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Everything posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Wadani;876312 wrote: ok cool, but next time dont tell me to move to Somalia/land if i wanna express myself, kapiish? lol. Fair enuff, Adigana gabdhaha fiic fiican oo geesiyiinta ah waxba haka sheegin.
  2. Wadani;876301 wrote: Ok so let's follow your train of thought then. My justification for living in Canada: There was a civil war in my country so my family came here seeking a better life. In general we are treated well by the 'gaalos' and we in turn treat them well. Muna's justification for joining the U.S. army: 9/11 happened, and I was so ashamed of being a Muslim i had to find a way of proving to American Islamophobes that I wasn't a terrorist. What better way than joining the Army, and going overseas to kill my fellow co-religionists in afghanistan. I am now a true American accepted among my peers; I know this cuz they've given me the honorary privilege of peeing within eyeshot. And where did you read that? She didn't say anything about killing Muslims or being ashamed of her faith. But if you read, she say's The decision to become a medic was a simpler one: “I wanted to help people.”
  3. Wadani;876307 wrote: The difference is this my brother.....choice!!! I did not choose for my taxes to be used in such ways. That's dictated by the Gov. As for Muna she chose to join the army. See the difference??? Umm, yea i see the difference. But you also do have a choice to not work....or even better yet, go back to our ur tax money wouldn't be used to kill Muslims. But of course, we all do know that wont happen, just as much as Muna wont stop doing what she's doing.
  4. Wadani;876298 wrote: Mida kale, wat do u mean by 'being sustained by gaalos'? I work a decent job and pay taxes, so in fact i'm the one helping to sustain the canadian government, not the other way around buddy. So what's the difference? That tax money you so proudly pay is being used to occupy/kill those poor people. There is enuff blame to go around if you wanna go that route. And besides, how much of a Wadani are you, if you are sustaining Gaalos (your word) and not doing the same for your country?
  5. Sorry...computerkii ayaa iga yara xanaaqay.
  6. . Wadani;876293 wrote: Nin-yaaban ileen waxaad tahay simpleton. How can you draw a moral equivalence between living amongst gaalos, and joining an occupying force that kills and maims innocent civilians? That makes absolutely no sense wat so ever. LoL if you could justify living among gaalos atheists (atheists are worse than Gaalo), than i am sure Muna could justify for serving in the military. And besides, she's not in a combat role, she is a medic.
  7. Wadani;876282 wrote: This self-hating piece of trash joins an oppressive occupying force that terrorizes afghan civilians daily to prove that she isn't a terrorist to American bigots , all the while paradoxically claiming to be a devout Muslim. The irony is almost too much to bear. LoL soo adiguba kuma dhexnoolid Wadan aan dadka badankoodba aan Diin laheen, ilahayna aaminsaneen? Oo maxaad qoftaan iska shaqeesaneyso, karabtaa? P.S. Aniga waxaan oron la'haa qoftaan bilad hala siiyo, Secretary of Defense na Somalia halooga dhigo. Waa fikradeyda.
  8. Wadani;876252 wrote: I've truly lost respect for a couple of you who I used to hold in high esteem. I can't believe any of you would condone this. Wallahi its mind boggling. Wadani what do you mean?
  9. WaIIe niman badan beey karagabadan tahay.
  10. Waaba iga geesi sintihiin, hadii aaba Xamar/Yemen diyaaradahaasoo kale ku tagteen.
  11. Apophis;875364 wrote: WTF do u mean Fufu? Kenya has saved the Jubbas and it should be recognised. I guess it would've been too hard to call 'em Kenyan troops. I say let 'em enjoy their lil Shah in Kismaayo.
  12. Narniah, the nice folks of SoL are known for thread hijacking. So get use to it.
  13. Che -Guevara;875199 wrote: ^Today has passed..... LoL
  14. oba hiloowlow;875098 wrote: NY ADHD as in Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder Really?
  15. Narniah;874844 wrote: Do you people know how to stick to a topic at all?:rolleyes: I think mods should delete off topic posts and members who keep going off topic should be warned. I don't like people who always ruin every thread by making off topic posts in peoples threads. Stop it, it's annoying. If you want to talk about airplanes when the topic is about your favorite color, please start a thread about airplanes. Arghhh! One word, ADHD.
  16. Kheyr baan kuu rajeynayaa Alpha.
  17. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;874437 wrote: Waxaa i soo xasuusisay sheeko aan waa hore aqriye oo wargeys Soomaali leedahay lagu soo daabacay. Sheekada waxee ka hadleysaa koo urur 'community' ah u furan ayaa iskugu wacay oo martiqaaday gaalo ururo kale oo kiisa camal maamulo. Maadaama meesha dadka lagu casuumay Soomaali u badnaayeen, Afsoomaali ku qudbeynaaye, martida meesha fadhisana isla asagaa u micneynaaye. Suu qudbadii u waday uu maahmaah meesha ku habooneyn ka fakatay, maahmaahdaas oo ahayd: Gaal dil gartiisana sii . LoL. Inuu aamuso ayaa u fiicneed. Markee ka fakatay uu isogaaday ku taraaraxay ayuu haddana damcay in uu sii micneeyo iyadoo Ingiriis ah. Wuuba kusii taraaraxay, dadkii meesha fadhiyana yaxyax wada galay. Markii dambe islaan meesha fadhisay iscelin weysay ku tiri, "War hebeloow, bahasha wey kaa fakatee haku sii rafan..." Sheeko la alifay u ekeyd, nonetheless qosol iga keentay. LoL. Inuu aamuso ayaa u fiicneed.
  18. MMA ayaa wuxuu oron jiray...."Ciyaal Kuni kuni"....dadkan Videoga kujiro, waa wada ciyaal walahi.
  19. Way more accurate than some of the other "sources" thread here....
  20. BN;873960 wrote: I for one welcome this. It's nice to be able to book a flight with a reputable company that utilizes safe, modern means of transportation. I wll be booking my flight to Berbera shortly on ! There is no airport in Somalia that could accommodate such a plane. And besides, i don't think they'd send one of their best planes to a place where it could get either shot down or hijacked. If anything, it's mostly for International flights.