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Everything posted by Abwaan

  1. Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: Forget T.F.G, the anti terror alliance has been returned to Muqdisho! Awal ma moogeyd? Oo maxaa kale bay ahaayeen?
  2. Originally posted by The Duke: Abwaan, SOL doesn't allow clan names hence my use of the term "Puntland". I hope you understand. So you are telling us you are just here to be the advocate for this qabiilka aad shaarka huwisey? And you falsely accuse other SOL members on qabyaalad by polishing them with the burushkaan qabyaaladda ee aad wadatid sxb? All the other Somali clans or whoever have a view other than yours on Somali affairs are argagixiso as far as you are concerned and they will be terminated? I don't think inaad qabaa'ilkaas oo dhan fikraddaan aan aaminsanahay inay qalloocan tahay aad ku meteshid mana qabo inay kulligood kula qabaan waxaan. Talo yar: Haven't you followed Somali history maxaa dad badan oo ka mid ah qabiil oo is qaadqaaday oo ummadda kale inay ku durduriyaan isku dayey? Maxaase u dambeeyey adduunka korkiisa su'aashii aakhirana dabcan u dheertahay?
  3. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^Expand on that brother. Oh even Siyad Barre's son has been ratified to hold a post, I think its Yemen. loool..I don't think it is Yemen. He was in Oman and was sent there by Arta Group. That is where Naji requested to be named for (funny nin dhahaya waddankaas iiga dhiga ambassador) waana loo magacaabey, laakiin waxaan maqlay in Dowladda Oman ay diidey oo ay tiri Xasan Siyad halloo daayo...lol..another request which was made valid by mushaarkiisa oo kolleey ay iyaguba bixiyaan, waa haddii arrintaasi run tahay. WAXAASOO DHANSE WAXAA ISKU FUUQSADAY, WADDAN LA HAYSTO SAFAARAD FURASHADIISU MAXAY MACNE SAMAYN?
  4. Originally posted by The Duke: Cabdi Fitaax Yare HorseedNet.com lol...kan Keyse Yare mataankiisii miyaa?
  5. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^Saxib give us a break, all you guys have been rejoicing over is nothing. The JVA are gone and their shamefull occupation and destruction of Kismayu is at an end. Does this mean to replace with another Qabiil with three words oo dowlad ahaan loo soo sharciyeeyey TFG isticmaarna soo adeegsaday?
  6. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^Saxib you know the answer to yur questions already. Puntland is a regional state. The clans who inhabit Kismayu are the same as thsoe who inhabit Puntland, hence the term Gedo boys to refer to other groups who also reside in kismayu. Simple really brother. Listen Duke you did not answer my question I said is Puntland Qabiil magaciis or Degaan magaciis mise marba dhinacii la rabo baa loo jeediyaa? I mean Xikmaddii Soomaaliyeed ee caanka ahayd "La jiifiyaana bannaan" Waa haddii aad garaneysid waxa xikmaddaasi ku baxday haddii kale haka xishoon in laguu sharraxo. Teeda kale you said Dadka Puntland baa Kismaayo dega. What do you mean? Soomaalida kale iyaga miyaa ka xiga? Warkaaga caddayso, maxaad geed iskugu qarin.
  7. Originally posted by Jimcaale: What do you expect with Xaaraan ku naax Max'ed Dheere? Waa la arki doonaa meeshay ku dambeeyaan kuwa arrimahaan ku kacay iyo kuwa soo farayba ee dersikooda, hooyooyinkood, habaryarooyinkood, dumaashiyaalkood, gabdhahooda, xaasaskooda,,ayeeyooyinkood, eeddooyinkood ama walaalahoodba gambooyinka ka furanaya. Waxaa la yaab leh ma saan baa dowlad lagu noqdaa, in dumarkii Soomaaliyeed dharka laga furto? Waa cajiib in jirrri iyo moooryaan lagu soo daayo magaalo, tolow maxay dhali doontaa?
  8. Ilaa 71 ruux oo uu ku jiro wiil labo bil jir ah oo u xiran dowladda KMG ah Mogadishu 09, May.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dadka ku dhaqan agagaarka wadada Aadan Cadde ayaa ka codsaday dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia in ay soo deyso dad ay sheegeen in laga qabqabtay xaafadahaasi ka dib qarixii dhowaan ka dhacay halkaasi. Max'uud Cali oo ka mid ah odayaasha ku dhaqan xaafadaha Suuq Sacuudi iyo Tokyo ee agagaarka wadada Aadan Cadde ayaa ugu baaqay dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia in la sii daayo dadkaasi si gaar ah cunug labo bil jir ah oo ku jira dadlaasi , isla markaana ay yihiin kuwo aan waxba galabsan. Waxa uu sheegay in dadkaasi ay tiradoodu gaareyso ilaa 71 ruux oo uu ku jiro cunug yar oo labo bil jir ah iyo hooyadiis, kuwaasi oo loo qabqabtay qarax dhowaan lala beegsaday gaari ay lahaayeen ciidamada booliska. Waxa uu sheegay in aanu garaneyn kooxihii falkaasi geystay ee qarxiyay gaariga, isagoo ku tilmaamay kooxahaasi kuwo nabad diid ah. Ilaa iyo iminka ma jiraan Mas'uuliyiin u hadashay dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia oo ka war bixiyay arintaan iyo waliba dadka la xir xirey. 7 dii bishaan ayaya aheyd markii gaari ay leeyihiin ciidamada booliska lagu qarxiyay Wadada Aadan Cadde, iyadoo qaraxaasi ka dib ciidamada dowladda ee halkaasi gaaray ay xir xireen dadkii ku soo xoomay qaraxaasi oo u badnaa dadka deegaankaasi, waxaana qaraxaasi ku nafwaayay 2 ruux halka 7 kale oo boolis ah ay ku dhaawacmeen. Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us: info@shabelle.net
  9. All we here is Reer Puntland, Reer Gedo, Reer Mudug, Galgaduud and SPM fighting over Kismaayo...where are the other Somalis? Don't they count or they don't as they don't fight, loot, rob and kill. It is so unfair as we know there are many other Somalis I know I am being naive but as this city and its surrounding districts can host as many Somalis as possible from right, left and centre, rather than each thinking they should lead others why can't they unite and fight against Amxaaro. For me the first priority is to get rid off Ethiopia. No militia from certain area have a right to rob the city including the TFG militia. One can make excuses by calling others terrorists or soo galooti ama xabadi keentay Kismaayo should be for all Somalis specially for those we have known to live there for centuries (the nomads, Bajunis and so on) and it shouldn't be selfishly robbed by those brought over by the isticmaar, previous unfair goverments or Jabhado.
  10. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^Afgaduud army has tamed Mogadishu, what makes Kismayu any different. You seem to be deluding yourself saxib. loool ...Afguduud army so hadda waad qiraysaa inuu Itoobiyaan yahay, because as far as I am concerned no Somali troops took over Mogadishu and THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS. It was so sad to see the so-called TFG Somali troops oo dhulka lagu jiidayo. Weren't those Afguduud's army? sheeko carruureed kale iska dheh!
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: he is a big time loser besides he is a Prof. ..... because he doesn't support gooni isu taagga Somaliland. Come on jacaylbaro sxb yaysan bahashu noqon taageeradii indho la'aanta ee TFG ee meeshan lagu hayey, be Fair the guy has his opinion.
  12. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto qoyskiisana samir iyo iimaan Ilaaha haka siiyo. Hooyada ubadkaan dhashayna Ilaah ha u fududeeyo korriimadooda, hana ka dhigo kuwii yeesha mustaqbal wanaagsan oo diintoodana xafita dalkooda iyo dadkoodana wax tara.
  13. Originally posted by The Duke: The militia that left Kismayo to attack peaceful Kudhaa Island have learned their lesson and will never forget. They lost many boys in that Kudhaa battle and the rest were either injured, scaped back to Kismayo, or captured. Now the Puntland clan elders in Kudhaa have decided to release those prisoners after "odeyaal" delegation left Kismayo to negotiate their release. Good move I say. Waa yaab adduun! This is comments by Duke the true Somali. Brother you claim it is not all about qabiil. Let me ask you a question here is Puntland Qabiil now I thought it was a regional adminstration. Does Kismayo fall under Puntland Map...? Sidee xaalkaani yahay?
  14. Originally posted by The Duke: Kismayu is a minor issue and will be tamed like any other area of the country. by who? Certainly not afgudud and the likes of him!
  15. Originally posted by The Duke: ^^^Pardon for the error it was not done on purpose. As for the resoloution ts simple really. The admin will return to do its job and the clan militias will have to vacate the city. The law shall prevail. Oh yeah they are looking for terrorists as well, you forgot that one too. lol@clan militia...I thought that these very militia you are talking about was part of TFG ayna u badan yihiin ciidammo ka gedoodey dhaqan-xumada wax saraakiil lagu sheegay sida Afguduud balse ah jirrri qori dab ah iyo qabyaalad la wareegaya iyo inuu dhulballaarsi ku kaco dadyow Soomaaliyeedna isagoo magac dowladeed huwan uu laayo... War horta waxaan la yaabay Ciidammada Dowladda la sheegaa ma afguduud iyo waxa raacsan unbaa? Dowladeey ba' awal baan kuwaan C/llaahi iyo Geeddi wataan oo Axmaarada u shaqeeya khayr ka sugeyn.
  16. loool.......at investments and family in Hargeysa and Mogadishu does that entitle you to dream on running the two cities? Maba dhalane dhawrtaysan ogaa! war bal u sug waddanka intiisa kale xabashida iyo xulafadooda hallaga xoreeyee xaggee Somaliland ugu boodi ma inay gumeysiga cusub wax kaga soo biiraan baad rabtaa?
  17. Originally posted by President Anwar: WE LOVE YOU Jenaraal Gabra YOU HAVE freed SOMALIA Lol...Anwar...what can I say?
  18. Originally posted by Mj. bada Cas: Nacdal baa kugu taal. I have never in my life seen such confident looking Xabashi, they have given these cocroaches a self confidence to be in the heart of Somalia without a fear. waa runtaa sxb
  19. I don't think it is winning that he would get a credit for but for maintaining to occupy Somalia with the help of some puppets unfortunately. This guy is the one who oversees everything that Ethiopia does in Somalia and yes it is the first picture of him during his time in this business. We always used to hear this dude who many puppet kiss his feet b4 they have to Meles's one.
  20. Abwaan

    My dialemma

    Chuba...I understand the dilemma here and I can see you really want to accompany mum to the airport. Do you have very important issues that you can't miss at the school during the afternoon? If there isn't any then there is no reason why the head shouldn't let you go if you tell her your plans. Unless mum has no one else to take her, I wouldnt recommend you to miss it tomorrow specially if the job is permanent. So like Puuja said b4 me try to persuade the head to let youu go.
  21. There are so many nice cities like Xamar, B/Weyn, Hargeysa, Kismaayo, Jowhar BUT my favourite city would be MARKA CADDEEY............................
  22. Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: ^^ Homework: Go back to Baghdad and get some more lessons. So you are asking for suicide bombs and loss of lives? sad indeed.
  23. It is so unfortunate that weriye Nadaara did not receive the support that he and his colleagues deserve. Waa ayaan darro in qofka Soomaaliga ah uu garab ka mutaysto oo keliya qabiilkiisa markii uu dulman yahay.