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Hey’ad la yiraahdo (Trade association for publishers of greeting cards) oo ka jirta Wadanka Mareykanka waxey soo saartay sanadihii tagay qiyaastii Cadadka Dhambaalada la Isticmaalo Sanad kasta Maalinta V-day, waxa ayna ku qiyaaseen Bilyan ku Dhawaad, taasoo ka dhigeysa Muanaasabadan mid ganaacsi qayaxan ah!.
^The left-wing lose another member. Good luck Big man. this for you if you are still reading. you shouldn't be reading it any ways:)
Bravo, prietenul meu.
Somalis are doing for them selves - we are winning here!
Cawaale replied to SayidSomal's topic in General
Kudos to the youngsters and everyone who contributed to the project. You all are amazing! Keep up the good work. -
Mogadishu: Al Shabaab celebrate Sharif Hotel anniversary
Cawaale replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Waxaa cusbital ku yaal magaalada Nairobi ee dalkaasi Kenya ku geeriyooday habeen hore sideed jirkii Somaliga ahaa ee wajigu xabada kaga dhacday xilli uu ku sugnaa caasimada Somaliya ee Muqdisho. Wiilkan oo lagu magacaabay Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa gurmad caalami ah ka helay aduunka kadib markii warbaahinta caalamka lagu soo bandhigay muuqaalkiisa iyo sida ay wax u gaareen. Axmed ayaa ku dhaawacmay meel ku dhow suuqa Bakaaraha horaantii sano hore (2009), kadib markii ay dhexda ka galeen isaga iyo hooyadii dagaal dhexmarayay ciidamada dowladda iyo kooxaha kasoo horjeeda, waxaana ay markaasi xabadu ka haleeshay wajiga halka hooyadiina ay gacanta ka dhaawacantay. Dr. Peter Nthumba said Ahmed died late Wednesday of intestinal bleeding that may have been caused by an ulcer or stress. Nthumba operated on the boy on Monday in the Kenyan capital. now who you cheering for? and why? It is like 'History repeats itself because nobody listens' or as George Santayana said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Early in the Somali Civil War, Ali& Aidid worked together to oust Siad Barre. But as soon they had Barre been ousted than they started fighting while thousands of Somalis suffered because of them irresponsible and ignorant men fighting for nothing! ironically youth were cheering for them!! do you see the similarity? -
^Its interesting you quoted this aya. Now tell me What Caused You To Lose Your Faith?
Originally posted by Abyan: ^^ Yaa ila gartey Aniga ninkaan u garty in uusan Ciddaba ahayn. Dhubad. I aamin, maryoolyeda joogta Yemen iyo Uganda waa istaahilaan in laga badbaadiyo cudurada, jahliga iyo fursad la'aanta ku haysata xeryaha qaxootiga. laakin wali su'aasha waa taagantahay "why them?" Originally posted by Peacenow: Cause the Maryooleey are good people. i second that.
Duke, this is the Masjid the sister si talking about. Haiti is said to have very limited numbers of Masaajid. he majority of the country's Muslims are indigenous Haitians, followed by the ethnic Moroccan. As a result of limited financial resources, they were unable to build a mosque or school until 1985, when a residence was converted into a mosque and a minaret was constructed. In 2000 Bin Hamid, what do you call this? Thes picture shows A cross stands amid the ruins of the Eglise Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart Church), in downtown Port au Prince, Haiti. ironically, somebody from the other side of the Globe believes that this was indeed a miracle as this cross stood through the destruction, so to the Love of God always abound. No matter what they go through God is sovereign. and if i may add sister Bint, i don't think Muslim Aid, Islamic relief and the several Muslim Countries who are helping the people of Haiti are bunch of ignorant who don't study Islam.
Bint Xamid, walaashey waxaan ku xasuusinaaya in nabi nuux C"S qoomkiisu habaray markii loo waxyooday kadib:- Sidoo kale waxaa jira qowl kale oo ay culamada qaar ay qabaab, kaas oo ah in Nabi Nuux C"S uu qoomkiisu habaaray markii ay ayaga si jees-jees ku jirto u weydiiyeen in uu ilaahay halaago. intaas haddaan uga baxo, arrinta habaarka, waxan jeclaan laha in aan qiso sunada ku saabsan kusoo xasuusiyo. taas oo ah in nabi Muxamed C'S u u duceeyay qabiilkii la dhihi jiray Doows(wax ak dhashay saxaabi jaliil ah). Marka walaashey, hadadan ugu duceynin in uu ilahay so hanuuniye dadka Haiti, fadlan habaar ha ugu darin dhibkooda iyo jahligooda. waxaan kaaga tagaaya hadalka Al imam ibno-taymiya uu ku yiri kitaabkiisa"Majmuucat Fatwaawa inu taymiya" Mujaladka koowaad, bogga 31aad. Imaamka wuxuu ku qoray :- Xaqa ilaahay hana tusiyo dhammaanteen.
Originally posted by Abdiladiif: ^^ I was reading this few days ago and was saw in my mind people flocking to Canada from afar places when he comes home.....I could see it happening and I always believed he will be released InchAllah! Insha-Allah
I read it somewhere(Somali Ste) that he played against Blackburn FC. ^before the Asians huh?.that is the nomadic spirit (the spirit of competition).
Noref, Abdisalam(former Norwegian Fjellhamar player ) already played against Blackburn Rovers on January 12, he is ambitious kid. wish him all the luck to over come the odds.
Masjid Minneapolis ku yaal oo dad intay Salaad Subax tukadeen, fafadhiyaan, baa waxa si kedis ah kusoo galay Gaal Ameerikaan ahoo middi weyn sita. Dadkii Salaadda tukaday buu weydiiyey: Qof Muslin ahi ma idinku jiraa?. Dadkii way wada baqeen, laakiin hal nin oo geesi ahaa baa yiri: Aniga ayaa Muslin ah. Gaalkii baa ku ...yiri: Dibadda ma iigu soo bixi kartaa?. Kolkii dibadda loo baxay buu ku yiri: Waxan wataa Wan aan doonayo in qaabka Muslimiintu xoolaha u gawracdaan aad iigu Gawracdo iiguna Maqaar bixiso. Muslinkii Wankii inta uu gawracay buu Gaalkii ku yiri: Anigu waan kuu Gawracaye cid kuu Maqaar bixisa raadso. Gaalkii baa Masjidkii ku laabtay isaga oo middidii oo dhiig ka da'ayo sita. Dadkii ayuu weydiiyey: Qof kale oo Muslin ahi ma ... See Moreidinku jiraa?. Dadkii oo dhan baa hal mar Imaamkii Masjidka farta ku fiiqay. Imaamkii oo jaraynayaa waxa uu yiri: War miyaad waalateen?. Ma labada Rakco een idin tushiyey baan Muslin ku noqday?.
muu iska dhaho "waxaan salamaaya xaaskayga" laba jeer. that will do it.:") this reminds me of a story. there is this program called "Hello Doctor" on Universal-tv. The program is hosted by Dr. Ali Ma'ow (a medical professional) and C/Qaadir Nadaara the presenter. they usually discuss a range of various health-related topics and the doctor answers questions from the viewers. So this guy called and anxiously greeted the presenter saying"Abaayo, marka adigaan ku salaamayaa" and continued waxaan kaloo salaamayaa Xa.." little did he know the presenter was thanking him for his, telling him that the other show is over. so the poor disappointed guy goes "Maanta oo dhan aan idin sugeynay.." Welcome back libaax.
^Hopefully yes. Lacagta maxay ugu baahanyihiin ma is weydiisay? Suuqii wa xloga Iisanayayba ayaga ma heestaan!
Morning to KK and Baluug. KK. glad your Abyan is home with you. Jimco Wanaagsan Jameeco. Just borrowed Somali teaching Book from a friend of mine and while skimming through the book (Afgarad),I noticed that my friend has modified things such trees and names of animals to fit his Xamari dialect.
Shariff is like Obama, just a disappointment. Yusuf was doing a job. Of course Yusuf is the best JB, "NA-da" ninkedii intuu ku dambeeyay horta?> Muddul ninkii dhisay aa ka weeyn ma maqashay?
perhaps we want to be ruled by English teacher who knows writes the write essay for he right audience, maybe Maybe then we won't have to worry about member with behavior disorder who demand for deletion of innocent threads.
Subax Wanaagsan Trollers! if there is any cake to be made today, bal mid iyo laba meel hala ii dhigo. Too bad bay the time i get back this thing will vanish..
This place has gone crazy. its sad after 10 years of progress SOL is going down because of Threads like this. Also Islam bashing has become a sport if you will here in SOL.>>check the last months threads.
^Masha-Allah. well done Nimco.
YEMEN-HORN OF AFRICA: African arrivals in 2009 up 55 percent
Cawaale replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: "The government has made tireless efforts to reduce the influx of Africans into its territory through contributing to enhancing stability and security in Somaliland," Muthan said. Hmmmmm ,,, Interesting What does African immigrants has to do with boosting Somali land's stability. and how did they enhance the Somaliland's stability, hope not through sending the infamous stimulants "Khat". aha. i see, perhaps he is referring to the Somali-land as in "Dhulka Soomaalida" for Somalis being majority of the immigrants. -
MAX, Yaabka speaks Malayan so i don't think he should worry about English grammar, instead all he needs to do is hire a Shakespeare-like SOLer like you :cool: let's add the SOL webmaster to the list. Thanks to the regular trollers. and Google ads revenue. also it is tax free.