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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Dateline NBC. Chris Hansen: Sxb,Che kursigaas ku fareeso (have a seat right there). Gabadhan yar oo aad fiirsaneysid,maxeey tahay.... :)
  2. I didn't know what "Tourette" was until i watched a video about it on Youtube. It was very interesting to say the least.
  3. OdaySomali;820803 wrote: But its typical of the Somali people. Axmaqnimo waa u hiddo iyo dhaqan. Naxariis ma yaqaanaan. Hence why their country is in the state that it is in. Isuma naxariistaan, looma naxariiste e'. Hmmm, what does that have to do with the topic? Let's focus.
  4. I have 4 including this one. I use to have even more but couldn't remember the loggin password.
  5. I guess it would've been too much effort to google that yourself X.
  6. Horta marka koobaad, AUN wiilka yar. Su'aasha labaad oo isweydiin u baahan waxeey tahay, wiilkaan aaway hooyadiis, oo maxeey uga taktay nin aan dhalin? Weligaa ilmahaada qofna haku aaminin.
  7. Si fiican uma fahmin......horta Ma asagaa rabtay inuu "shaaha" kaabixiyo, mise asagaa rabay inaad ka bixisid? Hadii eey tan koobaad tahay, xaq buu eleeyahay inuusan kaa bixin, hadii eey tan danbe tahay, adigana sidoo kale ayaad xaq u leedahay inaadan ka bixin. LoL. Dhaqankeenaa saas ah, hada waxaas masocoto. LoL Isma dhaanto iyo dhasheedii....iga dheh.
  8. Anything south of Prince William county is......Redneck. And no, i've never been there.
  9. Hahaha, Ali Mahdi Vs. Caydiid kulahaa, waraa ninyahow caadi matihid. How come i havent seen you in Skyline, in one of them Sisha barz?
  10. MMA waxaan xasuusta mar inaad tiri, Borderka lagaasoo celshay adigoo usoo socotid Marxuun (AUN) Fairfax, Va lagu duugoyo. Markaas ma ogiyii, markale matimid?
  11. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;817747 wrote: LoL, waa xiriirnaa waliba dad reer leh waaye. Laakiin last time aan xiriirno waxee ahayd summerkii aan joogay Nayroobi. Naxar, maxaa ku dajiye Ohaayo of all places? Ma meel kale aad ka degtid Mareykanka maa weysay. Virginia ayaa fiican oo meel la dego ah. That is my opinion. Heck, even Maryland ayaa dhaanto. I had seen those states. Sxb, Virginia hal wax keliya ayeey kuxuntahay, Somalida meeshas degen waa beenloowyiin, hadana isku maleeya ineey dadka kafiicanyihiin. Maryland ayaaba kadaran, oo PG county ayaaba kutaal. Ohio inkastoo eey xuntahay,Qashinka DMV(Dc,Md,Va) weey dhaamaan. Waa aniga fikradeyda.
  12. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;817743 wrote: My cousins live there. Waa intaa ku ogaa. I believe they still do. Meel la amaano uma ekeyn, sida wada Ohio dhan. LoL...kaalay sxb, dadka waa laxiriiriyaa nooh. Weliba hadii uu Cousin yahay.
  13. Never been there, but from what i saw on TV, it looks ghetto AF and dirty. Go somewhere else.
  14. Somalia;817669 wrote: The qashin you have in Minnesota immigrates from Holland. Really. I always thought there were no Qashins in Europe. LoL or maybe they need to send us a better class of Qashin.
  15. If they are anything like Bluelicious or the other fine members i see here from that country, than they are cool people. Prolly got way more class than the Qashin we have here in Minnesota.
  16. oba hiloowlow;817587 wrote: looooooool xaaji xunjuf baa sameeye ay ila tahay lool HaHaHa. XX sxb maxaad galabsatay, oo meeshaan saas lagaaga necebyahay?
  17. Waxaa soo gadataa Rogaine. Aniga timihii oo aan kasamray ayaa iisoo noqday, oo meelaan kala geeyo ayaan garan la'ahay.
  18. nuune;815089 wrote: Nin Yaaban, yes I do know, hilib-hilib lagu lisayo ayaa your mind ku soo dhacey durba Hahah, Qosol.
  19. Guess the first thing that came to my mind! Haha
  20. Caadi maahan? Yaabka Yaabkiis? Ma dhici Karto?
  21. Nin-Yaaban;814870 wrote: Jaceyl baro is gone? No wonder all the useless topics/thread bumping's has disappeared too. LoL. I am just kidding, JB is rageedi.
  22. Jaceyl baro is gone? No wonder all the useless topics/thread bumping's has disappeared too. LoL.