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Everything posted by Cawaale

  1. It's sooo degrading and unislamic, yet you would understand if he was wealthy and handsome. Where are the wealthy handsome SOLers?
  2. ^ and i thought u were above 21, being born in July 7th 1960 makes you 51 not 21. In case you make it happen i want you to know that i was praying for you all the way, so I deserve a fair share of my prayer's fruits. Ducadu waa qaali you know that don't you?
  3. I see dictator in the making. Go Aabo Shariif:D
  4. Apparently I know one of the girls, and her sister. They came across like normal, sheesha loving, some what wild Xaliimos. According to the video if this girls were alcohol addicted they would not probably be imbalanced crawling creatures. That been said, they now have story to tell and a reason to gang up. As for the community well Odayga NG ah ha la maqlo dadoow. You can't just mix your good and bad apples, even though the bad ones might be good for specific purpose(ours serve nothing). PS. marriage is not the cure, and certainly NOT sending them the Baadiayah Soomaaliya.
  5. War illeyn, Now that i exposed myself i think only LST could cover up for me, or i should bribe my ciyaalka xaafadda MMA the mod to deleet the last post. @Juxa kanaan dagay...
  6. ^LOL. Some of the comments are hilarious. NG, I think its about time you tell reer SOL about your brother. I think it will help if they find out its me Cawaale. Yes people you read that right. NG's brother is Cawaale. Now Ibti believes i am a Sheikh so i think you should find four wives. One is not enough now hadaba. It will be nice to have Aliyah on the list. She will make a perfect xaas for wadaad. She is a potential wadaad herself. Now qofkii codkeyga u baahan Dahabshiil hala soo xiriiro
  7. The man just gave his speech. technically, he said nothing. This man really makes Mubarak look charismatic. Protesters are now chanting "Leave". It seems they were right about the military intentions.
  8. Do u know that they covered a mermaid status with Hijab in Alexandria. The marshal is yet to appear on TV. As for the Tahrir, despite the absence of Muslim Brothers' parties, there is quite a BIG turnout at Tahrir.
  9. NG, Tamam yaa Fandam(BTW that is what the ousted man said, when he was put on trial) The revolution is on track again. Its even better right now because people are filtered and as usual there are those who only live to rule, but the there are the ones who are there ONLY to die for their principles and for a better day.! So much is happening right now. So much speculations, doubts and scenarios. The State TV has has announced that military ruler Field Marshall will address the nation shortly. Personal opinion, I don't think he will win the protesters trust because he seems not be growing out of the military persona.
  10. We are told to go home an hour early. We have no idea Wats happening. Rumour has it that a curfew will be implemented. off to home CIA.
  11. Jacpher, i can tell you the miltary days are numbered. Even high school students near my work place chanting now "The people want to overthrow the Marshal. while the protesters and major parties called for millions to march in Tharir Sq.
  12. The revolution in Egypt is not done yet . Turn your TV's on people. Power to the people.
  13. kenyana Kismaayo ha ka dukaameysato, Ethiopiana guriceel. Naga daaya yaakhee.
  14. Defense guys defense. Lets get our energy going at the defensive end! Time is up.
  15. 5 mins left. The Ethiopians are improving their performance, the Somalis on the other hand seem tired confused.
  16. Mid diaspora ah aa ka mid ah teamka Soomaaliya. This guys need to pass the ball yaakhee..
  17. Seyoul, good Ethio player just received a red card for violent conduct, striking another good player from Somalia player Anwar Sadat. Now they are both outside!
  18. Ciyaalka Nuune they have impressive individual talents, but they need to play as a team. Bacaddadii dalka maaha meesha
  19. The first half of the game just ended, So far it is 0-0. Poor performance from both sides. The Somali commentator is hilarious though. So much for the Djibouti unity. An Afari and a Somali commentator all in one game, in the same audio channel. Love Geelle.!
  20. Probably it was this man who dictated him this beautiful speech. Al Haji Ahmed Ali Ges.
  21. Family and friends should show their refusal and protest against am detention of their fellow citizen. The man is a hostage; he is not accused of any crime. Egypt receives aid from the Canadian government from the taxes that the Canadian citizens (Including Somali Canadians) pay. Maryooleey Canadians you need to pressure your government to do something. So far they did nothing (remember Bashir Makhtal). Raise your voice. As for the said man..He needs to be faced. After that maybe a petition will do it.