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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Kool_Kat;796195 wrote: Maaddeey, qosolka waa caafimaad dee! Maya ee maanan ka fileyn inuu Admin usoo jawaabayo, specially sidii cunug nanac lagu aamusinayo...Sow maadan garan? Amba sidoo kale....sababta keliya oo aan u imidba waxeey aheed, inaan replyga ADMIN ka akhriyo. LoL u don't really see him around here too much, only when it's time to ban someone. Marka Ayoub, Owguuriyo hadaaba Adminka personally waxkaba heshayba.
  2. Showqi;795996 wrote: Waa muluq, gaban, shoodhe haduu ugu bato kow iyo toban. Imikuu inagana Al-Shabaab baad tihiin inagu odhan doonaa!!! Waxaan layaabay oo icajibiyey, sida fiican oo hadana quruxda badan uu wax uqorayo. Hadii uu kow iyo toban jiro, waan iska filayey oo qof intaas jiro ayaa sidaa qurxoon wax u qori karo.
  3. faarah22;795908 wrote: it' all coming together now, both are al shabaab supporters. they hate burundi and uganda because they kicked the butt out of their heroes. Su'aal, imisaad jirtaa horta?
  4. Horta, shaqo waa shaqo. Qof waliba mid uu jecel yahay ayaa jirto. Aniga weligeey waxaan jeclaa ama aan rabay in aan noqdo FUUNDI. Qof farsamaha kuu fican ayaan ahaan jiray, oo hadaba suubiyo. "Dream Job" weligeey waxeey ahaan jirtey, qof xoogiisa, iyo gacmihiisa ku shaqeesto, taasna waa waxaan ku talo jiro.
  5. Ok, maybe i am little slow on the uptake tonight, but i got an email from a friend who told me to change some stuff on my Gmail before March 1st or something. I looked around Google but really couldn't find anything helpful. All i read was, they are not tracking people after that date or something (didn't even now they were tracking me before ) Can anyone explains this in a simpler term and if i need to change anything on my Gmail? Thanks.
  6. Mario B;795052 wrote: If Nigerians or AK47 carrying Somalis spent their energy in constructive and legitimate aspirations then Africa would have been the wealthiest continent in the World. Congo [ another country where AK47 is popular] I believe has 23 trillion Dollars worth of resources [excluding agriculture] . It's always easier said than done.
  7. Qoftaan dad badan beey dhaantaa.
  8. JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Former South African President Nelson Mandela was hospitalized Saturday with a stomach ailment, according to a government statement issued about the 93-year-old beloved anti-apartheid icon.
  9. Abwaan;792037 wrote: Lacagtu yeysan ku dhaafin, canshuurtana ka dhiib and one big vacation for your SOL friends:) Runtaa, usheeg nin yahow. Waraa Che, quudnimada iska dhaafee, lacagta D.I.R. $10 million oo 50/50 ah, taada $5 million weeye. Lacagta dadka wax kasii markeey kuu timaado nin yahow.
  10. I'd do anything for this much money...
  11. LoL who wants to guess what King of Kings favorite words is...? It starts with a T and ends with an L. Nice video btw, King.
  12. The US just keeps shooting itself in the foot. Burning the Quran, their marines desecrating dead people and millions of other things they've done. Best thing for them to do is to withdraw and leave Afghanistan.
  13. How could you forget "Libaaxa Afrika" Idi Amin Dada (c. 1925 – August 16, 2003) was a military leader and the third President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. Amin joined the British colonial regiment, the King's African Rifles in 1946. Eventually he held the rank of Major General in the post-colonial Ugandan Army and became its Commander before seizing power in the military coup of January 1971, deposing Milton Obote. He later promoted himself to Field Marshal while he was the head of state. Amin's rule was characterized by gross human rights abuse, political repression, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings, nepotism, corruption, and gross economic mismanagement. The number of people killed as a result of his regime is estimated by international observers and human rights groups to range from 100,000[1] to 500,000. During his years in power, Amin shifted in allegiance from being a pro-Western ruler enjoying considerable Israeli support to being backed by Libya's Muammar al-Gaddafi, the Soviet Union and East Germany.[2][3][4] In 1975–1976, Amin became the Chairman of the Organisation of African Unity, a pan-Africanist group designed to promote solidarity of the African states.[5] During the 1977–1979 period, Uganda was appointed to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.[6] In 1977, after the last two British diplomats withdrew from Uganda, Amin declared he had beaten the British and added "CBE", for "Conqueror of the British Empire", to his title. Radio Uganda then announced his entire title: "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Alhaji Dr. Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE".[7] Dissent within Uganda and Amin's attempt to annex the Kagera province of Tanzania in 1978 led to the Uganda–Tanzania War and the demise of his regime. Amin later fled to exile in Libya and Saudi Arabia until his death on 16 August 2003.
  14. Kaalay Nin Yahow, Minnesota waad degentahay qofnana kama taqaanid?
  15. Tow truck operator caught in a stolen car CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Police caught a tow service and body shop owner in a stolen car last week. Deeq Ali Jama, 24
  16. And they want to go to war with this country....yea right. Their special forces got nothing on these Xalimoos.
  17. faarah22;791114 wrote: pathetic low expectation, our figure should be zero Yea that would be nice, but we all know we cant have 0 crime. But given the large Somali pop. in London, 1300 arrests is very low.