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Posts posted by Abwaan

  1. Galbeedi, whether you like him or not Saacid is our PM. You can disagree with that but there is nothing you can do about it. Your wierd thinking tells you in cid gaar ah yaqaannaan diplomacy and siyaasad and I think that kind of mentality itself is very backward. All the 25 candidates accepted president Hassan Sh. Mohamud's victory and around 50 candidates also accepted PM Saacid's appointment. It would have been logic if your opposition was based on a principle. I will give this government more time and see how it governs Somalia. We have seen worse things in the past and my patience has not run out yet.

  2. Abtigiis;900837 wrote:
    Abwaan, tareeysadu waa marka looxa laga soo bixi waayo. Marka wa shamsu la gaadho waa hal saban ah ama F-1 laga shanqadhinaya.


    By the way, the place is Dhuusamareb and the teacher is guarding against Che's friends the Alshabaab.

    lol Che mar hore ayuu hubka dhigay oo nimankaan ma raacsana.

  3. Minneapolis (RBC Radio)


    Dhowaan safiirka Hindiya u fadhiya Keenya, Sibabrata Tripathi, ayaa booqasho ku tagay Muqdisho lana kulmay Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya, Cabdixakiim Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi. Safiirku wuxuu ballan-qaaday Hindiya inay ka caawin doonto Soomaaliya dhinaca gaashaandhigga.


    Mowqifka IGAD wuxuu dib u dhac u keenay qorshaha dowladda madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo u ololaynaysa in cunno-qabataynta hubka laga qaado Soomaaliya loona madaxbanneeyo qalabaynta ciidanka. IGAD waxay caddaysay in taageero kasta oo dhinaca gaashaandhigga laga dhigo mid la isla ogyahay lana soo mariyo urur goboleedka.


    Faallo kooban oo ay soo saartay wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda Itoobiya waxay muujisay in taageero gaashaandhig oo toos ah oo la siiyo Soomaaliya ay tahay mid aan u cuntamayn IGAD. (The visit of the Indian High Commissioner was the first visit by an Indian official to Somalia since the collapse of the Somali central government in 1991, but India is reportedly the second country after Turkey to promise direct military assistance to the new Government. IGAD has already launched a Grand Stabilization Plan for Somalia whose objectives include providing coordinated support to the new government to establish a strong national defense force. The plan has wide support from the international community and from the Somalia government. )


    Dowladaha IGAD ugu tunka wayn ayaa qaba inaysan Soomaalidu dib u heshiin siyaasadeed weli gaarin iyo in hubka ku dhici karo gacanta kooxaha loo yaqaa nabad-diidka ama Ciidamo Qaran oo Qabiileysan?.







    At the invitation of H.E. President Mwai Kibaki, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud President of the Federal Republic of Somalia paid a one day visit to Kenya on Friday, 21st December, 2012.


    The two Heads of State held wide ranging consultations on various issues of bilateral and regional interest and at the end of the meeting concluded as follows:


    1. Welcomed the recent political developments in Somalia which culminated in the installation of a new Parliament and Government and congratulated the people of Somalia for this historic milestone.


    2. Acknowledged that Kenya and Somalia shared a common destiny and hence the importance of enhancing and deepening bilateral ties between the two countries for the mutual benefit of the two peoples.


    3. Emphasized the need for regular bilateral consultations on various issues of mutual concern and interest.


    4. Stressed the need to revitalize the Joint Commission for Co-operation (JCC) signed between the two countries in September, 2005 as the key framework upon which bilateral engagements between the two countries will be based on.In this regard, they mandated their respective Foreign Ministers to commence immediately the preparatory work which will culminate in the re-launch of the JCC.


    5. Underscored the need to co-ordinate and co-operate both at the bilateral, regional and international levels efforts geared towards consolidation of peace and security in Somalia as well as reconstruction of the country and building of new institutions of governance.


    6. Noted with concern the situation of Somali refugees who live in crowded conditions in camps in North Eastern Kenya and pledged to work together and with the international community to come up with modalities for their orderly return to Somalia to rebuild their lives and participate in the development of their motherland.


    7. Commended the role of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in the Grand Stabilization Plan for South Central Somalia and other liberated areas and stressed the need to support this process which has been endorsed by the IGAD Heads of State and Government, the African Union and the UN Security Council.


    8. Noted with appreciation the role of AMISOM in liberating large parts of Somalia from Al Shabaab militants and called on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to consider favourably the extension of the mandate of AMISOM when it expires on 7thMarch, 2013, so that AMISOM can continue helping in the process of consolidation of peace and security in Somalia.


    9. Recalled the negative impact on the sub-region of the breakdown of law and order in Somalia over the years and acknowledged as legitimate the consensus and interest of the sub-region in ensuring peace, security and stability in Somalia.


    Done in Nairobi on this 21st day of December, 2012





  5. Mooge;900572 wrote:
    lool. shekadi ma ducaysi bay maraysa manta.


    i hope you are not dumping all your savings on damjadiid HAG projects ninyoow. lol. . carurta iska korso ninyoow ha isku dalin project aan socon donin. lol. qoslaaye meel reerka garsiin maye u sheeg caasha xaaji, odawaa, cabdikariim xuseen iyo ina cabdi abtidoon aysan ukuntoda hal dambil ku guran.

    Mooge iska samir, dalkana waa lagula leeyahay ee ha moodin wax beel iyo kooxi leedahay oo sidii la rabo haddii laga yeeli waayo la iska caroodo. Maanta haddii aad jago weysid, berri baad heli insha Allaah. You and others want inaad dadka burush dhiiqo leh marisaan balse dowladdaani mid qabiil ka weyn waa dowladdii keliya ee rasmi ahayd ee dalkaani yeesho for the last 21 years. Dowladdaan dad Soomaaliyeed ayaa hagaya, taakulayn caalam iyo derisba waa heshaa laakiin ajendaha lagu hagayo Soomaali baa iska leh, taas ayaana horseedi doonta inay guul weyn soo hoyso, ummadda Soomaaliyeedna ay soo dhaweyso. So taladaan ku siinayo waxay tahay adeer Faroole iska beddel tani way duushay oo meel aad ka dumiso heli meyside.:D

  6. Abwaan baa sidaan ku billaabay:


    Saciid Somaliland

    Cumar Puntland

    Khadra Khaatumo

    Caasha Galmudug

    Xasan Ximan iyo Xeeb

    Yuusuf jubbaland

    Mustaf Maakhir

    Bashiir Bayland

    Jaamac Federaal

    Aamina Dastuur

    Muuse Roadmap

    Sahra Garaabo

    Sabriin Shiisho


    Bal ku sii dara...:D