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Posts posted by harriwaa

  1. Thanks for sharing this with us sxb! Good to have & heard this sort of news!


    The very obvious thing from the beginning was that the current regime of Ethiopia took its own hands the demise of its destruction after it had aggressively invade Somalia & its ever Brave Warriors. History reveals that Brave Somalis were never defeated in a battle of any sort. And from this point of Ififaallo, Our brave Mujaahidiins will eventually gain the upper hand & prevail, by the Will of Allah, HEI!


    Wal Caaqibatu Lil Mutaqiin....!

  2. Somalia Islamist leader evades arrest






    THE chairman of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) Sheikh Shariff Sheik Ahmed escaped arrest by a whisker when Kenyan authorities closed in on him as he and a group of other militiamen attempted to sneak into the country.


    Kenyan security sources intimated to us that Sheikh Ahmed, was in a group of 22 others who slipped out of a security dragnet on January 13 at Garabey area, along the Kenya-Somali border.


    It also emerged that about 30 suspected Somali militiamen have been arrested along the Kenya-Somali boarder in the past two weeks following a crackdown by Kenyan security forces.


    According to security sources involved in the operation, at about 9 am on the material day , the army and police who were patrolling Garabey area while acting on a tip off arrested an injured suspected ICU member, Abdikadir Maalim Mohammed, 19, who confessed to them of having been injured 15 days prior to his arrest.


    READ MORE : Kenya Times

  3. Sxb dhawrkan Qof ee Annaanniyiinta ahi waa DULLOOBEEN. Qof Dulloobayna Aakhiro waa ka dahaaran yahay. Cabsi Illaah mar haddii aanay ku jirin qofka Binu Aadmiga ah; xayawaanka waa ka liitaa, waxkastana waa ka suuroobaan in uu ku haddaaqo. Waxaase ayaan daro ah Bulsho weynta Somaliyeed ee iyagu dadkan ISKU AAMINNAY ee u dhiibtay XIL DAWLADNIMO aanay uba qalmin. Waxay ila tahay dadkeenu, wixii Damiir Soomaalinnimo leh, in ay sii wadi doonaan Qalbi Dirirkooda Amxaaro Diidka ah ilaa inta uu Wakhtigu U saamaxayo inay Ficil ahaan ku muujiyaan dareenkooda Waddanniyeed.

  4. Dadka ciddii leh dhiig & Damiir, in yarna Allaha ka yeelee, waxay haddiyo jeer u taagan yihiin difaaca Ciiddooda Hooyo.

    Waa sida Somalida reer London & Ottowa oo kale. Special Thanks to them!


    Miskiin M.A. Thanks for posting this info. In Waddaniyaddu ay, Addiga & Dhallin badan oo

    SOL ka mid ah, idinku dheer tahay baan idiin hubaa. Waxaan idin dhihi lahaa: adeeggiina shaqo intaa ka sii ambaqaadda!


    F.G. SOL xubin baan ka ahaan jiray hase yeeshee muddo hore ayaa iigu dambaysay;

    haddana waxaan filayaa in aan idinku soo laabtay.