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Everything posted by Abwaan
inaar = ina adeer? I am wondering how one abbreviates...ina eeddo...ina abti...ina hooyo...ina aabbo...?
Another Sharif Hotel achievement: Somalia closes all embassies
Abwaan replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Che, I did not support Yey's admin because Yey and the majority of his ministers and MPs were warlords, Yey and Geeddi were bad guys. It was more than obvious that Ethiopia was the architect of Yey's government and ruled Somalia, the death of civilians on everyday. Majority of Somalis did not trust that adminstration...I can say more but will leave there for now. I support Sharif's admin because it is way better than Yey's, the two top leaders are not criminals, Ethiopia does not tell us what to do anymore. Unfortunately civilians are dying now too but the number of death is a lot less than before. I think Somalis trust this admin more than the previous one. Finally the leaders of the two different adminstrations don't even talk the same tone, where the previous was hostile and the latter is more meaninful and peaciful. I never support more than 100 MPs but atleast there are more MPs who are not criminals in this admin. I hope that answers your question. -
Another Sharif Hotel achievement: Somalia closes all embassies
Abwaan replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
I understand that nowadays growing up around a warlord's compound gives one the title "Political analyst" -
Ceeb baa ka dhacday.
Another Sharif Hotel achievement: Somalia closes all embassies
Abwaan replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: The funny thing here or it is more tragedy really the likes of Duke , Abwaan , and Juje could have had it all if it is not for un-necessary mucaraadnimo, their lack of duty to their country, and unholy dedication to one man. The closings of Somali embassies (source of shame) and dispersing of the embassy's staff (another source of shame)is turned into political score-points. N one wonders why the TFG (an entity they supported one time or another) is failing. Learn to share the pie, maybe then you wouldn't wrestling or swimming in your excrements in front of the entire world. So you are saying that I am related to Sharif and Sharmarke? how funny...You know what Che...Are you loyal to M. Abdi Yusuf and Shongole? Cause that is exactly a claim by someone who I think just knows how to label people than talk sensible. Don't you think that you are taking that route too? FYI...I do not hate Yey or any1 else just because of their postcode and to do that is really shame. Safaaradahaan Soomaalida ee macno la'aanta u furan awalba waan diidanaa illaa dowlad karti leh amase xisaabtamaysa la helo. Waxaan xasuustaa in hadda ka hor aan tegey waddan ku yaal Waqooyiga Afrika oo la ii sheegay in Safaaradda Soomaalida ee ku taal inta nin aabihiis warqad u soo qoray oo leh safiir baan ahay ka tegey ay degeen dhallinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo tahriib ku jirey. Kuwaas oo gaarey inay taleefonkii Safaaradda inta soo wacaan waddamo kale ay BBC-da laanta Afsoomaaliga ku dhegeystaan. Waxaa kasii daran guriga kiradiisa iska sii socotay maadaama uu lahaa muwaadin dalkaa u dhashay lacagtuna ku socoto qaranka Soomaaliyeed. -
Originally posted by AYOUB: ahem! lol...AYOUB...caadi ma tihid...sidaa u soo quftay...Wallee SOL caadi maahan waa la iska daba keenayaa... Waxaa la yaab leh the same dude Bashiir Ciise oo hadda dhahayo kuna doodayo lacag lama samayn karo ayaaba horboodaya oo dhahaya hawshu gebagebo ayay nooo maraysaa... Waxaa dooddiisa hadda ka mid ah "Lacagta xaggee la dhigaya"? Oo awal markii 2008 uu lahaa lacag baa la samaynayaa xaggee buu dhigi lahaa? Ma Itoobiyaanka iyo Gabre ayuu u dhiiban lahaa toloow? Soomaalidu indho adkaa...muu iska caddaysto danaha kale ee uu leeyahay inta uusan been kale ku marmarsiiyoon.
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Waxaan kaloon halkan ka salaamya qof aana sheegayn. The girl who is leading the programme asked him who the person is? She had this what is going on look. "Iyadaa is-garanaysa, laakin halkan kama sheegayo" He said. I spilled biyo afka iigu jiray walaahi. This earth, people. Dadku nooc badana. The guy looked calm all along. Xabadda qudbo-sirada ah baan u fahmay...
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: ha isu dhiibaano ama hanaga baxaano Alla Inaar afsoomaaligii muxuu dhintay ,,, Ball inaar maxay tahay? so i naar uma eka. Naaridda iyo jannaynta soo Ilaah hawl u taalla maaha lol...i naar...... xiin runtii aad baad iiga qoslisey.!
Another Sharif Hotel achievement: Somalia closes all embassies
Abwaan replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
lol...kuwa badan oo aan anshax, aqoon iyo caqli diblomaasi waxba ka ogeyn oo warqadaha la wareegayey oo YEY u saxiixay maxaa haysta? -
lol...ma dhimane adigaan afsoomaaligoo dhan wada aqoon! Malaha midka waqooyi looga hadlo keliya ayaa afsoomaali kuugu xisaabsan. What about kan Waamo, Wabxo, Wardhiigleey, Waajid, Warshiikh iyo Wisil looga hadlo?
Originally posted by Norfsky: Aar ninkii mee? lol...at the madaxtooyada I guess. Ma meel kaluu aadaad maqashay?
Originally posted by The Zack: I like how the Somalilanders in SOL always talk about the rest of Somalia's issues and when the "Somaliland" issues are mentioned they come with excuse like "This is our internal issues". affari interni, indeed! lol...kaaga kula lihi, kayga keli lihi style. Maamul-goboleedyada dhan baa sheekadaas ku qaraabta markii ay doodda lumiyaan.!
WSJ-Sharif Hotel interview an insight into failure
Abwaan replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Sikaawe: I respect the guy as a man, but again in my view he does not deserve to be president of Somalia. He would rather be local school/quran teacher, he does not have the credential nor the look. I respect your view and would like to ask you who your candidate would be for this post? Sharif Xassan, Ibbi? Muuse Suudi? Xuub-sireed? Riyaale? Faysal Cali Waraabe? Buubaa? Juriile? Mowliid Macaane? Qanyare? Bashiir Raage? C/Qaybdiid? Indhacadde? Faroole? Daba-geed? Maxamed Dheere? Bari-Bari? Shongolle? Morgan? Abu-Mansur? Xaabsade? Cali Mahdi? Darmaan? Maslax Maxamed Siyaad? Xassan D Aweys? Godane? Who am I missing? please help. A lot of choices! I don't beleive that Sharif is the best man for this job but I think he is better than many in Somali politics. Plus let us rate him on his actions, personality and legacy because that is important too. -
Ilaah ha u naxariisto dadka dhintay eheladoodana samir iyo iimaan Ilaah haka siiyo iyo beddel khayr qaba. Wajaale? Soo ma ahan meeshii haruurka fiican ka bixi jirey? lol
Originally posted by *Buuxo*: ^LOL. I'm yet to see an ugly Baby. I agree with buuxo. Daandureey see camal. Here you came with your number problem. How did you come to this conclusion? "Most"? Does that mean you had the chance to see and inspect most of Somali babies? lol...I wonder how long you have been doing your little survey. Although I can understand what you said about some Somali mothers boasting about wanting to contact advertising agencies so that they could enroll their children for TV gigs haddana soomaali dhan maxaad hal buraash u wada marisay? I think all moms regardless of their ethnicity would say good things about their babies and will exaggerate things and I am not surprised if you came across many Somali mothers doing so. Oral society iyo xaalkeed waaye. It is neither the baby's nor mothers fault if a baby is not good looking. It is Allahs creation which we should always respect and be thankful. Let us talk about necessary things such as hygiene, good parenting and so on. For all those who got carried away with this topic and said something unnecessary you just need to realize that we cannot go to the lab and desing babies with the sex, colour and all the other things we prefer and has no disablities. We can just pray and hope for. Immisaa adduunyadaan ilmo la'aan ah, immisaa inta ilmo la siiyey haddana lagala noqday, immisaa ilmo xanuunsan haysta?
WSJ-Sharif Hotel interview an insight into failure
Abwaan replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Qudhac: well atleast he aint a refugee in yemen -
thanks Norf.
Originally posted by Norfsky: Whoever took the pics needs a few lessons in photography. Abysmal! lol...malla yaabtay sida dadka duudka/dhabarka looga wada sawiray? Waxaan kaloo la yaabay meesha dad badani ma imaan...horta xisbiyada waqooyiga qabiil toos ah miyaa? be honest plz
Muuse Suudi, Cadde Muuse iyo Faysal Cali Waraabe, saddex shakhsi oo ka soo kala jeeda Saddex degaan oo Soomaaliya ka mid ah haddana isku hadal dhaw. Do you remember Cadde Muuse was once asked about money Machines in Bari and he said "Wa annagu si Ilaah ka cabsi leh baan lacagta u samaysannaa ee kuwo maalin walba iska daabacaya ayaa wareerka wada" !
War ninkaan Riyaale ah oo xittaa dadka riyada ugu imaanaya maa laga qabto. Faysal iyo warbadidiisa wuxuu rabo ayuu iskaga hadlaa...As some people call him The Muuse Suudi of Northern Somalia.
Originally posted by Dajiye: not yet been obtained formal education. He was sent military school in Italy, and when Somalia achieved independence in 1960 he was made a colonel in its army. Exactly what is happening today. Former militia now Colonels & generals. No wonder in Soomaaliya sidaan u burburtay illeen odayaashii horena was from geelleey to college talyaaniga iyo Ruushka ku yaal to generals... Ar sidaan si maahan!
Hizbul Isam and Al-shabaab admit defeat in Beledweyne with heavy loses
Abwaan replied to Hassan6734's topic in Politics
source? -
When Israeli officials summoned the Turkish ambassador over an anti-Israel TV show, they seated him in a lower chair and conspicuously failed to place Turkey's flag on the table. But at issue was much more than TV.
Wasn't there one already? An invisible line atleast? This is really sad. What will be next? ID...? Wall...Visa? Soomaali iyo yaabkeed. Meeshaan xaalkeeda Ilaah ogyahay oo dhagax, biyo yaraan iyo harsh environment maa haddana khad cagaaran loogu sii daray?