Didi Kong

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Everything posted by Didi Kong

  1. Isn't this the way he always speaks? nothing new. Him and his brother should be schooled by the Clintons on how to be savy, personaly and politicaly.
  2. Originally posted by Northerner: The title of the book, only half of me which he goes into at the start of the book is so true. Its like we live double lives. When at work and when out of work we lead different lives. I hardly ever discussed my ethnicity with people at work and i certainly didnt lead their lifestyle to discuss on a monday morning. Are Somalis double agents? You agree with him? Normally if one works at a job that is in the upper echelons of paid work they would want for it to be rewarding and rightfully so considering what they expended in the effort to get there. Work can only enjoyed if positive rapport with collegues is built. And you can only do so with what is an integral part of you i.e. your Somaliness and Muslimness. People who do not discuss attributes of their personal life either do not like their co-workers enough to do so or they are trying hard to proof that they are not marxists who take work to be the beginning and end of it all. There shouldn't be a stark contrast in your life whether at work or outside of it. You have the same principles, you are the same you. Ps. I really like Rageh Omar, will read this book when it becomes available where I live.
  3. Simply gorgeous. I love seeing pics of Somalia. Lets see some more.
  4. Me, ilaahey ka cabso. walaala la yahay lafaha maxaa loo jajabina? lol. el muhim magecyga karaameysan agagaarka dadka qalbiga ka jiran ha ku sheegin. fadhlan walaal
  5. I'm Zizou's #1 fan so I'm with the French on this one. loooool tho especially @ the head-butt incident as seen by all especially the Italians and the French.
  6. wow! this is really scary and coupled with what is going on in the middle east there is bound to be a lot of instability in many muslim regions. If the prospective parties don't come to an agreement there will definetly be a conflict of interest between the majority of Somalis who support the courts and the international community and the minority who support the TGF. I pray for peace and for the safety of all muslims who are implicated.
  7. ^^^no surprise the international community does not back this region don't get mad abaayo. Ceeb badanaa meel kasto waa lagoo soo ceyriyey.
  8. ^^^ I picked out these quotes from the web page you posted. But Materazzi added: "I am ignorant, I don't even know what an Islamic terrorist is; my only terrorist is her," he said pointing to his 10-month-old daughter. what a loser! I like this description of Metarazzi about Zizou and what was said to him. classic if it was said indeed hahahaha! they're not even close to being of the same calibre and both of them know it. "He turned towards me and scoffed at me, looking at me with super arrogance, up and down. "He said 'if you really want my shirt, you can have it later.'
  9. Zizou is the world cup MVP and he wouldn't say what the little b@stardo said to him, I'm sure it is not something he hasn't heard before being from Marseille and all. But he has everyone's respect as the greatest at a time when being so is the toughest.
  10. Lazie girl what problems you got with gorillas? just kidding
  11. ^LOL. dude I only support France because of Zizou, clearly he has anger problems whatever he does I support therefore we should all make excuses for his bad behaviour. He walked away and then he came back! yep lol.
  12. I think Zidane did what he did on purpose. France could have won easily but he chose otherwise. Chirac can kiss his Berber behind he brought France close to victory and he took it away just as easily. He is a man of principle and I admire him deeply for what he did today. Marka my fellow SOLers saas waaye, cawada habeen Azzuri waaye, cawada habeen Italia waaye, wac wac wac! Today when I went out on the streets of my city I wasn't mad.
  13. Rahima, LOL@ how you felt compelled to clarify your stance, you left no stone unturned. I'm sorry if I offended you but you kind of left me with the impression that you supported 'regionalism' which I believe stinks because it has its roots in clan politics. You are right this is what impedes progress, and I was always of the impression that it should never be encouraged in and of itself or used as a motivating factor to spur other 'regions' to move forward. The model of Xamar as a city that belongs to anyone that lives/ed in it and calls/ed it home should be encouraged in other parts of Somalia that clearly do not possess this unique and admirable quality to overide this problem. As such people like 'me' would not feel alienated from cities that they belong to culturally due to their clan affliations. And most importantly so Somalia can move as a whole unit. If you notice this is how all developed nation states operate. My problem with seccionists is that the land they want to split up belongs to us as much as it belongs to them. When 'me' disagrees with them you should let him.
  14. Rahima, You are cheerleading from various "houses" and it is at times hard to tell what "house" you are from not that I particularly care because I don't operate on the same logic. Perhaps this is the ambiguity you are aiming for as you make it clear all the time that you do not like the politics section yet surprisingly maalmahaan you have been a present force here with a clear political agenda. The seccionist ideology predates the civil war in Somalia yet you make it seem that they want to split up due to lack of peace at Somalia. In any event your shrewd attempt to level attacks and accusations at everyone and their prospective "regions" has left you out of touch with your own short-term principles because it has unwittingly made you champion the causes of many geographically removed "houses"(SL and the courts in the South)that have varied and unrelated concerns and goals. Both can't surely be your "house" by your logic. You make references to General Duke but what is the difference between him and Suldaanka, clearly both of them have zero concerns with Islam and are driven by same sentiments you abhor regarding other regions? By exposing yourself to these debates you are exposing yourself to be ruled by the same sentiments as these people and you leave your debaters no choice but to accuse you of biasedness. This however does not seem to bother you because "everyone is biased" is what you echo in your previous posts which begs the question are you trying to tell us something? Leave this part of the sub-forums alone and concern yourself with nobler goals all good aqwaan girls concern themselves with these days because you haven't accomplished anything here besides contradicting yourself and indulging in name calling.
  15. Did you change your nick? I'm assuming this is not the other girl (at your work) who got your constitution mangled by rejecting you and going for the Afro-American dude lol. But you know what they said right? you only talk of that which is clost to your hear't. Sali can nabiy and leaf this poor girl who work with you alone. Just kidding give her some more to talk about out and dish out the gossip here. Waiting to hear more of this nacnacleyn.
  16. Perhaps it's the Afghani turban he is wearing that makes him look like an Arab? I see no Arabs in the video. People shouldn't refer to the light-skinned reer hamar as Somali Arabs most of them classify themselves as Somalis only. Just an fyi.
  17. Originally posted by qori xabaalan: Don’t you find it ironic you are solely supporting France because of the same racist reason?This is just a game. If the black players win, France will get the credit not the black people or Islam! [/QB] I don't think his supporting a team because he shares common traits with them is racist. If France wins the cup the team will be the world champions for 2006 and this is precisely what they'll be remembered for. That is a goal in itself. Get with it.
  18. Originally posted by nuune: it is unfair for France to be even in this final waxaas yaa laga maqlin mardambe hada waa lugu qalayey :mad: GD, Zizou is the best there is the best there was the best there ever will be. This team insha allah will be the world champion.
  19. ^The German newspapers were running racist articles referring to the Italians as "lazy" and "greasy" and invoking the past (around 50 years ago) when some Italians came to Germany seeking work. I guess they used to do menial labour. It is not hard to see who is more racist now lol. Italy went sun tzu on them that is for sure and caused their first defeat at Dortmund.
  20. SL and greater Somalia are pretty much still steeped in poverty and lawlessness, by international standards not Somali standards. This whole thing about getting prospective houses in order is BS because Mi casa es su casa, and that just makes one big house. We are all Somalis. People conjure up euphemistic theories to hide and support what lies concealed in their diseased hearts.
  21. Yep the greasy and lazy Italians have won. Alla necbiyaa.
  22. Damn Germany is out! No more Deutschland. The Azzuri are the true laacibiin, too good to be true they dominated the whole game altho they took mad beatings today I guess the pain was all worth it at at the end.
  23. This is disgusting if it happens. Seems like these girls inherited the negetive body image that is prevelent among women in this society. Changing one's physical attributes is a sin in Islam, a lot of people do not realize this.
  24. This happened to a friend, this guy e-mailed her and told her "You are a beautiful girl who is nice and I like to get to know you. I don't like to hear bad news so give me only good news" Demanding qaxooti. Thankfully this dude is married now and surprisingly his wife worships him. It is funny tho I still laugh at it.
  25. Slashing anyone's face is horrendous especially if the victim is a girl. How can you guys support this? Putting a child who recently arrived in the country in an all white school was the wrong move to begin with. Somali kids who are not fully integrated get bullied.