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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. I agree with you Wadani, but you forgot the most important of all (more important than self-confidence, beauty/brains) which is LACAG. If you have MONEY, u could get anyone. If BNS has that, he really doesn't have to worry about anything.
  2. ElPunto;855434 wrote: The cop is the douchebag qashin. I don't know what the kid was doing driving off in that car - maybe it was a mistake or maybe he's a moron. But the cop's reaction was completely out of line. Why is it we let the folks responsible for peace and safety in the community get away with profanity, heavy handedness and total and utter disrespect of members of society? What a waste. As if a cop's foot is holy territory and not to be infringed upon in any way. Get over it. If you're going to arrest someone - do it in a dignified way and don't make it a long winded circus that takes away from tackling real crime. I am on the cop's side on this one. If i had to guess, the reason the cop put his foot there was he didn't want the guy driving off until he wrote him the ticket (you gotta sign ur tickets). He's lucky he didn't get shot/tased for that lil stunt he pulled. Instead of just a ticket, he's now facing a more serious charge, what a dumbasss.
  3. Just because you drive a FERRARI, ha'is oron wax walba ayaad suubin kartaa. Qashin.
  4. The question that needs asking is, how did you even find this? Oba Hilooowlow = Sarhra Farah.
  5. Apophis;855301 wrote: under settings. Nice. So you could now set your own thingy under your name? Cool.
  6. Sensei;855193 wrote: Carafaat, Ramadan Mubarak to that!!! Dhibka & shaitanka wuu iska badan yahay waayahan. As for the mysterious, and conscious sister, you should offer your salaams and be cool; brighter sisters do not like pretentious dudes. I commuted to DC for years, and always enjoyed running into random folks, although Kindle sometimes gets in the way of what could be good conversation. P.S. Seems like Maadeey sahab is in search of bold and free sister, if your gig does not materialize, let her know brothers like Maadeey could be her Malcolm X. The Viena/Fairfax GMU station always seemed crowded and not a place u could even open up WaPo without having to elbow someone LoL.
  7. Apophis;855269 wrote: Stay innocent (though I highly doubt you are lol).! How did you get "System Lord"?
  8. Well did you see Djibouti? And they were suppose to be better than us.
  9. XX, sxb, soo dhawoow. Gymka kawaran.
  10. Taleexi;855070 wrote: War dadka yaan loo been guurin. Madaxa yaan la'iskaga ciyaarin .. goormaa raggii sidan u ba'ay .. qaar baaba transplant ka hadlaya ... Nin yahow aduunkii waa isbadalay, oo hada hadii aadan timo la'heen, Qof ku aaminaya, ama shaqo ku siinaya ma jirto. Wakhtigii ayaa isbadalay, oo dadka hada waxeey fiirayaan Qurux (as apposed to) wuxuu qofku yahay. Aniga timeeheeygii weli waan hestaa, oo xataa mar mar "baruuko" aan xirtaa nooh.
  11. Shave it off and go bald, or just wear a cap.
  12. Since you are leaving in a week and have nothing to lose, might as well get back at her for everything she's done to you. Like Apophis said, she could be "narcissistic" or just plain crazy. Sxb,i would say get back at her, that's the only thing those kinda people understand.
  13. According to Yahoo!, that thingy has touched down in Mars. I can't see the video they have it posted on the Live feed thing.
  14. burahadeer;854887 wrote: just ask urslv how you can watch the games in london or call somalia with cell phone that can fit in your pocket:D yes it's real. actually was reading otha day & is landing sometime around 2am monday . +100
  15. Che -Guevara;854765 wrote: ^Yes but he's not terrorist-just disturbed man. LoL. LoL
  16. "Nin Noolow...." Maah Maahdii maxeey aheed....
  17. The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is now doing drive by's and filming it. It's lil disturbing, but this is what's happening there.
  18. HaIkee? USA 25 China 23 Japan 13 Aaway Somalia....or Afrika....or Arabia?
  19. Alpha Blondy;853676 wrote: walahi its ramadan and i'm fasting i don't have any scripts. please stop this character assassination brother NGONGE. NGONGE iyo Showqi waa HATERS. Qofka keIiya oo kuu hiiIaya waa aniga.