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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Ah! A Darwin award waiting to happen.
  2. Carafaat;869522 wrote: Nin Yaaban, ma ti cadaanka eheed? war ha furin, kolay faido ayaa ku qabtaa. Maya nin yahow, taas waan kala tagnay, midkale ayaa wada soconaa hada.
  3. Heesta BTJX caadi marnaba ma'ahan.
  4. Taleexi;869517 wrote: Oo raaliya ah. Tolow maxay yaradka u qaataan, ma shirimbiga!.... haddaan labo indho yar yar arko waa kula soo socodsiinaya ka dib markaan ka xusho Waad mahad santahay. Midaan ayaan hada sii furayaa.
  5. Taleexi;869492 wrote: War weird ma ahee waa waayo waayo .. Fasaxayga iigu horeeya Shiinaha baan aadayaa LoL. Rageedi. Dee gabar yaroo "indho yarna" waa sugeynaa.
  6. Nin Yahow, hadaba maxaad dhaqan fiican u aragtaa? Aniga koley, Buraanbur, dhaqan fiican marnaba uma arko.
  7. Niikadu Somalia ayeey ka mid tahay....Oba ha dhageesanina.
  8. Apophis;869499 wrote: ^^ You may yet get your wish... Protesters try to storm German, British embassies in Sudan (Reuters) - Sudan's police fired teargas on Friday to stop about 5,000 demonstrators storming the German and British embassies to protest against an anti-Islam film, a Reuters witness said. Protesters hurled stones at the two embassies which are next to each other in Khartoum and tried storming the main gates, a witness said. Source Wrong embassies. UK/German had nothing to do with this video. They need to concentrate.
  9. Bluelicious;869482 wrote: Nothing good ever comes out of hate and violence it only creates more hate and violence. Every 9/11 it's the same drama Muslims get provoked and they react by killing so more hate and violence is created. People are not learning from their mistakes and therefore history keeps repeating itself. Too bad they haven't killed many more GAALO Qashin. Would've made my day Walahi.
  10. Cadaanka aniga waxaan kajeclahay, noocyada kale. Cagaarka, Guduudka, iwm.
  11. wyre;869377 wrote: +1 this lazy girl anigaba uma bogin Yaa yiri waa gabar?
  12. LoL, just watched it again. Nope, still not clicking.
  13. Che -Guevara;869326 wrote: It's subject matter that interests me. LoL y'know it's gonna be a bad movie when u can't even tell what the "subject matter" is from watching the trailer. LoL I had no idea what it was trying to tell us. I'd wait for it until it comes out on DVD.
  14. Che -Guevara;869322 wrote: I haven't been to Shaneemo in longtime but this one maybe worth the trip. I would tell you not to waste ur time. That trailer doesn't even look that good. Just wait until it get's released on RedBox.
  15. Waa buuxaan, oo Xaskeeygii hore (ex wife) ayaa kamid ah.
  16. Personally, i could care less. It doesn't affect me one way or the other.
  17. LoL Diyaaradaha qarkood waxaad moodaa ineey cabsanyihiin. Gees gees ee uduulayan. LoL
  18. Nin-Yaaban


    ngonge;868468 wrote: “kabta rog” he said “anigu waan rogi laha” “dee waa tan ku hor taala, maad rogtid” “adiga o dhaw” “ma ka ag dhaqaaqa?” “dhib jeclid ninyaho! Wakhtigay kaa qaadan laheed inaad ka ag dhaqaaqdid ayaa ka badan kan aad ku rogi laheed” “hada ma kab baan manta o dhan ku murmayna?” +1000.
  19. I thought she was Swedish, so what's up with the English accent? Well anyways, Qofta caadi marnaba ma'ahan. Goormeey 18yrs old noqon doontaa?
  20. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;867711 wrote: Can I, as a proud sadex-luggooti jaamac, join this? Maya.
  21. Waan usoo duceynayaa inuu Rabi kucaawiyo wax walbuu suubinayo.
  22. rudy-Diiriye;867688 wrote: & who is this fat0boy!! looks like he needs the lap-band to reduce that big'ole gut. Its probably from drinking 2 much Beer!! Its tale-tale sign of Beer drinkers. LoooL. Istaqfurulah. That's your new president sxb, show some respect. Walahi, before today, i never even heard of him. O'well.....
  23. AUN. I hope they catch who did this.
  24. Apophis;867620 wrote: WTF? When did this happen in London, and how come I never heard about it? You Iive in London now? There are more pictures on the daily mail site.