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Posts posted by Abwaan

  1. Sayid*Somal;907399 wrote:
    They must have confused Somali with Mali!


    It looks to me Some-Mali thaught them the difference.

    Oba, It is not the first operation that the French did within Somalia, they successfully rescued hostages from pirates before. You could have said that they thought Alshabab were like pirates.:D...They need a lesson or two from the US and navy seals for those kind of operations.

  2. oba hiloowlow;907674 wrote:
    horta nuune i have no idea but the government owe us a explanation, france violated our souvereignty thanks to Al shabaab i hope they were tought a lesson

    So you are supporting Al-Shabab now? Oba waan kgu wareeray, saacadba meel baad jirtaa....War ninkaan la soo furan lahaa was working with the Somali government back in the Sharif era and Al-Shababs are full of Ajnebi, if your argument was that French forces are foreigners.

  3. Aaliyyah, you can say it in many ways....including yours and people will understand you....I am talking about dadka aan luqadaha kale wax walba u isticmaalin:D.I think the most correct way is "Imtixaankii waan gudbey"


    Taada waxay ku habboob tahay...."Fasalkii 6aad waan ka gudbey"

  4. Che -Guevara;907669 wrote:
    lol@Abwaan you saying Oba has multiple personality order.

    :D And I know he is not the only one over here.....imagine how many people who used to post here in every minute who are nowhere to be seen now....should we go on baafin on them?:D

  5. I think it is good news if this is correct. For a former leader of Somalia to have a normal life; study, educate others. Nuune, ninkani Islaamihiisa ma illoobayo oo waa kaas Uganda degsadey ee iskuul ha aadee maxaad ka rabtaa? Sharif waa rageedii, good luck to him.

  6. Haatu;907463 wrote:
    I've made this thread in the hope that more knowledgeable nomads can help me out with my linguistic problems.


    Su'aal: qofka markuu imtixaam galo, wuu ka dhacaa ama wuu ka baasaa. Marka su'aasheyda waxaa weeye, ereyga dhicitaanka gartey ee laakiin sidee baa Af Soomaali 'Pass' lagu dhahaa?

    I don't know in la sheegay iyo in kale bal waxaa la yiraa "Imtixaankii waan ku gudbay"

  7. Jacaylbaro;905725 wrote:
    Nin baa saaxiibaddii u gabyay isagoo amaanaya. Wuxuu yidhi:


    Ipod sidiisii waad u dhigantaaye

    Iphone nada la sheegana adigaa ka qurux wayne

    dhaqankaagu waa asal sidii chager nokia e

    sony ericsson baad u eegtahay iyo glacxy notekiiye

    allaylaahe S2 gii sumsung waad u qalantaa

    adaygana 3310 iyo tooshe baad tahay

    iskiriinku kuma jabo sidii mobile china ahe

    Lol...JB tixdan ma adigaa tiriyey?

    Yarta intaan baan ugu dari lahaa.

    Sim card sidiisii waa u siman tahaye

    App-skoo idil caqliga waadba dheer tahaya

    Google map-ka tilmaanta waad ka sidataaye. :