrogant. Only the US army would grant a cowardly and emotional induced wish such as this. I hope he is sorry for the sake of the innocent men, women and children that might have died as a result of that strike. Snake-i thanks for sharing your informative articles and videos, wallahi these are people who have zero conscience.
  24. Originally posted by illegal some-alien: (except for prison break, dude from mariah careys video irks me) He gives me the creeps. Almost looks like an albino and has psychotic looking eyes. I don't like any of the shows listed above. BattleScar Galactica might have some appeal from what others mentioned, and its the number 1 rated tv show like OMG OMG OMG!!! that just screams watch me. must be a tv show that gives the same utility as getting an expensive yet affordable DKNY handbag. seriously tho I'm not a tv show fan I only like movies.
  25. Justice this is one singular event for whom I should say mabrook to you. LOL. have fun. Tell him everythings what is the use of keeping everthing for yourself. Simply none. Tell me how it goes I don't want to missed it. alright abaayo. bye.