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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. chubacka;785382 wrote: How sad and embarrassing, all this money they r lying to get They are probably sending it back home but that is no excuse. Imagine being happy to say your Child was born out of wedlock just to get a few more pennies. Xaraam indeed. This is widespread in the UK too. I am sure they were married, just not legally. That's very common everywhere.
  2. kingofkings;785329 wrote: It had to had some substances if you felt the need to respond. As the saying goes, it takes one to know one. Thus, you are no better troll than anyone one on this forum. Again, I'll aks the question, how about you? Will you be a crash d@#$ing? Hmmm, waa Runtaa.
  3. Dr_Osman;785326 wrote: niin yaaban no its just bare facts anyone can see with their own eyes Oh i am sorry, i thought u were on some "research" like your buddy King of Kings said. My bad sxb.
  4. Dr. Osman is on some "research" yo. He's on some real mission.
  5. kingofkings;785316 wrote: Dr. Osman is busy with his next research, but since you have free time on your hand, how about it:confused: LoL, i guess trolling here with these kinda topics is some research alright.
  6. Dr. Osman, sxb, they are looking for human Volunteers as a crash test dummies to see how safe these cars are. Why don't u go try 'em and tell us how safe the car's are.
  7. faarah22;785288 wrote: This is completely different from iraq. i hope you have seen the IAEA report which clearly states that iran is weaponizing it's nuclear program. it's not only the CIA but israeli, french, british and others intelligence services that confirmed this. sheekada way ku cadaatay iran. i believe arabs more than anyone else including israel will be pushing and rooting for an attack on iran, they have most to lose. america has said it will not tolerate nuclear iran for it's security interests in middle east i.e energy and israel will not allow hezbollah to have nuclear umbrella and blackmail them from the north. if it did happen and the americans and israelis plus whoever else joins only attack without deploying troops on iranian soil then it is easily won. iran will still be massively outgunned. the reprisals might come in the form of terrorism. but for them to close hormuz will be suicide on their part. all in all despite the crazy rhetoric i think iran will be contained easily. so WW3 is off. Umm, the IAEA also said the samething about WMD in Iraq. So what's your point.
  8. Somalia;785270 wrote: Iraq wasn't a mistake, there's always a purpose. As for Iran, no there won't be a full out war. It's 4 times the size of Iraq and has 3 times the population. Iran is also much more developed and would be harder to contain. Remember they've sanctioned Iran almost to the extent of Iraq in the 1990s and the only thing they haven't touched is the oil. If they touch the oil then there may be problems as we are seeing that now. Also remember they passed legislation in the UNSC that Iranian ships may be boarded if they are found to violate SC resolutions, they haven't boarded a single Iranian ship yet. So they don't want a war. They even thought of ruining their economy through inflation and printing fake currency but it's too sophisticated. There's only 2 scenarios in which Iran is attacked. - If there's a world wide economic collapse with the Euro going first. A diversion would be needed and this has happened historically before. - The other scenario would be if Iran is attacks first. Ask yourself, if they attacked Iran, why would they build their largest embassy in the world in Baghdad, Iraq, a Shiite controlled country? That embassy has 15000 Americans working in it. Good point. But what was the purpose behind Iraq? Almost 10yrs later, thousands dead, trillions in debt, and Iraqis are no more closer/friendly with the U.S than when Saddam was in power. What have they really accomplished, what was their endgame? As for Iran, i really think a war is going to happen, and this is all about containing China and it's access to OIL. The U.S can't economically compete with China, so they are trying to limit it's access to things that keep China's economy rolling. They went after Libya, broke up Sudan into two countries and are now looking doing the same to Iran. I am sure the Chinese (and the Russians) see the writing on the wall. That's why China refused to cut it's oil import's from China and are vetoing everything. I dunno, but i really hope this ends peacefully.
  9. ...teeda kale, ma idin latahay hadii Iran lagu duulo in uu WW3 (Xarbigii sadexaad) uu bilaan doono, sababtoo ah China/Russia oo wadaqaad weyn ka dhexeeyaan uu Iran u hiilin doono? Dowlada/Dadka Somaliya yeey raaci doonaan. waa iga su'aal.
  10. Dadkiinan wararka aduunka la socdo, hada waad lasocotaan in Iran dagaal la larabo. Marka su'aasha aan rabo in aan idin weeydiiyo waxeey tahay, dagaalkaan yaa ka danbeeyo, yeena faa'ido ugu jirtaa? America? mise, Israel? Teeda kale, hadii xataa eey Iran Nuclear suubsaneeyso, yaa Mareykan aaminayo, kadib beenta eey ku galeen Iraq. Aniga waxaan aaminsanahay, in eey Iran Nuclear sameesaneyso, laakinse, Somalida waxey ku maah maahda, "Beentaada hore, Runtaada danbe ayeey u daran tahay". So MAREYKANOO, hadii uusan Bush Iraq been been kugeli laheen, hada waxaan idin heesto, idin ma heesan laheen.
  11. I agree with you, its just a waste of money. I had a friend who spent $6k on his wedding, and this was the biggest wedding i've been to at the time. After spending all that money, things didn't work out between the two, and they end up divorcing few months later. What a waste.
  12. Y'know the economy is bad when even Obama has to do "waxaanoo kale". RIVIERA BEACH— Authorities are seeking the public's help in identifying a man who robbed a McDonald's on Saturday while wearing a President Barack Obama mask. Riviera Beach Police say that the man who held employees of the McDonald's at 3551 Broadway at gunpoint with a silver, semi-automatic handgun, was wearing a mask "resembling a likeness" to Obama. He ordered all employees to the back office at 6:21 a.m., and then ordered the manager to open the safe and place the cash in a cloth bag he brought. Before leaving the restaurant, the man threatened to kill the employees if they did not stay in the office. He then ran from the store in an northeast direction with about $1,000 cash, a written release by Riviera Beach Police said. Story Link
  13. Garnaqsi;783825 wrote: English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh. What can I say? I love Britain! That's one group of people i would definitely not wanna be. Them, MADOW PEOPLE, iyo MEXICANS. Sadexda aduunka ugu xun.
  14. LoL, war waa iska caadi dee. Somaliya idil ayaa wada suubisa sidaa yoo kale. Marka ha ubixina.
  15. Bunch of racist dumbasses.
  16. Such a great role model there Alpha.
  17. If you ever wondered how many people are online in the world, as of March 31, 2011 there were 2.09 Billion Internet users in the world. This is a screen shot from Africa has 118 million Internet Users.
  18. Alpha Blondy;783783 wrote: i didn't understand a word of that! Af.Somali baro saad u fantihid.
  19. OdaySomali;783193 wrote: I think it would be interesting and beneficial to share the lessons that life has taught you. - For those who play by the rules or do things by the books, this has been and will forever be their weakness. They have fundamentally misunderstood the parameters of the game. They have failed to see that the sideline is actually a sideplank on which you can walk, if you keep your balance. It can be used to give you room for maneuvre - it is your competitive advantage. ADD TO! So in other words your saying its ok to cheat and not play by the rules?
  20. gooni;783086 wrote: Huuno ilaahay nama nebcee diinta islaamka si fiican u baro inta calaacalka iska daysid,. dadna aduuunkaa looga gooyaa waxay geysteen waana kuwa khayrka badan kuwana dib baa loogu dhigaa xisaabta alle waana kuwa dhibka badan Runtaa.
  21. That looks so nice. All the west can do now is hate on Africa.
  22. raula;781189 wrote: ^^^hee xagee ka dhacde..Nebraska mise As i hear beryahaan dhinac yahaas baa shidan. aa we still have decent ppl left in the winter state dee.. Meesha mar horaan ka guuray walaal. Qashinkii ayaa meesha ku soo batay.
  23. princesshafsa;781173 wrote: where is this? i cannot believe some people eat this creature Its delicious.