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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. I like to know what happened to the Chat room.
  2. Nice. Next time i go to McD's or Wendy's, i'll make sure to ask the manager if their meat is "non.stunned" or not. That will determine if i eat there or not. Thanks sxb.
  3. K.O.W;804571 wrote: This is when I say "Somalilanders" got a point, when they say, "We don't want nothing to do with the South". lol The worst Somali accents EVER! You really need to get banned,
  4. Carafaat;804437 wrote: i have my sources in the intelligence community. Really? :)
  5. Alpha Blondy, thanks sxb. I just couldn't have figured out that myself. Waad mahad santahay.
  6. N.O.R.F;804362 wrote: Glad no one was serious injured. Reminds me of Michael Douglas in Falling Down. You just don't wanna push a man that far... Favorite scene.
  7. N.O.R.F;804358 wrote: I'm not sure. If it was propaganda it has the danger of making him look like a normal person and not a mass murderer (musical tastes, sense of humour and a slight suggestion he wishes he had other options). LoL if you believe that, i dunno what to say 'bout u sxb. I dunno, maybe i'll sign up for a screen name on iTunes under "Faroole" or maybe Sheik Shariif or "Silaanyo" and just hope to god the media picks it up on it. Bet you'll believe that too.
  8. 90 minute rampage and u didnt' kill anyone? Pathetic. Get a gun a next time.
  9. Somalicentric;804332 wrote: This entire thread is becoming ridiculous, we can't address homosexuality any more than we have addressed sexism & the misogyny rampant in our culture, everything is intertwined. hmmmm....explain.
  10. 01:12: Ninka keliya oo Af.Somali fiican ku hadli karo. ...inta kale ma fahmin.
  11. Yea he would be s.t.u.p.i.d enuff to use that. Just a western propaganda.
  12. Archdemos;804265 wrote: oh that was horrible to watch, such a sad case. Something must be done about these abuses that have been going on for far too long. Sxb don't worry, everyone pay's for their crime someday sooner or later. Ama aakhiro, ama aduunka. Kuwaas tooda ayaa sugeyso.
  13. STORY Patricia Lefranc This is the guy accused of doing it...... Aniga ninkaan hala dilo ayaan oron lahaa. Qashin
  14. Jacaylbaro;804150 wrote: How about "Khaatumo Planet" ?? +1.
  15. Somalia;804256 wrote: No, I just found rudy's comment interesting, because it was rudy's.. LoL, ok. Rudy is rudy....
  16. Somalia you lookin' real suspect right now for pumping up this thread. :)
  17. Is't it funny how everyone else's face is pixelated but they think it's ok to show her face? Qashin. Wyre, waankugu raac sanahay, ayagaa ka masuul ah gabadha dilka eey isku geeysatay.
  18. Aamin, ilahay ha caafiyo. Looks such a young bright kid.
  19. Raamsade;802309 wrote: Yes, the problem is partly economics but why do you think there is persistent high unemployment rates among black communities? The economy hasn't always been in doldrums like in recent times. I don't know about the UK but in mainland Europe, North America and Australia discrimination is the primary cause. Studies after studies show black people and other racial minorities are the last to get hired during good economic times and the first to let go during bad economic times. And even when they're so luck as to secure a job, the job is often of insecure tenure with low benefits and little prospects of advancement. Other studies show resumes with non-white sounding names get fewer call backs than identical resumes with white sounding names. Heck, even Whites with criminal record and not even high school diploma get more call backs than Blacks with clean criminal record and university education (this study was in the US). So, racism is a major part of the high unemployment rate among Blacks, at least in the rest of Europe, Australia and North America. Racism could probably be the reason.... you never know.