Didi Kong

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About Didi Kong

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  1. dazzlement=cajab How do you say banned in Somali?
  2. KK, yours waa a well-known skank puta before her untimely demise....I'm sure you already follow in her footsteps.
  3. Originally posted by The Zack: ^wow :rolleyes:
  4. I hope everyone can let go. I can't tell you how many times I run into angry faces, tolow tan maxaa ku sameyey? Alla haa maalintii lol
  5. Didi Kong


    Everyone has instincts, what a silly question is that?. Isn't 6th sense being clairvoyant; where you can forsee the future? I have a 6th sense I can tell how intelligent a person is before speaking with them.
  6. lol @ Khalaf, tan cida maha waa sheegato. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Ilaa caruuraa eheed...Soco alaab alaabeey dheel...Mise bax seexo it's waaaaay passed your bed time...Don't forget to kaadi ok, b4 aadan seexan... Sida marba SOL isugu ilowesey oo ciyaalka iyo howsha guriga u dayeceysay. Realitigii iyo cyberkii ba iska dhex khaldamay. Waa dawakhsantay, your 8 kids with the six different fathers baa ka mudan waxan. Orod ciyaalka take care garee inta social serviceka kaa qadan. MMA, she is very disappointment. Eksactily waxaa sheegtey bay filaneysey. Hada like Fabio waxay ku haysa "I caaan't believe she is not a man"
  7. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Haye eedo, raali noqo...Kaalay nanac aan ku siiyee, saa dhoocilaha nanac eyka helaan aa la yiri waayahaanee... bax naga gambiso saqajanadyahay wax isku falin. :rolleyes:
  8. Originally posted by Khalaf: lol@ boowe. Didi adna gormay reer bari noqthay? I'm reer bari, reer mudug, reer everything cida :cool:
  9. I don't even know why I'm calling you abaayo, it's not like inaa isku age group nahey. islaanyahay waalan. :eek:
  10. Kool Kat abaayo YOU KNOW I'm not a man. Stalker :mad:
  11. Khalaf way igu khafiiftey boowe.
  12. ^ :confused: :confused: :confused:
  13. ^I don't know what you are talking about! :rolleyes: