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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Aaliyyah;801658 wrote: ^ I agree with you. But, that is not how things work down here. True, but they really need to start executing people. I mean it's just a waste of money to keep people like him in prison where he'd get 3 hot meals, place to sleep and free healthcare and probably come outta and try it again. Such a waste,
  2. Aniga waxaan aaminsanahay, markii dadkaas ookale laqabto, inaan maxkamad ama Xabis lageen oo horay laga dilo.
  3. Just found out the cops that arrested this Qashin were Somalis......poetic justice. Should've tased him for good measure too, good job Officers Abdiwahab Ali, and Mohamed Abdullahi. Two Minnesota Officers lauded for arresting Anti.Somali attacker
  4. "Waxaan Jiray dada shan iyo toban, markaan damac guur lasookacay...."
  5. wyre;800278 wrote: How much does it cost Who knows....
  6. Newcomers must not engage in any heated discussions with THE DUKE unless and until they have completed their six-month probationary period (they must never engage Cawke at any time). +1
  7. LoL i thought u were talking about a break from SoL. i was gonna say...
  8. Carafaat;799155 wrote: Ridicolous. I saw the map above. whites are by far the majority in each constituency. meesha waxbaa ka khaldan. Waxba kama khaldanee, ee wadankoodii. LoL, mawaxaad umaleyneysey, Somalida ineey u badnaan lahayeen?
  9. Showqi;799074 wrote: NY, you forgot to tell us the fun stuff that always happen inside the prison..... LoL, nothing like that, but i have seen something close to it. During my second time in there (for probation violation) i was in a holding cell with 3 Spanish dudes when they put in this Farax who was DRUNK AF in there with us. He was probably in there for public intoxication (which is very common among somalis in MN:)) and were going to release him until he sobered up right. So anyways, few hours later, the CO/Deputy opens up the door and calls him out so he could get processed. LoL, dude wakes up long enuff to cuss in Somali and English and basically tells him to leave him alone. LoL, the officer closes the cell door and comes back two minutes later with back up. LoL Walahi they came in and dragged him out like a lil rag doll. That was the most exciting thing i've seen. It was funny seeing him resist and they probably beat him after they took him somewhere else.
  10. Somali Sex predator jailed for seven years in UK. Inner London Crown Court Judge Seed QC sentenced Abdi Ahmed 7yrs for two counts of sexual assault, five counts of robbery and one count of attempted robbery. Abdi Ahmed 21
  11. Maaddeey;798160 wrote: ^Adi Nin-Yaabanoow, politic section ma jecli aa dhahday, kabacdi inta aa politics miiran ka dhigi rabtaa! Maaddeey, waa runtaa sxb. Laakinse waxaan isku dayaa, siyaasada Somalia inaan dhex gelin oo aan gees ka ahaado. Waan garankartaa sababta. Jacaylbaro, sxb, assad waxaan maqlay inuu yahay kuwa layiraahdo "Alawite". Horta alwatiteey, adigana maxaad aheed?
  12. Maxeey idinla latahay, inuu Assad tago mise inuu joogo? Fikradaada dhiibo.
  13. Maaddeey;798031 wrote: I find this thread very derogatory and offensive. I ask the admin to delete it ASAP!. Gewertaaney, maxaa ka qaldan horta?. Ninka Su'aal ayuu dadka weeydiiyey, inkastoo eey su'aasha khaldan tahay, waxaan keliya oo aan usheegi karnaa ineey tahay "su'aal khaldan".
  14. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;798034 wrote: War Reer Ayslaan yeenan deg degin. Tan ha aqristaan. Sii aqriso ___________________ The premier of Ontario now wants the Canadian dollar in uu ku noqdo suu ahaa in early 2000s when halkii doolar was worth 62 cents US camal. War kac dheh, waa gartiis doolar xawilaad kuma diree. I remember it used to cost $165 Canadian per US $100 sent. I dunno much about economics, but i think the stronger ur currency is the more ur export suffers. A lot of countries devalue their currencies so they can make their goods cheap to export/buy overseas. This probably explains why China seems to export more to the rest of the world.
  15. Ninkaan su'aasha bilaabay, asaga hala weeydiiyo, inuu asagaba yahay Somali, intuusan dadkale Somalinimadooda su'aalin.
  16. LoL, why is't called the "Loonie"? that's just funny walahi.
  17. What i would give to be in that room... Maxaan jeclaan lahaa.
  18. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;796453 wrote: Ninyaaban, runtiis waayee LCBO parking lotkooda maxaa ku geeye. Xaaska sugaaye kulahaa. By the way, most 'professional' security guards in here Ontario dress like that, especially kuwa ilaaliya the malls. They are paid good, too. Horta, MMA, sxb LCBO muxuu yahayna?...waxeey igu tiri waa Grocery Store, saas ayaan ku sugayey.
  19. BOB;796401 wrote: LoooooL, headbutt aa u dhiibi leheed markuu foorarsadana jilib aa kusoo qaadi leheed kadibna left hook aa ugu dari leheed, markee xaajiyada soo baxdo oo ee ku weydiiso war janno gale maxaad sameysay? waxaad ugu jawaabi leheed 'adigaa iga xanaajiyay, markaasaan isaga kula dhacay xanaaqii oo aan xittaa hal gram ka maqneen'. Peace, Love & Unity. Sxb, cunug yar buu aah, oo "shorty" ah. Probably 18yr old kid going to school. Soo marka waxaas ma suubin karin...laakinse, cabaar baan baan dhibay, oo mashquuliyey cunuga.
  20. Xaaskii ayaan sugeyey...markaasuu iiyimi. Anigoo weliba xanaaqsan.
  21. walaalkis;796356 wrote: A sudden change in our economy can make us top ten. You can have millions of people and be poor like Nigeria and be small like Oman,Qatar and UAE and have smooth economy growth Sure it can, but what are the chances of that happening though? After going through 20+ years of civil war, rebuilding everything else from scratch, getting Somalis to trust each other beyond Qabiil.....
  22. Ethiopia is top ten because of their population and their rapidly growing economy. That's not a joke. Somalia wouldn't have made it in that list even if we had no civil war and a growing economy. It's just the reality. U have to understand Africa has a 1 billion people, our population of 20 million wouldn't make any difference. Nasiibdaro, we always have to measure ourselves against Ethiopians and what they could do.
  23. Rent-a-cops, what else do you expect from them? I was in Ottawa, Canada walahi and i saw this Somali dude working for one of 'em security companies. I mean, dude had the vest, the duty belt, and just looked like a cop without the gun and the taser. Kulahaa, ma ogtahay meesha aad joogtid (waxaan fadhiyey LCBO parkin lot), oo wakhti ee tahay? waxaan iri....hadaad Police rabtid, orodoo Police noqo, aniga ha igu mashquulin. They are just wanna be cops. Waa police been been ah.