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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Showqi;764453 wrote: Labo dumar ah oo hal habeen la isla meheriyey, oo hadan hal guri la'isugu geeyey waa qalad, qalad, qalad weyn. Laakiin nin degen magaalo la yidhaahdo Qalooc waxani wey ka suurtoowdaa:D:D LoL Qalooc, good one.
  2. Ibtisaam hadii eysan guuleysan, Next yr ayeey ordeysaa.
  3. Knowing UK has more Qat chewing Somalis than anywhere else, hope there is way for addicts to get help. Like a rehab center or something. U don't wanna ban it all of a sudden and expect Khat addicts to cope with it.
  4. Hopefully they ban it, Khat is nothing but trouble. I signed the petition. And anyone caught with that stuff should face the consequences just like here in state side and Canada.
  5. Axmed-InaJaad;764700 wrote: their is nothing good about gabdho oo xijaab xiran. all their good deeds will be nothign if they dont follow the diin. Would you pls stop trolling, dammnit? And change ur avatar, that thing is freaking me out, runtii.
  6. Sayidka Cusub, Salaada Cusub, iyo Xaawo Taakada Cusub....Maxaa Kaloo cusuboo soo socdo MMA?
  7. Tuug laqabtay, talo maleh! Ninkaas hala dilo!
  8. Maskiin, hope they catch him LOL
  9. STOIC;764382 wrote: I personally know a Somali ENT speacialist, a prestigious medical school profesor, harvard MBA student and top the icing a Somali woman that manages two billion dollar wealth.What's one thing they have all in common if you may ask; HARDWORK and a little luck! Some of this people are close to non-practicing muslims I know few successful Somalis that are doing pretty good for themselves. Too bad they kinda look down on you if you dont have what they have (house/car/wife/etc). *******ss.
  10. A_Khadar;764327 wrote: He already passed 21 but he doesn't know.. I always thought u ha to be 21+ to post here, guess not.
  11. Faarax-Brawn;764315 wrote: & i promise to rob you & your entire entourage before you make 21 steps lol what are u gonna rob him for, his toys?
  12. Valenteenah.;763966 wrote: Did Alpha just call me middle-aged? Waryaa JB, adigaa gaadhaya sambaca ee shaah kulul wejiga xun kaga seydhi pls! :mad: Now that's out of the way, Alpha...Ilaahay caafimaad ha kugu gaadhsiiyo our age or old age (whichever comes first). Somalia, quite right - most people here are older than you, both in real and caqli years. LoL Val, Dee inanka maxaad u qarxineysaa.
  13. Valenteenah.;763972 wrote: Drunk and disorderly + assault...the judge was too lenient, they deserve a jail sentence. True, True. But just like with most female offenders, they rarely get a jail time. I dunno why, but that happens often. Hopefully they are prohibited from drinking khamro as part of their probation. ****** Xaliimos.
  14. Those Xaliimos got their 15 minute of shame, this video is already posted on WSHH. Hahah poor Xalimoos.
  15. Som@li;763867 wrote: That is why i was saying the 249 lbs, (113KG) , which is still huge weight. I agree with u, it is fake LoL thats probably the average weight for most Americans. I don't believe its fake either. The owner doesn't want any liabilities if a fat **** gets hurt on his makhaayad. Its actually sad that he has to do that.
  16. Curly;763848 wrote: There's so much wrong with many of the statements made here, like someone saying they should be parents themselves...I think this video is proof that they shouldn't! What these girls did is unacceptable and using their religion and ethnicity as an excuse doesn't do the rest of us any favours. I'm also surprised at the fact that two sisters are out drinking together like it absolutely normal . Y'know what they said right....the family (or sisters) that drink together, stay together.
  17. ugaas1;763774 wrote: will you remember this site and the good times you had. This site has already been around for 10 yrs, and i hope its around even longer than that. In 20yrs i might not be here, but if its still up, i am sure there would be some Nomads that would be still here.
  18. Sensei;763795 wrote: Yacni, dadkaan baa ku haboon in la karbaasho. Round these up and Al-shabaab u geeya. Let me have 10 minutes with those chicks, anigaa edeb u yeelayo kuligood.
  19. aero;763632 wrote: Damn, the dude was swinging. Had those chicks running. At one point he stepped on one girls dress and boy did she fall like a timber. Piump!