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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. MySideofTown;858096 wrote: Sadly this story doesn´t surprise me. Many Somali parents will go to great lengths to assert their power over their offspring. They don´t know how to communicate, only how to bark out orders and commands and use very abuse language. I´ve heard with my own ears the verbal abuse many Somali girls recieve from their parents, but when the child stops responding to the abuse and finds other interests that are foreign to the mother, they think the child is crazy and in need of dhaqan celis. I ask myself many times why some Somali parents even decide to become parents since they don´t know the first thing about raising children. LoL you sound very upset. What happened, did Hooyo/Aabe tell you to follow their rules if you are going to live in their house? Yea, i can see how that's an abuse.
  2. LoL this sounds like something only Hollywood could come up with, with escaping and shit like that. Or maybe she's lying. Either way, real nice story.
  3. NGONGE;857184 wrote: They're all brave and full of hot air but there is not one reasonable person amongst them. Heh! The place was full of women and children and no reasonable man should start an argument where there are women and children (no matter the provocation or reasons). Had someone thrown a punch or the guy threatening to mace people carried his threat through, what would have become to those kids and women who would have been caught in the middle? Standing up for your rights (dollar parking you useless peasents?) is all well and good but, before that, one needs to show signs of being a responsible and reasonable adult. Nothing in that disturbing video shows any of these ****** to be any of this. +1
  4. Aniga waxaan oron la'haa.....Maxemed has potentials. He could come to the USA and train here, the US has a very good "track and field" program. After all, this is where Mo.Farax trained (State of Oregon) for his Olympics. And in few months, he could represent us in Rio. And as for ZamZam, well, Aniga ha ilee keeno, anigaa taba barayo.
  5. Dhurwaaga in lacuno wuu ubaahan yahay, sababtoo ah, dad badan (ama bahalo kale) ayuu cunay. Marka ha arko dhibaatada uu dadka cuno uu lahey. Waa fikradeyda.
  6. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;856935 wrote: Kaas waardiyaha caloosha kuusan oo ismooday askari balaayo ah, waliba booto iyo hanjabaad la socoto. Ar muxuu kibir badanyahay. Soomaalideena waa isku naqaan hal qof in uu hadlo iskuma ogalin. Meel walba toban qof Soomaali iskugu imaato ayaaba saas ah, walaa banooni la ciyaaraayo walaa meel fadhi ku dirir walaa meelahaan camal -- buuq iyo toban iska daba hadasho. Hal qof si macquul ah u hadlo looma deynaayo in uu qofkaas kaligiis u hadlo. Runtaa, what else do you expect from "Flight 13" kids?......Waxba. Ha iska mudaaharaan, waa iska caadi. If that chick was any smart, she would've sue them....y'know, see lacag ugu hesho.
  7. Few things stood out on that video for me....... 1. The Rent a Cop at the begining of the video, should've been bunched in his face for threatening to mace people. 2. Second, if what led to this riot was mudaharad ka dhacay suuqa karamel markii garbay somaliyed loo diiday in aay dhigato parkingka xaga kore markey ka soo weysey parking xaga hoose ayaa wardiyaha si xun oo xishmadarah ugu qeyliyey asagoo...than that's just crazy. Next i time i get disrespected, maybe i'll have people rioting for me also. Smh. 3. If you look at the video you'll see most people there are just bunch Ciyaals that probably have no idea what they are rioting about, but just saw an opportunity to do something.
  8. OdaySomali;856606 wrote: Learn to let people win. Also learn to sometimes let people think they have won. Waa Runtaa.
  9. 5;856273 wrote: I would have liked to have given you pos rep Chimera 'cuz you're right, but I can't. I did get a meeting with a publishing house in Jan, if that helps. It went horribly - if anyone cares to know. I gave a terrible pitch in which I tried to sound very smart and prepared. It was cringeworthy. They gave me two copies of their best-selling books by the end of the meeting, and I hid my face behind the books until I was safely outside. They did ask me to send a chapter in though. I'm still recovering. I am just curious, what kinda book did you write? Was it's in Somali/Englisch? Could you post post/share with us parts of it.
  10. Maxaa kudhacay....Kaa Dhoofi maayee...?
  11. Google Translate for anyone interested..... TL;DR Somalia's famine and farewell! discovery of oil wealth in the «Puntland» raises hopes for Somalia's Oil Can finish or aggravated by famine? (Tony Karumba AFP) can now breathe a sigh of relief Somalis, or at least good optimism, has begun serious efforts to extract oil from their country, at the proceeds back to their own interest, not to foreign companies, funds and accounts of their rulers only. Oil is already in Somalia, which will be extracted from the territory of the «Puntland» North, first before expanding to the south. Within 90 days, you may begin Somalia produced 300 million barrels of «black oil». Good news because it may lead to end the tragedy of famine and civil war, death of thirst, but it also raises concerns that exacerbate the problems rather than resolve them, if it is the presence of oil in Somalia material give rise to Western interests and the worsening civil conflict Ali Abdi Houco Mogadishu | Company announced «Horn Petroleum» Canadian start the process of drilling oil wells in the areas of the Government of the territory of «Puntland» Somali, therefore, the company is currently preparing to drill the well «Chappelle 1» (Tiger I) a depth of 3,800 meters, after the completion of a pilot hole reached a depth of up to 50 meters. The company uses in the drilling of wells of oil a «Saxon 501», which will result in a distinct role in completing the dream of Somalia in a maximum period of 90 days in the Valley area «Toror» from the territory of «East». After the success of the process, the device will switch to drill two wells two more in the valley « Nugal »Province of« Nugal ». Did not dig in Somalia oil wells in 20 years, she lived the country in which a major crisis led to the overthrow the central government in 1991, and prevented foreign companies which extract oil and minerals for reasons related to the conditions of companies about the oil contracts. and the well is located «Chappelle 1» and several wells nearby, in the «Toror» North. And works well in the Jurassic age rift system, which is part of the same system that extracted from oil in the pelvic «tear» and «Shibuya» in Yemen, who has about 6 billion barrels of oil. It is estimated that there are in a well «Chappelle 1» more than 300 million barrels of recoverable oil, note that the presence of rocks, Jurassic rich in depth of the well, reduce the estimates of oil in Villa, since studies indicate that the sandstone found in the Somali territory and reservoirs of carbonate and regulations of the lower layers Jurassic and Cretaceous, similar to those found in Yemen. The head of the Executive Board of the company «Horn Petroleum», David Gralman, the start of drilling operations in the valley «Toror» would be a major milestone in assessing the potential presence of oil in the north of Somalia. He said «We have a very strong support from the Regional Government of Puntland and the local community, all of whom are keen to see the resumption of development in their areas after long periods of internal conflict». He pointed out that these wells are the first to be drilled in the deeper areas in the basins of the rift, and will have a major role in the bombing of potential hydrocarbons that have not explored. in turn, drew social activist in the city «Gerowi», the capital of the authorities «Puntland», flower Isaac , that the extraction of oil in areas north east of the country would be a blessing and well-being for the benefit of all the people of the Somali people. Remember, Isaac, that the seven tribes united after extracting the oil, and resolved all outstanding issues between them, «so we want to take a in this direction to unite again». signed a Regional Government «Puntland» Somali, with the company «Horn Petroleum» Canadian companies collaborating , a deal awarded by the share of 51 percent of production in exchange for the process of exploration, despite opposition from some MPs of the transitional parliament of Somalia to the Convention because it gives a greater proportion of the companies, while insisting Other MPs to stop the process of exploration until the return of stability to all parts of the country. and Dar political dispute and constitutional between Somalia's transitional government and regional government «Puntland» in 2006, after the conclusion of the last decades a secret with the companies did not agree the central government by, knowing that the oil law Somali states that the right of each regional government recognized by the central government in Mogadishu, extract oil and minerals, so subject to the approval of the Somali parliament on contracts, and the division of the crop into two parts, a section for the central authority, and another section of the Regional Authority. The President of the Regional Government «Puntland», Abdel-Rahman Mohammed Mahmoud Frola, the Somali Prime Minister Abdul Wali Muhammad, and formally agreed to begin the process of oil exploration in the «Puntland», and signed in order that a memorandum two weeks ago in the city «Bosasso» East Province. He pointed out that the future of Somalia appears on the horizon breakthrough features of the crisis of famine and infectious diseases and civil wars. He said Frola, during the opening of exploration project, said that «the benefits of the oil fields in Puntland will not be limited to its inhabitants, but it will ensure development and prosperity of each country, and will not be a cause of conflict economic between the provinces and tribes Somali». In this context, I expected the Ministry of Oil and Energy, Mines and Water Government «Puntland» to see the region in the next few months, the discovery of more new oil fields. The ministry revealed the efforts being made ​​to expand into oil exploration, as well as building factories to increase the refinery's oil production capacity. Indeed, began drilling operations after the signing of an agreement with the «Horn Petroleum» Canadian, after a geological survey and geophysical in different areas of the regions of the country's northeast. The Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Energy and Water of the Somali transitional government Abdelkader Tempel, Aftmon to the central government will receive half crop oil per province, autonomous, and under what stipulated in the oil law, which agreed with him the interim parliament was in 2007. and willing to engage in the extraction of oil in the north, officer confirmed Somali high-level, on condition of anonymity, that the military forces and intelligence belonging to the regional authorities «Puntland», has taken adequate security measures to tighten control on all ports for the wild areas of the valley «Toror» and «Nugal» repel any terrorist attacks or tribal potential. Http://
  12. Anyways, this is him when he got arrested.....jail does make you lil older. Top left btw.
  13. Abwaan;855700 wrote: Huh...The photo above and 19...? Nin-Yaaban, isku-duwaha arrimaha xabsiyada ee SOL , waa su'aale ma intii uu xabsi galayey baa da'diisa laga reebay ninkaan? Libaax ayaan waxaan oronayaa, sxbow, magaceeyga hoostiisa "Title" kaas ku soo qor. Blackflash;855702 wrote: I keep thinking I've stumbled on to Stormfront whenever I see this thread. Can someone care to explain why this thread even exists? There isn't any deep dialogue pertaining to the elimination of this nonsense. Well that's like asking why the "Politics" section of SoL and all the Qashin stuff that's posted there exists.
  14. 4 men arrested on federal kidnapping charges (Video) Roanoke, VA. Call it role reversal. Four men, who federal agents say planned to hold two women for ransom, are locked up tight in the Roanoke City Jail. Mohammed Guhad , age 19, is a Somali citizen and Patrick Henry High School student. Joshua Kasongo, age 19, a Roanoke County firefighter is originally from Rwanda. Luke Elbino, age 19, is a citizen of Sudan and enrolled at Virginia Western. Anthony Muse, age 18, is from Roanoke and is also a student at PH. Mohammed Guhad, 19
  15. I agree with Tallaabo on this one, if you were any smart sxb, you would have at least mixed things up a little on your posts. It's called tact. Now, this Abdiweli guy is probably one of the best/smartest guys running for "MADAXWEYNE" but that's not really going to matter if people perceive you as being Qabiileste. You could even be doing more to harm him. Your reputation here really proceeds you. Not that SoL reputation matters...but believe me, it at least helps those of us sitting on the sidelines about Somalia.
  16. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;855502 wrote: Yaabanoow, taas in uu ku qaldanyahay muran kama taagno. Xataa inay kibir ka tahay waa laga yaabaa, laakiin askarigaas waa arkeysaa in uu gardaro gaadaaye oo wax yar ku gaadaaye. And he did it, just to humiliate him. Was that necessary? Maya iyo maya waliba. Runtaa, laakinse sxb, kan kale asagana ma dhaamo. Sababtoo ah, mawuxuu sugi waayey, labada daqiiqo uu askariga TICKET u qorayo? Wixiisa waxaaa waaye camal nooh, "aniga lacag ayaan leeyahay, ilama taaban karo". That's what i think.
  17. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;855497 wrote: Runtii waxaaba soo wada waday waa iiga hormartay. The only 'douchebag' aan arko waa askarigaas gardaro gaad ahaa. Baabuurka sida uu iskugu dhigaayo la yaabay, deliberately wishing in cagihiisa la marsiiyo. And when that didn't materialize, he still did what he wanted to do -- assault that poor hapless guy. Gaariga uu wiilka yar wato uu ka maseersanaa filaa, oo wax yar qalad ku gaad ahaa. That is why askarta badankooda qashin ka buuxo oo dadka inay duliyaan kaliya u galay shaqadaas, particularly the American ones. Even though I had never dealt with an askari in my life, I know they are miserable creatures kibir badan ka buuxo, isna moodo inay awoodo shaqsiyadeed gacantooda ku jirto and do whatever they want with you. MMA, waxaan dhan ma dhici laheen, hadii uusan meel khalad ah uunan gaariga dhigan laheen. Dadka lacagta leh markasta waxxeey is moodaan ineey dadka kale ka fiican yihiin, eey sharciga ka koreeyaan. Markastoo aan arko qof taajir ah, that's put in his place...waan farxaa.