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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Ninkaas hal mar hala dilo. Wax faa'ido ah uu hada dadka ku kordhin karo majirto. Lacag, Jail, iyo Maxkamad yaanan lagu khasaarin ee banaanka hala geeyo, oo halaga takhaluso.
  2. Libaax-Sankataabte;852183 wrote: The world is starting to take a strong stand against widespread corruption in Somalia. This level of scrutiny may not accomplish much in the short term, but it has the potential to benefit the country in the long run. At the very least, it lays the ground work for a culture of accountability that was missing since the 1960s. +1. I also read somewhere that cutting down too much trees could lead to drought like the one we had recently. It's a win-win situation anyway u look at it.
  3. The-freeman;852160 wrote: I'm forced to pay lip service to it when around the family e.g: I tend not to eat and drink around them but nothing more than that. To those who are non-religious, what is your take on this?? Waxaan kuu heestey qof macquul ah sxb. Waa iska nasiib daro.
  4. They better have sent my money.
  5. Bummer. How about the "First Black Astranout" in space? I bet we are top contenders for that.
  6. back to the topic, where is the source.
  7. New research is providing an answer to the age-old, delicate question: who is smarter, men or women? A new study has come down on the feminine side of that argument, finding that women now score higher on IQ tests than men.
  8. Of all the people you could peg me, u chose a rick james looking guy. smh
  9. Che -Guevara;851292 wrote: i have always been called Barawani myself.
  10. The-freeman;851290 wrote: What is the name of the documentary? Sounds interesting. It's called "From russia with hate" from current tv. It's little disturbing though.
  11. Che -Guevara;851282 wrote: Nin..Barawinis are Somalis. They are? Really? All this time i thought they were something else... Let me find out you are "Barawani", smh.
  12. burahadeer;851259 wrote: I wonder how many half somalis ova there? Use to know a Somali guy who was married to one of those mail order brides back when i lived in Virginia. They had 2 kids (sons) and looked nothing like Somalis. More like Barawanis.
  13. Seems like most of the eastern block is way behind when it comes to this kinda stuff. I was watching a documentary about Ukraine/Russia where they still have neo.nazis and hate groups that openly call for the killing/expulsions of non.natives. Things were way better under the USSR.
  14. Labor camps.....halagu wada shaqeeyo, seey wadanka u dhisaan. Kadibna hala musaafuriyo. Waa fikradeyda.
  15. Maheesa, video kale ee ayada ku jirto?
  16. Blackflash;850795 wrote: "If you build it, they will come". Looks like another incompetent African leader based his country's economic development on a movie quote. LoL their incompetent leaders seem to be doing better than ours.
  17. Look at what they build in Angola's capital, Luanda.
  18. LoL MMA, i got that on my chrome too after i clicked on this thread.
  19. Somali jailed for Life for stabbing his girlfriend 57 times in London Zakaria Mohamed was on probation when he killed Amina Adan in south London. Zakaria Mohamed (left) was jailed for at least 26yrs today for stabbing his G/F Amina Adan 57 times.
  20. Somali man who was ordered to be deported arrested for Rape in London. Just three years after a judge ordered the deportation of Abdikarim Abbas Abdisamad, 33, originally from Somalia, he raped a young woman not once but twice – he battered her so severely she suffered 17 separate injuries. Abdikarim Abbas Abdisamad, 33.
  21. Somali man get's 10yrs for rape in East London After he and another man beat and raped the woman, they tried to dump their semi-conscious victim into a river. Yonis Dirie, 40.