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Everything posted by Abwaan

  1. Thanks for sharing this with us Saxardiid and Duke_Valantino. I think this will proof A/Yusuf wrong that the government needs foreign forces in order to go back to the country. I beleive that this sort of wellcome will take place on many places around the country. Marka meeshaan marmarsiiyo ma yaallaane orda oo dalka taga haddii aad dowladdii tihiin oo ummaddaan hogaanka u bugta wax u qabta, haddii kale sheekadu waxay noqonaysaa hoteello ku yaal dalal shisheeye oo qaboow iyo cunto macaan baan rabnaa inaan 5ta sano ku dhammaysano adduunkana aan weelal badan oo lagu tuugsado la wareegno ummadda xaqeedana ku cunno.
  2. i heard dhagax-tuur was not one person,but he is a symbol of all people who died in 1936(not sure the date)in mogadisho, they(somalis) were demanding independence and they did not have a weapon except stones, that is where the name came from. that is what i haerd. ...@lol...bilan anba sidaas baan ku maqlay. Is this the pure breed thing? I hope that the Somali warlords' descendants do not copy Alle-ubaahne and search each other for the same purpose.
  3. Is Puntland part of Somalia? I think the answer is yes. Therefore waa inaysan keligeed tashan. Miyeysan habboonayn inaan is xasuusinno in gobol kasta oo Soomaaliya ka mid ah lagu dhisay dhaqaalihii guud ee dalka haddey noqon lahayd xagga waddooyinka, dhismeyaasha iyo difaacaba(inkastoo aanan ku doodeyn in maalgelin fiican lagu sameeyey dalka guud ahaan). Haddaba magaalooyinkan magacyada loo kala yeelayo oo ay hadda qabaa'illadu sheegtaan ha xusuusnaadeen inay wax ku yihiin Soomaaliya balse uusan qabiil keligii magaalo qurxin karin. Aniga waxay ila tahay haddii arrimahan oo kale laga ogolaado inay ka dhacaan goobo dalka ka mid ah in xeebta dheer ee ku teedsan dalka markaas ay magaalo kastaa heshiis gaar ah la geleyso dowlado kale dhulkuna uu si dhab ah gacanta ugu gelayo shisheeye. Waxaa xasuus mudan qaabkii ay Israel ku soo dhisantay ee ka soo bilowday dadkii qaxootiga ahaa ee maraakiibta lagu keenay ee kaamamka loo gaday ka dibna dhulkii la wareegay. Soomaaliyeey aan ka digtoonaanno dibindaabyada shisheeyaha iyo aragtigaabnida ay caadifaddu hareeraysay ee intaan Soomaali wax la qabsigeeda ka cararno aan shisheeye ku ordeyno. Qormadaydan cid gaar ah ma khuseyso ee Soomaali oo dhan baan tusaalaynayaa ee fadlan yaan khalad loo fasiran.
  4. Why don't u forget all that shits and radiculouses and buy a very big Villa in your country ,,,, it is much cheaper and safer with no Riba at all ,,,,, lol@Jacaylbaro...and who is going to live in there then? Will it be a headquarter for warlords or local cheifs? oo mayrkay rabaan madfac halla dheceen amaba halla wareegeen illeen dowlad aamin ah oo ammaanka sugtaa ma jirtee. Waddankaan xabaalaha la qufanayo. And please don't tell me that there are places like Boosaaso which are safe, Cause Boosaaso ayaaba beri dhoweyd dhulkii dowladda la boobayee. Xitaa Hargeysa ayaan maqlayey in bishaan horraanteeda arrin dhul la xiriirta laba ruux oo walaalo ah lagu diley. Kismaayo?...@lol.... haba sheegin haddaaba JVA sii kala jejebeysaa waa hadda iyo dagaal hor leh...EEBBOOW na mooti....Marka Jacaylbaro xaggee baad ku talin lahayd in Villa laga dhisto?
  5. Yemen takes nuclear waste precautions Sanaa, Yemen, Jan. 16 (UPI) -- Yemen said Sunday it has implemented precautionary measures following the discovery of nuclear waste off the shores of nearby Somalia. While the government sources did not specify what actions were taken, they said a team of U.N. experts arrived on to test the waste, believed to be highly toxic. Sources told the daily September 26, which has close ties to the presidential palace, the waste was found in the past two days. The unidentified sources said authorities had information that some ships had dumped the waste into regional waters after the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami Dec. 26. They said tidal waves might have carried the waste to Somalia's shores, prompting the Yemeni authorities "to take the necessary measures to prevent the waste from coming" to its own shores. Opposition newspapers last week claimed foreign vessels had emptied nuclear waste off Yemen's shores in the Red Sea. :mad: If this and other similar stories told in the past are true what is the point of Maryooley fighting over a wasteland?
  6. Abwaan

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    Waaaaa laysu soo noqoneeeeey wixii nool adduunyadaaaaaaaaa.............
  7. Aamiin , Maahmaah Soomaali baa oranaysa "Rag aamusay, iyo riyo aamusayba, reerkoodii gabe"....Raalli ahaada gabdhow kolleey maahmaahooyinka Soomaalida rag baa hogaanka u hayey waagii hore oo malaha gabdhahaba lagama qayb gelin jirin. Amaba luuqaddan faca yar baa kolley Rag (markaan oo kale ay u taagan tahay rag iyo dumarba). Ujeeddada aan u soo qaatay maahmaahdan haddaan u soo dhaadhaco Soomaali cidna u hadli mayso illaa ay inta iskuduubni muujiyaan ay meel kasta ay joogaanba si asluubi ku jirto sharaftooda u daaficin. Arrimaha eedeymaha khaldan ayaan duulkeenna ku cusbayn: Waxaa xitaa UK ka dhacday in la yiraahdo Soomaali baa dameero la waayey qalatay oo hilibkooda cuntay! waa yaab!!! Wax la qasho oo la banneeyey oo ilaahey badiyey waaba hilib dameer.
  8. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar thanks for reminding us how the dead Somalis were treated in Italy and how some Somalis treated theirs back in Mogadishu. Kolleyba sidaad u jeeddo Soomaali farabadan ayaa ka xun dhacdadaan oo qaarkood ay ka dhiidhiyeen, cambaareeyeenna kuwaas oo iskugu jira shacab iyo masuuliyiinba. Ma ahan wax qof damiir leh uu sameeyo waxaanoo kale iska dhaaf qof Islaam ahe. Kolleyba arrimahan iyo kuwo ka xanuun badanba waa dhacaan haddii goob ay ka lumaan maamulkii iyo kala dambayntiiba. Waxaan hadda ka hor maqlay in wakhtigii dagaalada sokeeye meyd Soomaaliyeed lagala baxay karfan amaba xitaa qabuuro loo qodayey ruux naf baxay ay inta ********i timid xabbadana ku fureen dadkii qodayey ay meyd mid iyaga ka mid ah oo soo dhintay ku aaseen. Waa laga bixi doonaa dhibaatooyinkaan Insha Allaah waase haddii dedaal dheer aan dhammaanteen Soomaali amaba intga badanba u galno sidii dalka kaladanbayn loogu soo celin lahaa.
  9. Thanks to those of you who have explained to me that this is for learning but not for creating another mess. I hope that is the case too, but the reality is as we are Somalis and we know ourselves and we don't normally have reasonable discussions on such issues plus as far as i know there are not such fair resources to consult with I wonder how this is going to be fair and beneficial? Please don't get me wrong cuase I am not saying that things should be perfect. I remember during the latest population census and stories I heard from those who were involved in the one before that. When you meet someone and you would want to take down information for the census many did lie and would give an incorrect information. For instance, some would claim to have larger family members than they actually did and some would even claim to have wife and kids when that they didn't. There were cases where it was even obvious to know that they made up their claims by looking at the age they claimed. Anyway, this topic needs real work and research but not only cut and paste stuff.
  10. Golden...@lol....this is madness isn't it? probably another disease like AIDS in the making as some claim that it was made in Labs by humans.
  11. I think one should not promote the existing political/tribal maps on Somalia that are available until some fair, accurate ones are produced because all those maps are so far bias and far from the truth. 4.5? I think this formula should be dropped as it is a taboo. Brothers and sisters, please yeysan caadifadda qabiilku na jiidan, isjiidjiidkana naga dhaafa hana laga fekero sidii waddada loogu xaari lahaa in la abuuro khariidad cilmiyeysan oo ka fog eex iyo sadbursi dalka iyo dadkana u horseedda horumar.
  12. By Jonathan Paye-Layleh BBC correspondent in Monrovia One of the legacies the former West African peacekeeping force for Liberia (Ecomog) left behind in the 1990s was more than 6,000 fatherless children. Despite their disadvantages the children have great ambitions Most of the soldiers left their partners no means of future contact and many of their children are being supported by a local charity in the capital, Monrovia. Now, with new peacekeepers in the country helping in Liberia's peace process - this time serving under the United Nations - the Ecomog Children Centre is trying to avoid a repetition of past mistakes. Ninety-five women pregnant by UN peacekeepers have asked the charity to assist them in finding out the soldiers' genuine home addresses. "We have told the girls seeking our assistance that it is better now for them to press the soldiers and get the proper addresses, and if possible the pictures of the peacekeeping boyfriends," said Reverend Abraham Cole, head of the Ecomog Children Centre. After leaving, the address he said he was going to send - for me to get to him - did not come Former partner of a peacekeeper Then it is possible to locate the men when they return home and organise for their new families to join them, he said. "Or if they want the babies to stay with us here to help them - because they are married at home - we can use the addresses to get them to send child support every month." But the response from the women's partners has been slow, he said. "So far only 19 peacekeepers have given us what they say are their appropriate home addresses." Suffering The abandonment of the Ecomog children has led not only to economic hardship for their mothers, but also social difficulties. A woman who had a relationship with a former Ghanaian peacekeeper says their son has caused her serious problems with her current Liberian boyfriend. I pray for God to help us; one day I will visit Nigeria Oshu Shola "We had a nice time together here; but after leaving, the address he said he was going to send - for me to get to him - did not come," she told me at the welfare centre. "So the child and myself are suffering because the new man I have does not want to lay his eyes on the child." Rev Cole and his wife, Sia, run a school at the centre - located in the New Georgia Township of the battered Liberian capital - for a few hundred of the children whose mothers are unable to take care of them. "We are children of Ecomog," the children sing for any guests that arrive. "We are left alone; we need fathers; we need friends; we need sponsors and you may be one." Their voices represent what could be called Liberia's fatherless generation - a result of the terrible 14-year civil war. Ambition The centre struggles to find funds, but this does not come between the children and their ambitions. Twelve-year-old Richlius Larmas, whose mother told him his father died in the line of duty in Liberia, says he wants to be Liberia's president one day. The UN force is due to scale down its operation in October "I want to be a computer scientist," says another 12-year-old - Oshu Shola - wearing a red T-shirt with a pair of yellow shower slippers. He and his mother do not know the whereabouts of his Nigerian father. "I pray for God to help us; one day I will visit Nigeria," he said. Some of the UN peacekeepers in Liberia today served under Ecomog a decade ago. But they are reluctant to talk about the abandoned children and distance themselves from issue. "I've heard it - that some of our colleagues left children here," said a Nigerian check-point soldier who served in Ecomog. "But for me what brought me here is to give peace." The UN force of more than 14,000 troops is due to scale down their operation after the war-torn country's presidential and general election in October this year.
  13. Smith no offense, but why in the world are government officials flying around when truly there is no dawlad ee matalaan? Horn....waa su'aal loo baahan yahay in la is weydiiyo. Mas'uuliyiinta Soomaalida badankood intii dowlad-ku-sheeg soo martay xilliga dagaalada ayaa mashquul ku ahaa inay duul shisheeye iska gadaan iyagoon ummadda Soomaaliyeed wax kalsooni ah ka heysan. Waan ogahay in dadkeenna qabiil googooyey oo qaar badan oo naga mid ahi ay qofka ku aqbalaan "Isku beel baan nahay" amaba ku diidaan "Beeshayda ma ahan", balse maxaa loo waayey hogaamiye dadkiisa qiimeeya oo isku daya inuu qabto wax dadweynaha soo jiita balse uusan diyaarad baan raacay, roog cas baa la ii fidiyey iyo dal hebel baan booqday (hadde waa dal uu tuugsi u tegey) qiil ka dhigan? Horn... sida aad sheegtayba maxay iskaga dhigaan "Baqashii fardo la mirataaba dhiggood bay ismooddaa" oo aan ula jeedo rag iyo dumar dalkoodii oo shaqaynaya metela maxay iskula meel dhigaan?
  14. Eleven missions agencies are currently targeting this people group. Shocking!!! And with the help of sick Warlords they give the Somali Culumo such names as Fundamentalists and terrorists in order to divert attention. Thanks for sharing this with us Wiilo.
  15. Islaan wareersan oo la indha-daraandartay nolosha galbeedka. Wax ay ka hadlayso maba taqaan. Baadiye in la geeyo ayey ahayd xaabada ha gurtee.
  16. Ilaah ha u naxariisto, eheladiisiina samir iyo iimaan Allaha ka siiyo. This is another unfortunate incident for Somalia. I wonder when we would stand up TOGETHER to stop such barbaric actions taking place.
  17. Labaatan iyo laba aamustiyo, shaqal irmaaneeya Amraniyo tilmaamiyo gudbe, aade iyo jooge Isku-dare xiriiriye falkaab, eryadeenii ah Ebyaniyo haddaan magac-u-yaal, ku arkay joornaalka Mar haddii afkaygii la qoray, Aabe iyo Hooyo.... By: Allaha u naxariistee Cabdulle Raage markii Af-Soomaaliga la qoray!
  18. Taliyaha laanta socdaalka ee gobolka Bari Dhamme C/qaadir Ciise Cismaan ayaa idaacada SBC u sheegay in waddanka ay ku soo galeen nimankani sharci daro sababta loo soo qabtayna ay sidaas tahay. looool@sharci darro. Soomaaliya niman baaba sharci darro ku hogaamiya ama haysta dhinac kastaba. I wonder which embassy these guys should have approached for Visa?@lol..I think nowhere. I am not suprised if this was a check up for security because not necessarily these guys but anyone could come into the country for all the wrong reasons but atleast this is a big boost for Somali tourism, where atleast few are trying to offer its share of this industry.
  19. I think all Somali media is bias. Duke_Valantino Ishaad ka tuurtay!
  20. You scored a 46% on the "How Somalian are you?" Quizie! 98 people had a score lower than yours 688 people had a score higher than yours 15 people had a score the same as yours I think these questions should have been added to the questioner: Do you support the warlord from your clan and you think he is always right? Do you speak loud when you are on the phone? Do you put 8 tea-spoons of sugar in your tea?
  21. Find the difference? Not Much but more ministries and of course new ministers for those.
  22. Abwaan


    Ma "village" maa la isku heysaa? Yaab badanaa. Arkeysidaa in dagaalkii tuulooyinku uu billowday inta magaalooyinkii kale laga soo jeestay. Haddii ay Motorway, xeeb dheer iyo tower buildings leedahay maxaa kaa bi'i lahaa, malaha mar horaa soil erosion duugey 70% of it. Eeboow na mooti. Nimanyahabaaw sida noo dhaama oo kuwa geeljiraha ah ee qoryaha wata sidoodii yaannan u dhaqmin ee inta kulligeen fekerno tuulooyinka aan hadda wax ka soo wada qorayno badankood dad aan xitaa Soomaali ahayn baa leh ee aan dalka ku wada noolaanno intaad Waxland naga dhaaftaan.
  23. They rejected 74 and accepted 91 That is true and I think the ones that did not get a place did that. This time the trick is they all think that they will be included but let us see what happens when the actual ministers are named I think only 91 will accept and the rest will decline.
  24. I was at both lectures. The previous one was brilliant and on the second one I could not agree more with brother Saxardiid on how he has summarized the event. The Speaker for the Hiraal group sounded arrogant to me. I could not believe how he did not thank the audience properly but started being rude to them in telling them that this lecture was for young Somalian University Students whom for either my poor observation or the reality I have only spotted few. I have not seen a single advert or announcement for the lecture on anywhere so I was wondering whether Hiraal group managed to email or text all the young Somalian University Students around UK and how? I heard that this was how they got their message spread around although it has reached me via word of a mouth. The professor did thank the audience though and praised them for their patience during the lecture. For those of you who would be interested in to watch the lectures, it was recorded on video and I think it should be available. Forgive me that I can't tell you from where but others might do. My apologies to the admin, in case I am breaking your policy towards advertisement over here.